The IARIA Workgroups [WGs] are entities having formal meetings and being organized around major topics of interest to a particular IARIA community.
IARIA Workgroups are IARIA independent and virtual entities aiming to share theoretical and technology position and results.
This is via special meetings during a IARIA scheduled events, and/or special invited presentations.
A minute is posted on the WG page after every meeting.
IARIA ensures the required logistics and support WGs' needs. In particular, meeting space, especially during one of the IARIA conferences is provided.
Particular topics concerning the conferences, the conference tracks, special presentations, on-line IARIA journal topics, and other technical discussions are encouraged.
The WG Board Chair for 2008-2010 is Prof. Dr. Freimut Bodendorf, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.