Dr. Marcos Pita

Dr. Marcos Pita (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 1978) achieved his M. Sc. in Fundamental Chemistry in 2001. Since then he has devoted to research in nanoparticles among other nanostructures and bioelectrochemistry. He developed his early research at the Bioelectrochemistry group of the Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP) belonging to the Spanish Research Council, obtaining his PhD in 2006. He promoted to Research Associate and further on Research Assistant Professor at Clarkson University, in the group of Professor Evgeny Katz, where he focused his research in enzyme biocomputing from a bioelectrochemical point of view. He got his tenure back at ICP in 2010, where he is still researching on the bioenergy field. During his research career Dr. Pita has published more than 65 SCI articles, collecting over 1600 cites organized in an H-26 index. He is also coauthor of three invention patents.