Dr. Leo van Moergestel
Dr. Leo van Moergestel (1955) got his master degree in physics at the University of Utrecht. He worked for about ten years as a scientific system programmer and hardware specialist at the Free University in Amsterdam where he gave technical hardware and software support to the research on distributed systems in the group led by Prof. Andrew Tanenbaum. He continued his career at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences as a lecturer in computer science and electrical engineering. Now he is working as an associate professor at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and he is a member of the Intelligent Systems group led by Prof. John-Jules Meyer at the Utrecht University.
His PhD thesis was titled “Agent Technology in Agile Multiparallel Manufacturing and Product Support” and was supervised by Prof. John-Jules Meyer. He wrote several Dutch textbooks about computer sciences, which are used at universities in the Netherlands and Belgium. He was also involved in the translation into Dutch of several highly rated international textbooks on computer science. His research topics are: agent technology, agile manufacturing, Internet of things and natural language processing.