The Fifth International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection
ICIMP 2010
May 9 - 15, 2010 - Barcelona, Spain |
All events take place at Hotel Novotel Barcelona Sant Joan Despi
WebTel 2010
AICT 2010 / ICIW 2010 / ICIMP 2010
Conference rooms
Time slots |
Room I |
Room II |
Room III |
Room IV |
Sunday, May 9
2:00 |
Registration starts
Note: The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms |
15:00 - 18:30 |
Tutorial 1
Advanced Statistical Approaches for Network Anomaly Detection
Dr. Christian Callegari, University of Pisa, Italy |
Tutorial 2
Understanding the Threat of Botnets
Prof. Dr. Basheer Al-Duwairi, Jordan University of Science & Technol, Jordan
19:00 - 20:00 |
Welcome Cocktail
Note: You must have your badge to attend the cocktail |
Monday, May 10
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
'Optimizing the Internet': What does it mean and can it be done?
Prof. Dr. Vic Grout, Glyndŵr University, Wales UK |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT15 |
ICIW15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
ICIW16 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
ICIW17 |
17:30 - 19:00 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting on Advances on Web Services and Internet Applications
1. Panel
Mobile Services: the Challenge of 21st Century
Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Cadiz, Spain
Emily Ivey, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Guadalupe Ortiz, University of Cadiz, Spain
Timo Ojala, University of Oulu, Finland
2. Special Topics on Web Services ans Internet Applications
3. On-line Journals |
Tuesday, May 11
08:30 -10:15 |
ICIW18 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT16 |
ICIW19 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
ICIW20 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
ICIW21 |
17:30 - 19:00 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting / Internet Protection
1. Panel
Title: Tendencies in Monitoring and Protecting Large (Cloud) Systems
Petre Dini, Concordia University / IARIA
Florian Kammüller, TU-Berlin, Germany
DongJin Lee, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Petre Dini, Concordia University / IARIA
2. Special Topics on Networks and Systems Protection
3. On-line Journals |
Wednesday, May 12
08:30 -10:15 |
AICT22 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT23 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AICT10 |
ICIW10 |
AICT17 |
AICT24 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 18:30 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting on Advances in Telecommunications
1. Panel
Challenges in Advanced Communications and Services
Jacques Palicot, SUPELEC, France
Masaaki Katayama, EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan
Amor Nafkna, SUPELEC, France
Guillermo Ravera, La Salle-Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Michael Massoth, Hochschule Darmstadt - University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Germany
Jordi Pérez Romero, UPC Barcelona, Spain
2. Special Topics on Networking
3. On-line Journals |
20:00 - 24:00 |
Gala Dinner |
Thursday, May 13
08:30 -10:15 |
AICT11 |
ICIW11 |
AICT18 |
ICIW22 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AICT12 |
ICIW12 |
AICT19 |
ICIW23 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AICT13 |
ICIW13 |
AICT20 |
ICIW24 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
AICT14 |
ICIW14 |
AICT21 |
ICIW25 |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Closing session |
Friday, May 14
8:45 - 17:30 |
One day Barcelona guided visit
(see the registration form, lunch included)
(by bus)
Casa Battló (Gaudí's first important work in his own style)
Casa Lleó Mora (Domènech i Montaner's famous corner building on the Passeig de Gracia)
Casa Amatller (Puig i Cadafalchs marvelous house neighboring Casa Batlló)
The Triumph Arch (a work made for Barcelona's first World's Fair in 1888)
Casa Millà (one of the main works by Antoni Gaudí)
The Cataluña Square (the biggest square; a central point of the city)
