Dr. Alexandra Balahur
Dr. Alexandra Balahur is a Research Fellow at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), in the Text and Data Mining Unit. At the JRC, Alexandra has developed linguistic resources and computational models for sentiment and emotion analysis in a multilingual setting, which have been applied to find arguments expressed in traditional and social media on different relevant topics. Alexandra holds a PhD in Computer Science (Natural Language Processing) and her main fields of interest are emotion detection, sentiment analysis (opinion mining), information extraction and knowledge acquisition.
She is the author of a high number of scientific publications, in journals, conference and workshop proceedings. She is member of the editorial board for the Information Processing and Management journal, was invited speaker to different events in the sentiment and emotion analysis area, and a PhD Committee member at different international research institutions. Alexandra has participated in all main program and reviewer committees in the area of emotion detection and sentiment analysis and has been the main organizer of the Workshop on Computational Approaches for Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis for the past ten years. In 2017, she was Area Chair for Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining at the 55th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Conference.