Upcoming Deadline
Submission deadline extended to:
April 02, 2025
Venice, Italy
Jul 06 - Jul 10, 2025
- IARIA Congress 2025, The 2025 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications
Here are a few pointers with respect to the presentation slides to be sent to us in view of program assembly, as well as an optional video presenation. Note that your presentation slides are required regardless if your participation is on site or without attendance.
1. Presentation Slides
The presentation slides should be a PDF document. That will ensure that the content is easily accessible on all platforms and with minimal requirements. As such, there will be no embedded sound in the presentation. There are no limits to the number of slides in the presentation, but the length of the presenation should be reasonable. The first three slides should be organized as follows:
The first slide of the presentation should include:
- Article title
- Article authors
- Presenter's name and affiliation
- Presenter's email address
- Logos of your institution
- IARIA Logo (which you can download from here)
The second slide of the presentation should include
- a short resume of the presenter
- presenter's photo (we realize that not everyone is comfortable with their image being accessible online, so the photo is optional)
On a third optional slide, you can describe the topics of research interest of your workgroup and current projects you are working on. This can serve as a way to connect with other teams with similar research interests.
2. Video Presentation
In addition to the presentation, you are more than welcome to make available a video presentation of your article. The recording should be hosted on Youtube, and we prefer unlisted videos.
As we finalize the program of conferences, a link to the presentation slides and to the video presentation (if available) will be inserted in the program listing. That will facilitate everyone's perusal of the conference material.
IARIA Logistics