The Olympic Ring and Stadion (on Montjuïc with monumental square)
The Bourbon castle on the Montjuïc-Hill (famous monument from 18th century)
The National Museum of Catalan Art on the Montjuïc-Hill (beautiful views of the city)
La Sagrada Familia (the most famous and impressive of Gaudí's works)
Park Güell (Gaudí's fantastic park with stunning views and fairytale houses)
The Olympic Harbor (built for the Olympics in 1992)
Lunch at a restaurant
Walking Tour (1 hour)
The Cathedral of Barcelona (La Catedral la Seu) with its charming cloister
Santa María del Mar (the famous "Cathedral of the Sea")
The Gothic Quarter |
AICT 2010
AICT 1: Wireless Technologies I
Session chair: John Vardakas
The Impact of FEC on Mobile Multicast Power Control
Antonios Alexiou, Christos Bouras, and Andreas Papazois
Home Wireless Security and Privacy: A Practical Protocol Mixing
David González Tarragó
How the Atmospheric Variables Affect to the WLAN Datalink Layer Parameters
Diana Bri, Sandra Sendra, Hugo Coll, and Jaime Lloret
Resource Allocation Method for OFDM System to Transmit SVC over Frequency Selective Channel
Daeyeon Kim, Takeo Fujii, and Kyesan Lee
AICT 2: Cognitive Radio I
Session chair: Jacques Palicot
Spectrum Occupancy in an Urban Environment: A Cognitive Radio Approach
Alexandru Marian, Ioana Marcu, and Ion Marghescu
Distributed Control Using Cognitive Pilot Channels in a Centralized Cognitive Radio Network
Nicolás Bolívar, José L. Marzo, and Enrique Rodríguez-Colina
Analytical Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Radio Networks
Derya Cavdar, H. Birkan Yilmaz, Tuna Tugcu, and Fatih Alagöz
Renovate Cognitive Networks under Spectrum Unavailability
Anwer Al-Dulaimi, Saba Al-Rubaye, and Hamed Al-Raweshidy
AICT 3: Cognitive Radio II
Session chair: Jacques Palicot
Hybrid Spectrum Sensing Architecture for Cognitive Radio Equipment
Ziad Khalaf, Amor Nafkha, Jacques Palicot, and Mohamed Ghozzi
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Double Adaptive Energy Thresholds and Relaying Users in Cognitive Radio
Hiep Vu-Van and Insoo Koo
Generic Spectrum Sharing Method Applied to IEEE 802.11e WLANs
Mohammad Muttakin Siddique, Bernd-Ludwig Wenning, Andreas Timm-Giel,
Carmelita Görg, and Maciej Mühleisen
A New Digital Modulation Recognition Technique Using the Phase Detector Reliability
Adel Metref, Daniel Le Guennec, and Jacques Palicot
AICT 4: E-learning and Telecommunications I
Session chair: Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos
Towards a New Generation of Virtual Campuses
Antonio Navarro, Jesús Cristóbal, Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor, Carmen Fernández, Héctor Hernanz, Salvador Guillomía, and Félix Buendía
Adaptation for Assimilation: Shaping Context-Sensitive M-learning Services within a Multi-agent Environment
Damien Meere, Ivan Ganchev, Máirtín O’Dróma, Stanimir Stojanov,and Veselina Valkanova
Advanced Networking Technologies Study Programme: A Design Based on Competences
Joze Rugelj, Sven Knockaert, Roel Van Steenberghe, Luk Schoofs, Janne Salonen, Kari Bjorn, Jose L Marzo, and Carlos Vaz de Carvalho
Embedding Critical Thinking Pedagogy through Learning Object Design
Philip L. Balcaen and Robert Campbell
AICT 5: E-learning and Telecommunications II
Session chair: Sema Oktug
Collaborative Learning in OpenSim by Utilizing SLoodle
Andreas Konstantinidis, Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Stavros Demetriadis, and Andreas Pomportsis
Saliency Detection Based on Human Perception of Visual Information
Cristina Oprea, Constantin Paleologu, Ionut Pirnog, and Mihnea Udrea
Exploiting Annotated Video to Support Dance Education
Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos, Eleni Stavridou, Athina Grammatikopoulou, Stella Douka, and Georgios Sofianidis
On Demand Learning in Manufacturing Processes - Implementation by Integrated Multimedia Streaming Services
Martin Zimmermann
AICT 6: Cognitive Radio III
Session chair: Amor Nafka
Image Processing Techniques as a Support to Transmitter Positioning Determination in Cognitive Radio Networks
