Submit a Paper

The Second International Conferences on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions

ACHI 2009

February 1-7, 2009 - Cancun, Mexico


The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference.

A diploma will be issued in the name of the authors and mailed to the contact author.


Comparing Gesture and Touch for Notification System Interactions
Maria Karam, Jason Chong Lee, Travis Rose, Francis Quek, and Scott McCrickard

Facial Expression Recognition with 3D Deformable Models
Christoph Mayer, Matthias Wimmer, Martin Eggers, and Bernd Radig

Scene-Motion Thresholds Correlate with Angular Head Motions for Immersive Virtual Environments
Jason Jerald, Frank Steinicke, and Mary Whitton

Knowledge Reuse through Categorical Breakdown Analysis: A Method for Collaborative Systems Evaluation
Will Humphries, D. Scott McCrickard, and Dennis Neale

Training and Educating Undergraduate Students in the Discipline of HCI
Cynthia Y. Lester

Nervixxx: A Video Performance System with Neural Interfaces
Satoru Tokuhisa

Deformation Planning for Robotic Soft Tissue Manipulation
Jerzy Smolen and Alexandru Patriciu

Multimodal Robot/Human Interaction in an Assistive Technology Context
Ray Jarvis

How Applicable is Your Evaluation Methods - Really? Analysis and Re-design of Evaluation Methods for Fun and Entertainment
Charlotte Wiberg, Kalle Jegers, and Heather Desurvire

Using an Error Detection Strategy for Improving Web Accessibility for Older Adults
Alfred Taylor Sr., Les Miller, Sree Nilakanta, Jeffry Sander, Saayan Mitra, Anurag Sharda, and Bachar Chama

Designing and Evaluating Interactive Television from a Usability Perspective
César A. Collazos, Cristian Rusu, José L. Arciniegas, and Silvana Roncagliolo


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