The First International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications
November 15-20, 2009 - Athens/Glyfada, Greece |
ComputationWorld 2009
Confirmed Keynote Speeches:
The Tempestuous Future of Computing - Every Cloud Engenders not a Storm
by Paul J. Geraci
Director, TSG/DoD, USA
Infrastructures and Technologies for Future Computing - Convergence of Bandwidth, Clouds, and Smart Devices
by Wolfgang Gentzsch
EU Project DEISA & Board fo Directors OGF
Services-- The Next Major Frontier for Research & Innovation
by Krishna Singh
President, Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII)
Strategic Programs Director, Service Science Research
IBM Almaden Research Center
The Intercloud: Cloud Interoperability at Internet Scale
by David Bernstein
Special Chief Technology Officer, Software Company, Huawei North America R&D
Sunday, November 15
Monday, November 16
09:00 - 9:15 |
Opening session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
The Tempestuous Future of Computing - Every Cloud Engenders not a Storm
by Paul J. Geraci
Director, TSG/DoD, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 19:00 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting on Computation
1. Expert Panel
Adaptiveness and Cognition: Towards Evolving Systems
Moderator: Petre Dini, IARIA, USA / Concordia University, Canada
Leszek Holenderski, Philips Research, The Netherlands
George Giannakopoulos, University of Trento, Italy
Serge Kernbach, University of Stuttgart, Germany
2. Open discussion: Computation topics, journals, directions
Tuesday, November 17
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Infrastructures and Technologies for Future Computing - Convergence of Bandwidth, Clouds, and Smart Devices
by Wolfgang Gentzsch
EU Project DEISA & Board fo Directors OGF |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13;45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 18:00 |
Expert Panel
Service Computing: Challenges and Achievements
Moderator: Krishna Singh, Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII)/IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Wolfgang Gentzsch, EU Project DEISA & Board of Directors OGF, EU
David Bernstein, Special Chief Technology Officer, Huawei North America R&D, USA
Freimut Bodendorf, University of Erlangen, Germany |
18:00 - 18:15 |
Short Break |
18:15 - 19:45 |
Expert Panel
Is Future Computing Driven by Content?
Moderator: Freimut Bodendorf, University of Erlangen, Germany
Hans-Werner Sehring, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH, Germany
Douglas Down, McMaster University, Canada
Paul J. Geraci, TSG/DoD, USA |
Wednesday, November 18
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Services-- The Next Major Frontier for Research & Innovation
by Krishna Singh
President, Service Research & Innovation Institute (SRII)
Strategic Programs Director, Service Science Research
IBM Almaden Research Center |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13;45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 19:00 |
IARIA Working Group on Computation
1. Expert Panel
Patterns: Capturing Preventing and Reacting Facets of the Systems Behavior
Moderator: Herwig Mannaert, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Fritz Laux, Reutlingen University, Germany
Michal Žemlicka, Charles University, Czech Republic
Harald Gjermundrod, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
2. Open discussion: Computation topics, journals, directions |
20:00 - 24:00 |
ComputationWorld 2009
Gala Dinner
Location: Taverna Litharitsia,
Gounari 42
www.litharitsia.gr |
Thursday, November 19
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
The Intercloud: Cloud Interoperability at Internet Scale
by David Bernstein
Special Chief Technology Officer, Software Company, Huawei North America R&D |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 18:00 |
In Search of Design Patterns for Evolvable Modularity
Prof. Dr. Herwig Mannaert
University of Antwerp, Belgium |
18:00 - 18:30 |
Closing session
1. Special Journal Issue on ComputationWorld
2. ComputationWorld 2010 |
Friday, November 20
8:00 - 18:00 |
One day trip
Drive to Corinth, to visit the old Corinth, the starting place of Apostle Paulus. Short Stop at Corinth Canal.
Visit the Agora, Lechaion street and the Apollo temple.
Visit the Acropolis, the symbol of Athens. Walk to Areopag (Paulus prediction place) and over Agora (ancient market place).
Afterwards, drive through Athens, over Syntagma Square, the Zeus Temple and National Garden, the University, the Academy of Science and the National Library of Athens, the King's Palace and the Olympic Stadium, where the first Olympic Games had taken place.
