CONNET 2018 topics:
CON and CDN concepts and architectures
Content naming in CON
Content-based (adaptive) routing and forwarding
CON content delivery and dissemination
In-network caching policies in CON
CDN and P2P caching policies and solutions
CON specific protocols
Resources and traffic management in CON
CON multicast and mobility solutions
Media and real time content delivery and QoS assurance in CON
CON solutions for security
Energy-efficient CON networking
CON performance evaluation and scalability
Application Programming Interfaces
CON implementation and deployment in real networks: seamless or revolutionary
CON Publish/subscribe systems
CON in cloud environments
CON in SDN (Software Defined Networking) and virtualization frameworks
CON-CDN-P2P cooperation for content delivery
Content-based high level communication services
Content-based approach in special contexts: vehicular networks, Web Servers Clusters, Delay-tolerant networks