
Upcoming Deadline

Submission deadline extended to:

August 02, 2024


SocSys 2024 Congress
Nice, France
Nov 03 - Nov 07, 2024




Published by IARIA Press (operated by Xpert Publishing Services)

Archived in the Open Access IARIA ThinkMind Digital Library

Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal

Indexing Procedure


Submission for Indexing


All IARIA conference proceedings are freely accessible via the ThinkMind digital library.

Every author can re-post an IARIA contribution on any other websites (personal website, University/Corporation website, repositories), providing the original source is mentioned.

All materials (Open Access Conferences, Open Access Journals) have an ISSN number, as registered with the Library of Congress of the United States.

To have your work indexed by Google Scholar, you can host the articles on your academic/institution server, and then follow these instructions for the submission process. Note that quite a number of our publications have been mirrored in university repositories, and those repositories have been quite readily indexed by Google Scholar. To our surprise, a very large number of universities have these repositories to host articles written by the professors at their institution. An example of this is CentAUR: Central Archive at the University of Reading.

Another venue to have the articles in Google Scholar is to upload them to your ResearchGate profile. From there, they can be submitted to Google Scholar for indexing.

For specialized conferences, you might consider specialized repositories, e.g., HCIbib [] for ACHI series, or  etc.

For ALL indexes, anyone can submit a request for indexing to the appropriate indexing entity, as the conference programs are fully displayed with free access in the ThinkMind digital library.