Lunch during Full Day Tour at Bairaktaris, the most famous and oldest Tavern in Athens city center.
Visit of the New Acropolis Museum and transfer back to the hotel.
End: 5:00pm |
ADAPTIVE 1: Self-Adaptation I
Session Chair: Qicheng Yu
Self-Adaptive OS Service Model in Relaxed Resource Distributed Reconfigurable System on Chip (RSoC)
Sufyan Samara and Gunnar Schomaker
Self-Management Capacities in Future Internet Wireless Systems
Vangelis Gazis, Apostolis Kousaridas, Costas Polychronopoulos, Tilemachos Raptis, and Nancy Alonistioti
Towards the Integration of Condition Monitoring in Self-Optimizing Function Modules
Christoph Sondermann-Wölke and Walter Sextro
Towards Energy Homeostasis in an Autonomous Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robotic Organism
Raja Humza, Oliver Scholz, Maizura Mokhtar, Jon Timmis, and Andy Tyrrell
ADAPTIVE 2: Adaptive Applications I
Session Chair: Gunnar Schomaker
Adaptability of a Deployment Decision Making System
Rico Kusber, Nermin Brgulja, and Klaus David
On Adaptive Self-Organization in Artificial Robot Organisms
Serge Kernbach, Heiko Hamann, Jürgen Stradner, Ronald Thenius, Thomas Schmickl, Karl Crailsheim, A.C. Van Rossum, Michele Sebag, Nicolas Bredeche, Yao Yao, Guy Baele, Yves Van De Peer, Jon Timmis, Maizura Mohktar, Andy Tyrrell, A.E. Eiben, S.P. McKibbin, Wenguo Liu, and Alan F.T. Winfield
PCOMs: A Component Model for Building Context-Dependent Applications
Basel Magableh and Stephen Barrett
Design of a Context Aware Multimedia Management System for Home Environments
Kevin Mets, Jelle Nelis, Dieter Verslype, Philippe Leroux, Wouter Haerick, Filip De Turck, and Chris Develder
ADAPTIVE 3: Adaptive Applications II
Session Chair: Serge Kernbach
Policy-Based Coordination of Best-Practice Oriented Autonomic Database Tuning
Gennadi Rabinovitch
Adaptivity in Entity Subscription Services
George Giannakopoulos and Themis Palpanas
SCADA/HMI Development for a Multi Stage Desalination Plant
Iman Morsi, Mohammed El Deeb, and Amr El Zwawi
An Agent-Based Adaptive Join Algorithm for Distributed Data Warehousing
Qicheng Yu, Julie A. McCann, and Fang Fang Cai
ADAPTIVE 4: Fundamentals and Design of Adaptive Systems
Session Chair: Marc Gilg
A Meta-model to Acquire Relevant Knowledge for Interactive Learning Environments Personalization
Marie Lefevre, Alain Mille, Stéphanie Jean-Daubias, and Nathalie Guin
Adaptive Data Stream Mechanism for Control and Monitoring Applications
Stian F. Abelsen, Harald Gjermundrod, David E. Bakken, and Carl H. Hauser
An Approach for Systematic Design of Emergent Self-Organization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Dalimir Orfanus, Tales Heimfarth, and Peter Janacik
Semantic and Architectural Framework for Autonomic Transport Services
Ernesto Exposito, Jorge Gomez, and Myriam Lamolle
ADAPTIVE 5: Adaptive Mechanisms
Session Chair: Habtamu Abie
Using the Notion of Structural Congruence to Support Adaptive Integration
Steinar Kristoffersen
Fast Boot User Experience Using Adaptive Storage Partitioning
Swarnava Dey and Ranjan Dasgupta
Adaptive Building Skin Systems: A Morphogenomic Framework for Developing Real-Time interactive Building Skin Systems
Nimish Biloria
A Self-Organizing Feedback Loop for Autonomic Computing
Bogdan Alexandru Caprarescu and Dana Petcu
Using Image Processing Algorithms for Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm in Sensor Networks
