Workgoup Meeting, October 14, 2009 - Sliema, Malta
17:30 - 20:30
Attendance: 67
Agenda: three tutorials were presented at NexTech 2009:
- Secure Multicast Communications
- Optimizing Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks with Machine Learning
- Open Smart Cards for Access Control, Services and Applications
as well as three keynore speeches:
- P2P Development: Do you need a lawyer?
- Grids and Clouds for e-Science Applications
- Tools and Services for Data Intensive Research
and one special demo
The meeting was captured by the discussions on Roger's and Wolfgang's keynote speeches.
(see the slides on the site, Roger, Wolfgang)
Preceding to these speeches, there were discussions on the previous Demo and visit to the La Valletta Museum.
(see special presentations: Nima)
See SEMAPRO 2009 Program
Tutorials are posted at
Keynote speeches are posted at
- The promotion of young researches and PhD candidates was again reinforced; they can play different roles, and they are encouraged of being session chairs.
- An open call to suggest regular refresh to the topics for SEMAPRO was launched
- Please have a look at SEMAPRO 2009
Suggestions are welcome at
- The procedure of invitation-only for extended versions of selected papers among those presented for on-line IARIA journals, with no additional fees, was appreciated.
- Continue with ‘Poster’ and ‘Work in Progress’ tracks
- Definitively, the technical program committee must be tuned to reflect new topics and assure a fair peer-to-peer review process.
Special topics for further consideration:
- It is the IARIA Board position that everybody should benefit the same access and service during the conference; some suggested to have partial services and reduced registration fees for students. A detailed discussion went on the structure of the registration fees, simply sharing with the audience where each penny goes.
- A particular suggestion will be implemented from the next event: Student Consortium.
- Another suggestion was to have many POPs; while feasible, the drawback is that this will split the community. A try will be prepared for the next event.
Proceeding publications:
- The option to publish in an open digital library was discussed; this will allow having all the proceedings of the co-located events on the same CD Proceedings, and full free access to any publication.
- This issue will be carried further on to the IARIA Board to careful attention.
- It was suggested that some national research Centers encourage scientist to rather publish in openly searchable digital libraries.
Next steps:
- Develop the new topics via off-line exchanges
- Extend invitations for SEMAPRO committee membership
- Attract scientists in the committee to cover the newly intended areas
Workgroup Meeting, April 23rd, 2009 - Valencia, Spain
18:15 - 20:15
Attendance: 37
Scope: Topics, Challenges, next event
The common program of the events at InfoSys 2009 is posted at
Special for LMP
One Dedicated Experts Panel
The presentations are posted at
Effectiveness of Learning Methodologies and Platforms
Elaine Lawrence, University of Technology - Sydney, Australia
Guests Panelists:
Kristen Dicerbo, Cisco Learning Institute, USA
Jan Genci, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Eugenijus Kurilovas, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania
Luvai Motiwalla, University of Massachusetts - Lowell, USA
Tomeu Serra, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
Harry Wang, Box Hill Tafe Institute - Melbourne, Australia
The discussion had two flavors:
- Learning challenges
- How to reorganize the topics for the next event
The submissions were reasonably in term of number and quality, considering this is the first event in series.
From the panel, “motivation” appeared to be the core challenge in education process.
The Call for Papers for LMPCNA 2010 is posted at
Most probably there will be some updates, based on the suggestions already received.
The procedure of invitation-only for extended versions of selected papers among those presented for on-line IARIA journals, with no additional fees, was appreciated.
- It was question of expanding the LMP over multipme vendors, user, and make it Cisco-agnostic.
- Kristen DiCerbo, Elaine Lawrence, Luwai Motiwalla, Jerzy Prekurat, Iain Murray, harry Wang, and others offered to contribute in expanding the scope and the team.
- Any other input is appreciated.
Suggestions are welcome to
Next steps:
- Develop the new topics via off-line exchanges
- Extend invitations for Advisory Board
- Extend invitations to committee membership
LMP 2010
Workgroup Meeting, February 5th, 2009 - Cancun, Mexico
17:30 - 19:00
Attendance: 18
- Most of the suggestions were off-line, from Clauss Atzenbeck, Michale Hitson, Sabine Bruaux, Elaine Lawrence, and Lasse Berntze.
- It appears that the two areas are emerging now, and, with the use of web services, social networks, semantics, ontology, there is a need to tune the topics accordingly.
Suggestions are welcome to
Next steps:
- Extend and enforce dissemination of the CfP, especially to the groups working on the topics mentioned above
- Extend invitations to committee membership
eKNOW 2010 and eL&mL 2010:
- Announce the new topics with the CfP for eKNOW 2010 and eL&mL 2010
- Location: yet to be defined, most probably in Caribbean area, February-March 2010
- Under Digital World 2010