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International Conference on Advances in Electronics and Micro-electronics

ENICS 2008

September 29 - October 4, Valencia, Spain


T1. Distributed Sensor Networks
Dr. S. S. Iyengar, Louisiana State University, USA


This tutorial covers an overview of sensor networks applications in various fields, technical details challenges & strategies and research results. Sensor networks can be viewed as a Distributed Autonomous System for Information Gathering, Performing data-intensive tasks such as Environment (habitat) monitoring, Seismic monitoring, Terrain Surveillance, etc. The tiny nodes are equipped with substantial processing capabilities, enabling them to combine and compress their original data wherein Sensing involves intelligent gathering of sensor data, processing the data, understanding and controlling the processes inherent to the system and so on. Various applications of sensor networks can be found in natural and biological systems, function unattended drives , environmental monitoring, Surveillance, Target Tracking  etc. Also, the interesting technical topics such as the difference between conventional Operating System and the one used in Sensor Nodes, Dynamic Voltage Scaling, and Characterizing Sensor Node Resources etc. will be discussed. The tutorial covers the design and development details of sensor networks. 


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