Marc Gilg, Yaser Yousef, and Pascal Lorenz
ADAPTIVE 6: Metrics for Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems
Session Chair: Dieter Blomme
Characterizing and Evaluating Problem Solving Self-* Systems
Elsy Kaddoum, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Jean-Pierre Georgé, and Gauthier Picard
Towards Evaluation Mechanisms for Runtime Adaptivity: From Case Studies to Metrics
Claudia Raibulet and Laura Masciadri
Robust, Secure, Self-Adaptive and Resilient Messaging Middleware for Business Critical Systems
Habtamu Abie, Reijo M. Savola, and Ilesh Dattani
Configuration Versus Programming in User Interfaces for Autonomous Devices
Martin Saerbeck and Leszek Holenderski
ADAPTIVE 7: Self Adaption II and Work in Progress
Session Chair: Claudia Raibulet
MANA : A New Multi-agent Approach for Complex Assignment Problems
Olivier Lefevre, Frédéric Armetta, Gaël Clair, and Salima Hassas
On Self-Adaptive Process-Based Dependable Web Service Composition
Sita Ramakrishnan
Towards Self-Adaptation of Robot Organisms with a High Developmental Plasticity
Serge Kernbach, Paul Levi, Eugen Meister, Florian Schlachter, and Olga Kernbach
Locomotion through Karman Street Using Adaptive Oscillator
Cecilia Tapia, Thierry Hoinville, and Ryad Chellali
A Two Layer Approach for Ubiquitous Web Application Development
Dieter Blomme, Nico Goeminne, Frank Gielen, and Filip De Turck
PATTERNS 1: Basics on Patterns
Session Chair: Teemu Kanstren
Approach to a Transactional Memory Design Pattern
Heiko Sturzrehm, Pascal Felber, and Christof Fetzer
The Anatomy of HCI Design Patterns
Christian Kruschitz and Martin Hitz
A Problem-Oriented Theory of Pattern-Oriented Analysis and Design
Jerry Overton, Jon G. Hall, and Lucia Rapanotti
Joining Forces: A RIPPL Effect? A Constraint-Oriented Perspective on a Pervasive Pattern Language
Celina Gibbs and Yvonne Coady
PATTERNS 2: Patterns at Work
Session Chair: Rico Kusber
Non-digitizing Data Restoration with Using Indirect Data Processing
Tatiana M. Gelfeld and Miriam Reiner
Process Matching: A Structural Approach for Business Process Search
Jian Zhu and Hung Keng Pung
Behaviour Pattern-Based Model Generation for Model-Based Testing
Teemu Kanstrén
Introducing a Comprehensive Quality Criteria Framework for Validating Patterns
Daniela Wurhofer, Marianna Obrist, Elke Beck, and Manfred Tscheligi
PATTERNS 3: Software and System Management Patterns
Session Chair: Michal Žemlicka
Patterns in the Field of Software Engineering
Fuensanta Medina-Dominguez, Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Arturo Mora-Soto, and Antonio Amescua
SQL Access Patterns for Optimistic Concurrency Control
Fritz Laux and Martti Laiho
Integrating an Event Pattern Mechanism in a Status Dissemination Middleware
Harald Gjermundrod, David E. Bakken, and Carl H. Hauser
OCM - An Optimized Model to Eliminate Invalid Data in Complex Event Processing
Yinan Ren, Biao Han, Yuanqiang Huang, You Meng, Yongjian Wang, Zhongzhi Luan, and Depei Qian
PATTERNS 4: Antipatterns, Security and Ubiquitous Patterns
Session Chair: Fritz Laux
Popular SOA Antipatterns
Jaroslav Král and Michal Žemlicka
Design Patterns in Ambient Intelligence
Tomáš Chlouba
Malware Detection Using Perceptrons and Support Vector Machines
Dragos Gavrilut, Mihai Cimpoesu, Dan Anton, and Liviu Ciortuz
Session Chair: Philip Hoyer
Intruder Detection System Architecture for an SOA-Based C4I2SR System
