Dr. Rui Luís Aguiar
Dr. Rui Luís Aguiar, born 1967, holds a PhD on Electrotechnical Engineering from the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. He is Associate Professor at the Telecommunications Department at the same University, responsible for advanced telecommunication subjects, mostly associated with current trends and future technologies, especially at graduate levels. He currently also holds an Adjunct Professor in Carnegie Mellon University, associated to the Institute of Networking Information. He is also responsible for the Multimedia and Networking research line inside the Aveiro pole of the Instituto de Telecomunicações, a non-profit R&D organization, where he is leading a research group centred on heterogeneous networking.
He has more than 200 papers in international and national journals and conferences, and has contributions to several standardization fora, including IEEE and IETF. He was the General Chair of ICT2006 (International Conference on Telecommunications), and Technical Co-Chair of the IEEE ISCC2007 (International Symposium on Computer Communications), and of ICSN 2005 (International Conference on Networking and Services). He has been invited as speaker in several fora, both industry and academia-oriented, including talks to ARIBE, in Japan.
Prof. Aguiar is a Senior Member of IEEE, a member of ACM and a certified Engineer in Portugal. He has acted as consultant to several companies on telecommunications strategy, and as an expert on court cases in telecommunications.