Prof. Dr. Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen
Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen studied psycho-linguistics (development of a language therapy for patients with mental disturbances, aphasia) and obtained her PhD in improving compliance with safe care protocols in Healthcare (e.g. MRSA, Hep. B). She am a full professor at the University of Twente in Persuasive Health Technology. She has an appointment at the University Medical Center Groningen, and University of Waterloo (Canada).She founded and she coordinates the first Center for eHealth Research and Disease Management ( Her research & tuition focusses on persuasive designs to increase trust, engagement and adherence to technologies.
She collaborates with the University of Groningen (UMCG, EurSafetyHealth-net) and with Zorginstituut Nederland (National Health Care Institute) in ePublic Health research network. In Persuasive Technology She cooperates with Prof Dr H Oinas-Kukonen , from Oulu University, Finland.
She am chief editor of the International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences and belongs to the editorial board of Medical Informatics and Decision making. She participates in the scientific board of eTelemed conferences ( and the association for health informatics (NIHI) Canada ( SheI organized the first international conference on eHealth in the Netherlands (, and annual conferences “Supporting Health by Technology”. She contributes as keynote to several international eHealth conferences and she received an award for outstanding research (IARIA, 2011).