Jorma Jormakka and Jan Lucenius
Mainframe Application Modernization Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
Arne Koschel, Carsten Kleiner, and Irina Astrova
Test-the-REST: An Approach to Testing RESTful Web-Services
Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti and Prashant Kumar
Accelerating Service Oriented Architecture Implementation by Using Hybrid Data Model
Ali Beklen and Turgay Tugay Bilgin
Session Chair: Fanxin Deng
Possibilities for Improving Dependability of C4I2SR Systems Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
Jorma Jormakka and Jan Lucenius
Enhancing Service Network Analysis and Service Selection Using Requirements-Based Service Discovery
Konstantinos Zachos, Christos Nikolaou, Pantelis Petridis, George Stratakis, Manolis Voskakis, and Eyaggelos Papathanasiou
A Decentralized Framework for Executing Composite Services Based on BPMN
Yipeng Ji, Hailong Sun, Xudong Liu, Jin Zeng, and Shangda Bai
WSSM: A WordNet-Based Web Services Similarity Mining Mechanism
Xianyang Qu, Hailong Sun, Xiang Li, Xudong Liu, and Wei Lin
A Service Lifecycle and Information Model for Service-Oriented Architectures
Rainer Weinreich, Andreas Wiesauer, and Thomas Kriechbaum
Session Chair: Andreas Wiesauer
A Model-Driven Development Approach for Service-Oriented Integration Scenarios
Philip Hoyer, Michael Gebhart, Ingo Pansa, Stefan Link, Aleksander Dikanski, and Sebastian Abeck
BPIDE: A Business Process IDE Supporting Multi-role Collaboration
Fanxin Deng, Hailong Sun, and Xiang Li
LarKC Plug-In Annotation Language
Dumitru Roman, Barry Bishop, Ioan Toma, Georgina Gallizo, and Blaž Fortuna
An Enhanced Framework for Web Recommenders
Oana Dini, Pascal Lorenz, and Hervé Guyennet
SERVICE COMPUTATION 4: Ubiquitous and Pervasive Services
Session Chair: Natalia Kryvinska
A Distributed and Monitoring-Based Mechanism for Discouraging Free Riding in P2P Network
Tian Junfeng, Yang Lidan, Li Juan, and Liu Zhongyu
A Framework for Dynamic Car and Taxi Pools with the Use of Positioning Systems
Petros Lalos, Andreas Korres, Christos K. Datsikas, George S. Tombras, and Kostas Peppas
Streaming Management Platform for Distributed Camera Systems
Takeshi Tsuchiya, Hiroaki Sawano, Hirokazu Yoshinaga, and Keiichi Koyanagi
Framework for Ubiquitous Discovery and Access to Home Services
Dieter Verslype, Jelle Nelis, Tom Vershueren, Wouter Haerick, Filip De Turck, and Chris Develder
Large Data Transport for Real-Time Services in Sensor Networks
Hyeon Park, Young-Hwan Ham, Sang-Joon Park, Jung-Man Woo, and Jung-Bok Lee
SERVICE COMPUTATION 5: Society and Business Services
Session Chair: Takeshi Tsuchiya
Barriers for Co-creating and Innovating in a Netgora Environment
Helena Suvinen
Analysis of Energy Efficiency in Clouds
Hady S. Abdelsalam, Kurt Maly, Ravi Mukkamala, Mohammad Zubair, and David Kaminsky
LEC: Log Event Correlation Architecture Based on Continuous Query
Nabil Hammoud
The IT-Socket: Model-Based Business and IT Alignment
Robert Woitsch, Wilfrid Utz, and Dimitris Karagiannis
Telephone Interface for the Email Service
Nuno Baptista, Rui Prior, and Manuel E. Correia
COGNITIVE 1: Artificial Intelligence and Cognition
Session Chair: Zekeriya Uykan
Incorporating Novel Path Planning Method into Cognitive Vision System for Safe Human-Robot Interaction
Jürgen Graf, Stephan Puls, and Heinz Wörn
Identification and Characteristic Descriptions of Procedural Chunks
Jana Krivec, Matej Guid, and Ivan Bratko
Bridging Ontological Vision and Service-Oriented Approach for Development of Cognitive Information Systems
Anastasiya Yurchyshyna and Michel Léonard
Depth Perception within Virtual Environments: A Comparative Study Between Wide Screen Stereoscopic Displays and Head Mounted Devices
Abdeldjallil Naceri, Ryad Chellali, Fabien Dionnet, and Simone Toma
COGNITIVE 2: Agent-Based Adaptive Systems
Session Chair: Anastasiya Yurchyshyna
Towards Fault-Tolerant Robust Self-Organizing Multi-agent Systems in Intersections without Traffic Lights
Yaser Chaaban, Jörg Hähner, and Christian Müller-Schloer
A Probabilistic Model for Propagating Document Topic Representation in Distributed Mobile Environments
Zsolt Berényi and István Vajk
Role-Based Autonomous Multi-robot Exploration
Julian de Hoog, Stephen Cameron, and Arnoud Visser
Agent Influence and Nested Other-Agent Behaviour
Robert Logie, Jon G. Hall, and Kevin G. Waugh
COGNITIVE 3: Autonomous Systems and Autonomy-OrientedComputing & Work in Progress
Session Chair: Zsolt Berenyi
On the “SIR”s (“Signal”-to-“Interference”-Ratio) in Discrete-Time Autonomous Linear Networks
Zekeriya Uykan
Technological Enablers for Self-Manageable Future Internet Elements
Tilemachos Raptis, Costas Polychronopoulos, Apostolis Kousaridas, Panagiotis Spapis, Vangelis Gazis, Nancy Alonistioti, and Ioannis Chochliouros
Characterizing Digital Cognitive and Knowledge Strata for Knowledge Management in a Collaborative Learning environment
Charles Robert, Yueh-Hui Kao, and Alain Lepage
Towards a LIGHT Implementation of Fluid Construction Grammars
Liviu Ciortuz and Stefan Panþiru
FUTURE COMPUTING 1: Computational Intelligence Strategies
Session Chair: Junva Nakata
Seed Throwing Optimization: A Probabilistic Technique for Multimodal Function Optimization
Oliver Weede, Alexander Kettler, and Heinz Wörn
Information Extraction for Counter-Terrorism: A Survey
Norshuhani Zamin
Building Reliable Systems for Space Applications Using Swarm-Array Computing
Blesson Varghese and Gerard McKee
GPU Accelerators for Evolvable Cellular Automata
Ludek Žaloudek, Lukáš Sekanina, and Václav Šimek
FUTURE COMPUTING 2: Large Scale Computing Strategies
Session Chair: Natalia Kryvinska
Telemedicine and Virtual Specialist Hospitals
Muhammad Iftikhar and Khalid Maood
Decentralized Load Balancing for Heterogeneous Grids
Issam Al-Azzoni and Douglas D. Down
Matrix-Based Nonblocking Routing Algorithm for Beneš Networks
Amitabha Chakrabarty, Martin Collier, and Sourav Mukhopadhyay
FUTURE COMPUTING 3: Technology Oriented Computing
Session Chair: Douglas Down
WhatNOW: A System to Enable Videostream in a Mobile Network
Alexandre Martini, Sandro Mourão, and Wesley Silva
Parameter Optimization of an Active Tags Based Pedestrian Tracking System on a Distributed Emulator
Junya Nakata, Razvan Beuran, Tetsuya Kawakami, Takashi Okada, Ken-ichi Chinen, Yasuo Tan, and Yoichi Shinoda
Enhanced Routing in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
Kanwalinder jit Kaur, Xiaojiang Du, and Kendall Nygard
FUTURE COMPUTING 4: Computing Technologies
Session Chair: Paul Geraci
Two-Stage Sand-Runge-Kutta Methods Powerful for Non-linear Equations with Multiple Solutions
Chisato Suzuki
Quantum Informational Geometry for Secret Quantum Communication
Laszlo Gyongyosi and Sandor Imre
Novel Approach for Quantum Mechanical Based Autonomic Communication
