Workgoup Meeting, September 22, 2009 - Porto, Portugal
19:15 - 20:45
Attendance: 37
One presentation was scheduled :
- Sensitivity analysis as an ingredient of modelling
Agenda: a tutorial was presented at SoftNet 2009:
- A Functional Approach to Semantic Retrieval of Text Documents
as well as three keynore speeches:
- European Technology Platform NESSI: delivering building blocks for the creation of service based ecosystems
- Future Internet - challenges for the mobile world
- We are confused about what software engineering activities we are performing!
SIMUL 2009 Program
Tutorials are posted at
Keynote speeches are posted at
- Post-presentation, aspects on using statistics for sensitivity analysis were discussed.
- The discussion was followed with particular logistics aspects; especially, on the criteria of per paper/per attendee registration fees.
(as no public servants are used for organizing the events, just specialized contractors)
- Also, the promotion of young researches and PhD candidates was again reinforced; they can play different roles, and they are encouraged of being session chairs.
- An open call to suggest regular refresh to the topics for SIMUL was launched
- Please have a look at SIMUL 2009
Suggestions are welcome at
- The procedure of invitation-only for extended versions of selected papers among those presented for on-line IARIA journals, with no additional fees, was appreciated.
- Continue with ‘Poster’ and ‘Work in Progress’ tracks
- Definitively, the technical program committee must be tuned to reflect new topics and assure a fair peer-to-peer review process.
Special topics for further consideration:
- It is the IARIA Board position that everybody should benefit the same access and service during the conference; some suggested to have partial services and reduced registration fees for students. A detailed discussion went on the structure of the registration fees, simply sharing with the audience where each penny goes.
- A particular suggestion will be implemented from the next event: Student Consortium.
- Another suggestion was to have many POPs; while feasible, the drawback is that this will split the community. A try will be prepared for the next event.
Proceeding publications:
- The option to publish in an open digital library was discussed; this will allow having all the proceedings of the co-located events on the same CD Proceedings, and full free access to any publication.
- This issue will be carried further on to the IARIA Board to careful attention.
- It was suggested that some national research Centers encourage scientist to rather publish in openly searchable digital libraries.
Next steps:
- Develop the new topics via off-line exchanges
- Extend invitations for SIMUL committee membership
- Attract scientists in the committee to cover the newly intended areas
SIMUL 2010: