The First International Conference on Evolving Internet
August 23-29, 2009 - Cannes/La Bocca, French Riviera, France |
InfoWare 2009
ICWMC 2009 // ICCGI 2009 // INTERNET 2009 / HOWAN 2009 / NEUTRAL 2009
Conferences take place at
6 Alee des Cormorans, Mandelieu
06150 Cannes La Bocca
Sunday, August 23
Monday, August 24
09:00 - 9:15 |
Opening session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Computing Infrastructures for the Global Information Age
Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch, EU Project DEISA & Board of Directors of OGF |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Keynote Speaker
Future Vision of Business Oriented Innovations in the Wireless and Mobile Communications Sector. 3G, LTE, 4G and Beyond
Dr. Reda Reda
Innovation Communication Technologies
18:30 - 19:30 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting on Mobile Communications
Open discussion: ICWMC’s topics, journals, directions
Tuesday, August 25
09:15 - 11:00 |
11:00 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15 - 13:00 |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Lunch on your own |
14:30 - 16:15 |
16:15 - 16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 - 18:15 |
18:15 - 19:15 |
IARIA Working Group Meeting on Virtualization
Open discussion: ICCGI’s topics, journals, directions |
Wednesday, August 26
09:15 - 11:00 |
11:00 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15 - 13:00 |
13:00 - 14:30 |
Lunch on your own |
14:30 - 16:15 |
16:15 - 16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 - 18:15 |
18:15 - 20:15 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting on Future Internet
Future Internet: Challenges, Perspectives, and Beyond
Prof. Dr. Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest (UPB), Romania
Expert panelists:
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bogliolo, Università di Urbino, Italy
Prof. Dr. Gyu Myoung Lee, Institut TELECOM SudParis, France
Dr. William W. Wu, IEEE Fellow / ATMco Founder, USA
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Zaborovski, Technical University/Robotics Institute - Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Open discussion: INTERNET’s topics, journals, directions |
20:30 - 24:00 |
ICWMC 2009 // ICCGI 2009 // INTERNET 2009
Gala Dinner |
Thursday, August 27
09:15 - 11:00 |
11:00 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11:15 - 13:00 |
13:00 - 13:15 |
Closing session |
Friday, August 28
8:00 - 18:00 |
One day trip
Saint Tropez City
Saint Tropez ‘by the Sea’ tour
Lunch by your own
(by boat) |
ICCGI 2009
ICCGI 1: Knowledge Data Systems I
Session Chair: Ariel Frank
Factors That Affect the Successful Implementation of a Data Warehouse
Isabel Candal-Vicente
An Efficient Index Method for Moving Objects Databases in Fixed Networks
Mei-Tzu Wang
How to Optimize the Quality of Sensor Data Streams
Anja Klein and Wolfgang Lehner
Towards the Optimized Personalized Therapy of Speech Disorders by Data Mining Techniques
Mirela Danubianu, Stefan Gheorghe Pentiuc, and Tiberiu Socaciu
ICCGI 2: Knowledge Data Systems II
Session Chair: Mei-Tzu Wang
An Architecture for a Semantic Web Management System
Alexandra Cernian, Dorin Carstoiu, Gavrila Spanoae, and Adriana Olteanu
A Similarity Measurement Framework for Requirements Engineering
Muhammad Ilyas and Josef Küng
File Storage for a Multimedia Database Server for Image Retrieval
Cosmin Stoica Spahiu, Liana Stanescu, Dumitru Dan Burdescu, and Marius Brezovan
Effective Page Recommendation Algorithms Based on Distributed Learning Automata
Rana Forsati, Afsaneh Rahbar, and Mehrdad Mahdavi
ICCGI 3: Networking Technologies & Telecommunications
Session Chair: Mirela Danubianu
University Course Scheduling Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Mohammed Aldasht, Mahmoud Alsaheb, Safa Adi, and Mohammad Abu Qopita
Information Technology Architectures for Grid Computing and Applications
Vikram Bali, Rajkumar Singh Rathore, Amit Sirohi, and Prateek Verma
IIIModes: New Efficient Dynamic Routing Algorithm for Network on Chips
Marjan Morvarid, Mahmood Fathy, Reza Berangi, and Ahmad Khademzadeh
Feedback Impact Analysis of Queueing System with Stable States
Ramutis Rindzevicius, Paulius Tervydis, Ausra Zvironiene, and Zenonas Navickas
ICCGI 4: Information Systems I
Session Chair: Luc Vouligny
A New Method for Enterprise Architecture Assessment and Decision-Making about Improvement or Redesign
Mehrshid Javanbakht, Maryam Pourkamali, and MohammadReza Feizi Derakhshi
A Framework for Building a Decision Support System for Multi-level Job Assignment
Patravadee Vongsumedh
A Proposed Quality Assurance System to Support Quality Analysts for Process and Products Verifications
Armoogum Sheeba, Armoogum Vinaye, Aubeeluck Pramode, Mehendale Kheshav, and Boodajee Ravinsen
ICCGI 5: Information Systems II
Session Chair: Sheeba Armoogum
Improving Knowledge Handling by Building Intelligent Systems Using Social Agent Modelling
Amjad Fayoumi, Hossam Faris, and Francesca Grippa
One Decade of Software Process Assessments in Automotive: A Retrospective Analysis
Fabrizio Fabbrini, Mario Fusani, and Giuseppe Lami
Design of MIDA, a Web-Based Diagnostic Application for Hydroelectric Generators
Luc Vouligny, Claude Hudon, and Duc Ngoc Nguyen
ICCGI 6: Bio-technologies I
Session Chair: Ignacio Martinez Ruiz
Non Intrusive and Extremely Early Detection of Lung Cancer Using TCPP
K. Kancherla, R. Chilkapatti, S. Mukkamala, J. Cousins, and C. Dorian
Recent Innovative Advances in Biomedical Engineering: Standard-Based Design for Ubiquitous p-Health
J. Escayola, I. Martínez, J. Trigo, J. García, M. Martínez-Espronceda, S. Led, and L. Serrano
Small Sample Biometric Recognition Based on Palmprint and Face Fusion
Audrey Poinsot, Fan Yang, and Michel Paindavoine
ICCGI 7: Bio-technologies II
Session Chair: Jose Garcia
Implementation Guidelines for an End-to-End Standard-Based Platform for Personal Health
I. Martínez, J. Escayola, J. Trigo, P. Muñoz, J. García, M. Martínez-Espronceda, and L. Serrano
Speaker Recognition Using Spectral Dimension Features
Wen-Shiung Chen and Jr-Feng Huang
Applying a Moment Approximation to a Bacterial Biofilm Individual-Based Model
Mathias J.-D., Chuffart F., Mabrouk N., and Deffuant G.
ICCGI 8: Internet & Web Technologies
Session Chair: Yi Zhuang
Small World Models in Linked Documents: Decomposition and Visualisation
Zhengxu Zhao
Using Self-Announcer Approach for Resource Availability Detection in Grid Environment
Asgarali Bouyer, Ehsan Mohebi, and Abdul Hanan Abdullah
Web-Based Application for Electric Circuit Analysis
Jirí Hospodka and Jan Bicák
Applying Formal Specifications in Web Design - A Comparative Study
I. H. M. van Coppenhagen
ICCGI 9: Security in Network, Systems, and Applications
Session Chair: Ingrid Van Coppenhagen
Information Security Risk Assessment Based on Artificial Immune Danger Theory
Yi Zhuang, Xiaorong Li, Bin Xu, and Bo Zhou
VoIP Network Forensic Patterns
Juan C. Pelaez and Eduardo B. Fernandez
BLOBOT: BLOcking BOTs at the Doorstep
Gianluca Dini and Isidoro S. La Porta
ICCGI 10: Mobile & Distance Education I
Session Chair: Ariel Frank
A Collaborative, Online, Problem-Based Simulation Platform (COMPSoft) for Medical Education
David Kaufman, Alice Ireland, and Louise Sauvé
Design and Implementation of Product Information Transmission System for Remote Collaborative Design
Hong Jia and Yanlin Lu
Vivid Educational Experience with Virtual Reality
Nikoletta Mavrogeorgi, Stefanos Koutsoutos, Angelos Yannopoulos, Theodora Varvarigou, and George Kambourakis
Revealing Software Engineering Theory-in-Use through the Observation of Software Engineering Apprentices' Course-of-Action
Vincent Ribaud and Philippe Saliou
ICCGI 11: Mobile & Distance Education II
Session Chair: Vincent Ribaud
Development of a Prompt Translation Practice System for Foreign Language Learning Assisted by ICT and the Evaluation
Ikuo Kitagaki
Middleware for the Development of Context-Aware Applications inside m-Learning: Connecting e-Learning to the Mobile World
Sergio Martin, Rosario Gil, Elio San Cristobal, Gabriel Díaz, Manuel Castro, Juan Peire, Mihail Milev, and Nevena Mileva
Ulmo: A System to Enable Mobile Applications Personalization by Binary SMS
Mauro Teófilo, Alexandre Martini, and Paolo Cruz
Enriching the E-learning Experience in the Framework of Web 2.0 Using Usability 2.0
David Gallula and Ariel J. Frank
ICCGI 12: Intelligent Techniques, Logics, and Systems
Session Chair: Ikuo Kitagaki
Dynamic Credit Scoring on Consumer Behavior Using Fuzzy Markov Model
Ke Liu, Kin Keung Lai, and Sy-Ming Guu
Multilayer Perceptron versus Gaussian Mixture for Class Probability Estimation with Discontinuous Underlying Prior Densities
Ioan Lemeni
An Autonomic Approach in Swarm-Array Computing
Blesson Varghese and Gerard T. McKee
Analysis and Interpretation of the Human Body Motion Images for a Robotic Implementation
Dorin Popescu, Marian Poboroniuc, Puiu Craciunescu, and Livia-Carmen Popescu
Session Chair: Mauro Teofilo
Improving Component Testing of Industrial Automation Software
Harald Krapfenbauer, Dominik Ertl, Alois Zoitl, and Friederich Kupzog
Towards Effective Enterprise Knowledge Management through Fuzzy Semantics
Panos Alexopoulos, Manolis Wallace, and Konstantinos Kafentzis
Testing Center of Excellence in an Enterprise Leveraging Global Delivery Model
Krishna Murthy and Manibushan Garudappan
ICWMC 2009
ICWMC 1: Protocols for Wireless & Mobility
Session Chair: Jose Brito
A Real-Time Architecture for Automated Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Yuanyuan Zeng, Cormac J. Sreenan, and Guilin Zheng
Fast Resampling and Denoising of Spread Spectrum Signal for Real-Time Wireless Location
Gaoyong Luo and David Osypiw
Performance Analysis of a Semi-fixed Mapping Scheme for VoIP Services in Wireless OFDMA Systems
Jaewoo So
Routing in Wireless Networks of Varying Connectivity
Andrew Grundy and Milena Radenkovic
Self-Stabilizing Clustering Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks
Olivier Flauzac, Bachar Salim Haggar, and Florent Nolot
Mobile Sensor Networks Self-Organization for System Utility Maximization: Work in Progress
Vladimir Marbukh and Kamran Sayrafian-Pour
ICWMC 2: Wireless Simulation and Performance I
Session Chair: Yuanyuan Zheng
Exact Analysis of PCC-OFDM Subjected to Carrier Frequency Offset over Nakagami-m Fading Channel
Muhammad Ismail Muhammad, Abdel Aziz M. Al-Bassiouni, and Salwa H. El Ramly
A Performance Evaluation of a Grid-Enabled Object-Oriented Parallel Outdoor
Ray Launching for Wireless Network Coverage Prediction Zhihua Lai, Nik Bessis, Pierre Kuonen, Guillaume de la Roche, Jie Zhang, and Gordon Clapworthy
On the Cooperation and Power Allocation Schemes for Multiple-Antenna Multiple-Relay Networks
Yasser Attar Izi and Abolfazl Falahati
Effect of User Density and Traffic Volume on Uplink Capacity of Multihop Cellular Network
Md. Faisal Murad Hossain and Aarne Mämmelä
ICWMC 3: Wireless Simulation and Performance II
Session Chair: Zhihua Lai
Enhance the Quality of Experience by Accelerating User Requests in a Multi-wireless-carrier Environment
Jenq-Shiou Leu, Chuan-Ken Lin, Mu-Sheng Lin, and Jean-Lien Chen Wu
Designing and Simulating a Sensor Network of a Virtual Intelligent Home Using TOSSIM Simulator
Mikko Asikainen, Keijo Haataja, Risto Honkanen, and Pekka Toivanen
Some Analysis of a Cross-Layer Design for a Wireless TCP Network
Lucas Dias Palhão Mendes and José Marcos Câmara Brito
Hierarchical Wireless Network Architecture for Distributed Applications
Zeashan Hameed Khan, Denis Genon Catalot, and Jean Marc Thiriet
An Analysis of the QoS in the Transmission in 802.11g Networks in the Presence of Bluetooth Interference
Leandro Cabral and Rafael Dueire Lins
ICWMC 4: Security in Wireless & Mobile Environment
Session Chair: Phyo Kyaw
An Efficient FPGA Implementation for an DECT Brute-Force Attacking Scenario
H. Gregor Molter, Kei Ogata, Erik Tews, and Ralf-Philipp Weinmann
Towards Formal Analysis of the Permission-Based Security Model for Android
Wook Shin, Shinsaku Kiyomoto, Kazuhide Fukushima, and Toshiaki Tanaka
A Study on Security Framework for Ambient Intelligent Environment (ISyRAmISF: ISyRAmI Security Framework)
Hoon Ko and Carlos Ramos
Double Guarantee for Security Localization in Wireless Sensor Network
Jingjing Gu, Songcan Chen, and Yi Zhuang
ICWMC 5: Wireless & Mobile Technologies I
Session Chair: Hoon Ko
Energy Efficient Event Detection and Dissemination Scheme for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks
Shihan Li, Depei Qian, Yi Liu, and Yuebin Bai
Survey of Target Tracking Protocols Using Wireless Sensor Network
Sania Bhatti and Jie Xu
Vector-Based Location Finding for Context-Aware Campus
Michael Batty and Phyo Kyaw
Average Collision Number Criterion for TH-UWB Code Selection
Anis Naanaa, Zouhair Ben Jemaa, and Safya Belghith
ICWMC 6: Wireless & Mobile Technologies II
Session Chair: Julian Russell
Enforcing Collaboration in MANET Routing Protocols
Giampaolo Bella, Gianpiero Costantino, and Salvatore Riccobene
Comparing the Life Time of Terrestrial Wireless Sensor Networks by Employing Hybrid FSO/RF and Only RF Access Networks
F. Nadeem, E. Leitgeb, M. S. Awan, and S. Chessa
A New Priority-Guaranteed MAC Protocol for Emerging Body Area Networks
Yan Zhang and Guido Dolmans
An Evaluation of Future Mobile Networks Backhaul Options
Terje Tjelta, Terje Jensen, Anne-Grethe Kåråsen, Geir Millstein, Cao Van Nguyen, Evi Zouganeli, Egil Aarstad, Saad Z. Asif, and Helyati Sukur
ICWMC 7: Wireless & Mobile Technologies III
Session Chair: Terje Tjelta
Antenna-Based Signal Fishing
Nicolae Crisan and Ligia Chira Cremene
Web Interface for Habitat Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network
Biljana Stojkoska and Danco Davcev
Adaptive MIMO Mode and Fast Cell Selection with Interference Avoidance in Multi-cell Environments
Seung-Wan Kim and Yong-Hwan Lee
IQRF Smart Wireless Platform for Home Automation: A Case Study
Radek Kuchta, Radimir Vrba, and Vladimir Sulc
Pulse Shaping in MIMO COFDM over Rayleigh Fading Channels
Julian Russell and Wei Xiang
ICWMC 8: Wireless Communication Basics I
Session Chair: Farukh Nadeem
Improved Power Amplifier Efficiency via Walsh Code Assignment in Synchronous CDMA Systems
T. K. Helaly, R. M. Dansereau, and M. El-Tanany
Frequency Domain Computation of the Feedback Filter of the Hybrid Decision Feedback Equalizer
Maurizio Magarini and Arnaldo Spalvieri
An Efficient Sub-optimal Subcarrier Allocation Algorithm for Multiuser OFDM System
Fan Wu and Mosa Ali Abu-Rgheff
Constellation Labeling Optimization for Iteratively Decoded Concatenated Multilayer Space-Time Error Correcting Codes
Mohamad Sayed Hassan and Karine Amis
FFT/IFFT Pair Based Digital Filtering for the Transformation of Adding Signal PAPR Reduction Techniques in Tone Reservation Techniques
Désiré Guel and Jacques Palicot
ICWMC 9: Wireless Communication Basics II
Session Chair: Gyu Myoung Lee
UMTS Dynamic Outer Interleaver Reconfiguration for Indoor Environment Using SOVA Turbo Decoder
Costas Chaikalis and Nicholas Samaras
A Semi-blind Frequency-Domain Concurrent Equalizer for OFDM Systems
Estevan M. Lopes, Fabbryccio A. C. M. Cardoso, and Dalton S. Arantes
A Figure-of-Merit for Evaluating the Overall Performance of OFDM PAPR Reduction Techniques in the Presence of High Power Amplifier
Désiré Guel and Jacques Palicot
Outage Analysis in a Cooperative System with Beamforming and Worst Relay Cancellation
Ebru S. Toker and Mehmet E. Çelebi
Neural Networks in Smart Antenna Design for Co-channel Interference (CCI) Reduction: A Review
Subhash Mishra, R. N. Yadav, and R. P. Singh
ICWMC 10: Design & Implementation
Session Chair: Linda Xiao
WiMedia UWB MAC Layer Implementation in FPGA
To Yap Tse
Transmultiplexers in Fixed-Point Techniques
Mariusz Ziółko and Roman Rumian
Design and Implementation of a Weak Signal Detecting System Based on LabWindows
Meng Zhang and Weiqing Huang
Designing and Implementing a Novel VoIP-Application for Symbian Based Devices
Oleg Oleinicov, Marko Hassinen, Keijo Haataja, and Pekka Toivanen
Host Identity Protocol Extension Supporting Simultaneous End-Host Mobility
Fabrice Hobaya, Vincent Gay, and Eric Robert
ICWMC 11: Management of Wireless & Mobile Networks
Session Chair: William Dougherty
Two-Hop Subchannel Scheduling and Power Allocation for Fairness in OFDMA Relay Networks
Lin Xiao, Tiankui Zhang, Yutao Zhu, and Laurie Cuthbert
Measurements and Evaluations for an IEEE 802.11a Based Carrier-Grade Multi-radio Wireless Mesh Network Deployment
Sebastian Robitzsch, Christian Niephaus, John Fitzpatrick, and Mathias Kretschmer
Wireless Sensor Network Infrastructure: Construction and Evaluation
Kamal Beydoun, Violeta Felea, and Hervé Guyennet
Strategic and Economic Benefits of Regionalization, Centralization, and Outsourcing of Mobile Network Operations Processes
Thomas Frisanco
ICWMC 12: Wireless & Mobility I
Session Chair: David Sanchez
HIP Based Micro-mobility Management Optimization
M. M. Muslam, H. Anthony Chan, and Neco Ventura
Modeling and Simulation of Multihop Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks
Adrian Fr. Kacsó and Roland Wismüller
RTT Positioning in WCDMA
Torbjörn Wigren and Jenni Wennervirta
User Cooperation Schemes in the Soft Handover Regions
Kamel Tourki, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Mazen O. Hasna
The Performances of Macrodiversity System in the Presence of Rayleigh and Gamma Fading
Mihajlo Stefanovic, Dragana Krstic, Ana Matovic, Marija Matovic, and Dušan Stefanovic
ICWMC 13: Wireless & Mobility II
Session Chair: Reda Reda
Towards Hierarchical Routing in Small World Wireless Networks
Juhani Latvakoski
WLAN Location Determination Using Probability Distributions with Search Area Reduction via Trilateration
David Sánchez, Miguel A. Quintana, and Juan Luis Navarro
Broadcasting with Optimized Transmission Efficiency in Wireless Networks
Yung-Liang Lai and Jehn-Ruey Jiang
Residential Area Service Platforms: Modelling Challenges for Multiple Data Traffic Patterns in Wireless Mesh Networks
Horia Stefanescu, Silviu Ciochina, and Adrian Matei
ICWMC 14: Wireless & Mobility III
Session Chair: Reda Reda
NetArgus: An SNMP Monitor & Wi-Fi Positioning, 3-tier Application Suite
George E. Violettas, Tryfon L. Theodorou, and Christos K. Georgiadis
The Performances of Generalized Selection Combiner in the Presence of Log-Normal Fading
Dragana Krstic, Mihajlo Stefanovic, Petar Nikolic, Goran Stamenovic, and Caslav Stefanovic
Similarity Distribution in Phonebook-Centric Social Networks
Péter Ekler and Tamás Lukovszki
Optimal Forwarding in Multi-source Multicast over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Yao Yu, Yu Zhou, and Sidan Du
ICWMC 15: Wireless Applications & Services I
Session Chair: Bartosz Wietrzyk
Synchronization in a Wireless Sensor Network Designed for Surveillance Applications
Jose A. Sánchez Fernández, Ana B. García Hernando,
José F. Martínez Ortega, and Lourdes López Santidrián
Mobile Social Media Service Scenarios
Olli Mäkinen and Sakari Luukkainen
A Combined Technology for Wildfire Detection Using HS/RF
Graeme Hanssen and Yasar Guneri Sahin
Dual Band-Notch CPW-Ground-Fed UWB Antenna by Fractal Binary Tree Slot
A. Falahati, M. Naghshvarian-Jahromi, and R. M. Edwards
ICWMC 16: Wireless Applications & Services II
Session Chair: Jose Antonio Sanchez Fernandez
Cognitive Radio Parameter Adaptation in Multicarrier Environment
Muhammad Waheed and Anni Cai
Characterization of BandPass Delta Sigma Modulators in Wireless Transceivers Using Parameter Identification
David Gautier, Smail Bachir, and Claude Duvanaud
Enabling Large Scale Ad Hoc Animal Welfare Monitoring
Bartosz Wietrzyk and Milena Radenkovic
A Multiple-Mode Mobile Location-Based Information Retieve System
Zhi-mei Wang and Fan Yang
INTERNET 1: Internet Performance
Session Chair: Shawn McKee
A Novel Scheme for Internet Application Performance Analysis and Monitoring
Zhengyu Wang, Weiwen Cai, Dong Wang, Yuefeng Chen, Yang Li, Yilong Chen, Guolong Gong, and Rong Chen
Statistical Characterization of QoS Aspects Arising from the Transport of Skype VoIP Flows
Natalia M. Markovich and Udo R. Krieger
CapStart: An Adaptive TCP Slow Start for High Speed Networks
Dirceu Cavendish, Kazumi Kumazoe, Masato Tsuru, Yuji Oie, and Mario Gerla
Internet Performance: TCP in Stochastic Network Environment
Vladimir Zaborovsky, Aleksander Gorodetsky, and Vladimir Muljukha
INTERNET 2: Internet Challenges
Session Chair: Vladimir Zaborovsky
Anticipate IPv4 Address Exhaustion: A Critical Challenge for Internet Survival
M. Boucadair, J-L. Grimault, P. Lévis, A. Villefranque, and P. Morand
Managing Collective Knowledge in the Web 3.0
Marco Padula, Amanda Reggiori, and Giovanna Capetti
Establishment and Management of Virtual End-to-End QoS Paths through Modern Hybrid WANs with TeraPaths
Dimitrios Katramatos, Kunal Shroff, Dantong Yu, Shawn McKee, and Thomas Robertazzi
A Shim6-Based Dynamic Path-Selection Mechanism for Multi-homing
Shi Liu, Jun Bi, and Yangyang Wang
Scenario Analysis on Future Internet
Tapio Levä, Heikki Hämmäinen, and Kalevi Kilkki
INTERNET 3: Internet Security Mechanisms
Session Chair: Shin'ichi Arakawa
Early Internet Application Identification with Machine Learning Techniques
Fulvio Raineri and Giacomo Verticale
Intrusion Detection in IMS: Experiences with a Hellinger Distance-Based Flooding Detector
Christoph Hecht, Peter Reichl, Andreas Berger, Oliver Jung, and Ivan Gojmerac
A Novel Pseudo-random Number Generator Based on Discrete Chaotic Iterations
Qianxue Wang, Christophe Guyeux, and Jacques M. Bahi
GDCoS: A Group Dedicated Class of Service for QoS Multicast Provisioning in ISP Communication Networks
Mohamed Dafir Ech-Cherif El Keitani and AbdelAli Khatib
INTERNET 4: Advanced Internet Mechanisms
Session Chair: Christoph Hecht
WWW-Graph: A Graph-Based System for Web Browsing
Jiménez Sánchez, J. Alberto, Medina Medina, and Nuria
Using Metadata Snapshots for Extending Ant-Based Resource Discovery Service in Inter-cooperative Grid Communities
Ye Huang, Nik Bessis, Amos Brocco, Pierre Kuonen, Michele Courant, and Beat Hirsbrunner
Analysis and Modeling of Video Popularity Evolution in Various Online Video Content Systems: Power-Law versus Exponential Decay
Zlatka Avramova, Sabine Wittevrongel, Herwig Bruneel, and Danny De Vleeschauwer
On the Packet Delay Distribution in Power-Law Networks
Takahiro Hirayama, Shin’ichi Arakawa, Ken-ichi Arai, and Masayuki Murata
INTERNET 5: Internet AQM/QoS
Session Chair: Eugen Borcoci
Packet Switch Architectures for Very Small Optical RAM
Onur Alparslan, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata
On the Evaluation of the Active Queue Management Mechanisms
Lukasz Chrost and Andrzej Chydzinski
The Use of Long Range Dependence for Network Congestion Prediction
Rasha H. Fares and Mike E. Woodward
QoE/QoS Improvement in Wireless Internet
William W. Wu, Mars U. Wu, and Bechien U. Wu
Session Chair: Eugen Borcoci
Collision Avoidance and Mitigation in Cognitive Wireless Local Area Network over Fibre
Haoming Li, Alizera Attar, Victor C. M. Leung, and Qixiang Pang
QoS Mapping over Hybrid Optical and Wireless Access Networks
Jongmin Lee, S. H. Shah Newaz, Jun kyun Choi, Gyu Myung Lee, and Noel Crespi
Session Chair: Alessandro Bogliolo
Technology Integration for the Services Offered by the Public Administrations
Chiara Taddia, Stefania Nanni, and Gianluca Mazzini
QoS-Aware Net Neutrality
Jerzy Domżał, Robert Wójcik, and Andrzej Jajszczyk
Network Neutrality Principle as a Regulatory Tool: Implications for Crime Prevention and Criminal Law Enforcement
Gabriele Marra
Neutral Access Network Implementation Based on Linux Policy Routing
Andrea Seraghiti and Alessandro Bogliolo
Wireless Open Access Networks: State-of-the-Art and Technological Opportunities
Jaume Barcelo, Jorge Infante, and Miquel Oliver
Two Proposals for Improving the Image-Based Authentication System: H-IBAS-H
Branislav Vuksanovic and Haitham Al-Sinani