Laszlo Gyongyosi, Laszlo Bacsardi, and Sandor Imre
FUTURE COMPUTING 5: Mechanism Oriented Computing & Work in Progress
Session Chair: Sita Ramakrishnan
Homelog Based Kid's Activity Awareness
Runhe Huang and Jianhua Ma
A Security System and Employees Performance Evaluation Using RFID Sensors and Fuzzy Logic
Iman Morsi, Yasser Elsherief, and Amr Elzawawi
Future Technologies: The Matter of Emergent Ethical Issues in their Development
Kutoma J. Wakunuma, Bernd C. Stahl, and Simon Rogerson
A Two-Dimensional Superscalar Processor Architecture
Sascha Uhrig, Basher Shehan, Ralf Jahr, and Theo Ungerer
Session Chair: Klaus Schmid
Spectral Analysis of Heart Murmurs in Children by Goertzel Algorithm
Božo Tomas and Željko Roncevic
Platform Implementation of 3D Anatomical Data for Visible Korean Human
Yong-Seok Choi, Yuryev Yury, Ki-Tai Kim, Pum-Mo Ryu, Sang-Tae Lee,
Won-Kyun Joo, Sang-Ho Lee, Seung-Bok Lee, and Ki-Seok Choi
Enabling Users to Create and Document 3D Content for Heritage
Karina Rodriguez-Echavarria, David Morris, and David Arnold
Session Chair: Marc Gilg
Creating Contents Based on Inter-play between the Ontologies of Content’s Key Segments and Problem Context
Kambiz Badie, Mahmood Kharrat, Maryam Tayefeh Mahmoudi,
Maryam S. Mirian, Sogol Babazadeh, and Tahereh Mirsaeed Ghazi
Learning Content Repositories and Learning Management Systems Based on Customization and Metadata
Eugenijus Kurilovas
Using Semantically Linked Content to Support Creativity in Product Innovation
Sascha El-Sharkawy, Per Pascal Grube, and Klaus Schmid
Development of Research Data Sharing System for Researchers in Science and Technology
Ki-Tai Kim, Yong-Seok Choi, Yuryev Yury, Won-Kyun Joo, and Sang-Tae Lee
Session Chair: Najeeb Elahi
Managing Dynamic Content in the Digital Society
Pratika Mishra, Anurika Vaish, and M.D. Tiwari
Crumbs and Places
Francisco Oteiza Lacalle and Jordi Rovira Simón
CIC: A Smart Web Service for WebPages Comparison
Ming Lei, Li Liu, and Jingyuan Zhang
Adaptive Content Visualization in Concept-Oriented Content Management Systems
Hans-Werner Sehring
Session Chair: Hans-Werner Sehring
A Context Centric Approach for Semantic Image Annotation and Retrieval
Najeeb Elahi, Randi Karlsen, and Sigmund Akselsen
Image Description and Matching Scheme for Identical Image Searching
Won-Keun Yang, Ayoung Cho, Dong-Sero Jeong, and Weon-Geun Oh
Investigating Facial Animation Production through Artistic Inquiry
Robin J.S. Sloan, Brian Robinson, and Malcolm Cook
Rule-Based Automatic Phonetic Transcription for the Romanian Language
Toma Stefan-Adrian and Munteanu Doru-Petru
SELFTRUST 1: Trust Models
Session Chair: Ioanna Dionysiou
Privacy Management in a Mobile Setting
Steinar Kristoffersen
Trust as Differentiator for Value-Adding Home Service Providers
Wouter Haerick, Jelle Nelis, Dieter Verslype, Chris Develder, Filip De Turck, and Bart Dhoedt
Enabling Adaptation in Trust Computations
Longo Luca, Dondio Pierpaolo, Bresciani Riccardo, Barrett Stephen, and Butterfield Andrew
SELFTRUST 2: Trust Models II & Work in Progress
Session Chair: Steinar Kristoffersen
A Trust Framework for Peer-to-Peer Interaction in Ad Hoc Networks
Javesh Boodnah and Stefan Poslad
Dynamic Domain Specific Languages for Trust Models
Paul Laird, Pierpaolo Dondio, and Stephen Barrett
An Initial Approach for Adaptive Trust in Grid Environments
Ioanna Dionysiou, Harald Gjermundrod, and David E. Bakken