Liliana Bolea, Jordi Pérez-Romero, Ramón Agustí, and Oriol Sallent
Multiuser Spectral Efficiency Maximization in Cognitive Ultra Wideband Radio Systems
Liaoyuan Zeng, Sean McGrath, and Eduardo Cano
A Cooperative Multiagent Based Spectrum Sharing
Usama Mir, Leila Merghem-Boulahia, and Dominique Gaïti
Information Theoretic approach to Synchronization: The OFDM Carrier Frequency Offset Example
Romain Couillet and Mérouane Debbah
AICT 7: Cognitive Radio IV
Session chair: Amor Nafka
European Standardization and SDR Certification
Dimitrios Symeonidis and Gianmarco Baldini
A Common Operator Bank to Resolve Scheduling Issue on a Complexity Optimized SDR Terminal
Laurent Alaus, Dominique Noguet, and Jacques Palicot
Blind Bandwidth Shape Recognition for Standard Identification Using USRP Platforms and SDR4all Tools
Hongzhi Wang, Wassim Jouini, Rachid Hachemani, Jacques Palicot,
Leonardo S. Cardoso, and Merouane Debbah
AICT 8: Future Applications and Services
Session chair: Tarek Helaly
Integrating Asterisk with InRule to Detect Suspicious Calls
Ahmad Hammoud and Daniel Bourget
Use of Finite State Machine Based Framework in Implementation of Communication Protocols - A Case Study
Ilija Basicevic, Miroslav Popovic, and Ivan Velikic
Multi-tier-Based Global Awareness Modell for Collaboration and Knowledge Management
Eldar Sultanow and Edzard Weber
Defense against Direct Spam over Internet Telephony by Caller Pre-validation
Jürgen Müller and Michael Massoth
AICT 9: Signal Processing, Protocols and Standardization I
Session chair: Ilia Basicevic
DSL Impulse Noise Measurement System Implemented in USRP and GNU Radio
Diogo Acatauassu, Igor Mesquita, Francisco Muller, and Aldebaro Klautau
*Body Area Networking: Lessons Learned
Dino Miniutti
New Recursive Convolutional GF(2N) Encoders for Parallel Turbo-TCM Schemes
Adrian Florin Paun, Calin Vladeanu, Ion Marghescu, Safwan El Assad, Jean-Claude Carlach, and Raymond Quéré
A Time-Recursive Adaptive Algorithm for Colored Noise Reduction in Speech Enhancement
Radu Mihnea Udrea, Dragos Nicolae Vizireanu, Claudia Cristina Oprea, and Ionut Pirnog
Sequential Symbol Synchronizers based on Pulse Comparation at Half Rate
Antonio Reis,
Jose Rocha,
Atilio Gameiro, and
Jose Pacheco
AICT 10: Signal Processing, Protocols and Standardization II
Session chair: Michael Massoth
Signal Classification Using Random Forest with Kernels
Guangzhe Fan and Jiguo Cao
A Low Complexity PAR Reduction Technique Using Cyclic Shifted Data Sequences in DS-CDMA Signals
Tarek K. Helaly, Richard M. Dansereau, and Mohamed El-Tanany
A Novel Adaptive Channel Equalization Method Using Variable Step Size Partial Rank Algorithm
Sayed A. Hadei and Paeiz Azmi
Spectral Enhancement of Whispered Speech Based on Probability Mass Function
Hamid Reza Sharifzadeh, Ian Vince McLoughlin, and Farzaneh Ahmadi
Prefilter Bandwidth Effects in Sequential Symbol Synchronizers based on Clock Sampling
Antonio Reis,
Jose Rocha,
Atilio Gameiro, and
Jose Pacheco
Prefilter Bandwidth Effects in Sequential Symbol Synchronizers based on Pulse Comparation at Half Rate
Antonio Reis,
Jose Rocha,
Atilio Gameiro, and
Jose Pacheco
AICT 11: Teletraffic Modeling and Management I
Session chair: Marc Gilg
Optimization of a Predictive Dialing Algorithm
Sonia Fourati and Sami Tabbane
Conservative Cell Load Approximation for Radio Networks with Shannon Channels and its Application to LTE Network Planning
Kurt Majewski and Michael Koonert
Speech Quality Prediction in VoIP Concatenating Multiple Markov-Based Channels
Iban Lopetegui, Rolando Antonio Carrasco, and Said Boussakta
The Packet Delay in a MPLS Network Using "1+1 Protection"
Grazziela Niculescu, Petrica Ciotirnce, and Lucian Ioan
AICT 12: Wireless Technologies II
Session chair: Kurt Majewski
A Preemptive Time-Threshold Based Multi-Guard Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Cellular Networks
Idil Candan
QoS Performance Study of One Way Link Characteristics in an IEEE 802.16d TDD System
Maik Wodarz, James P. Taisie, and Thomas C. Schmidt
Ergodic Capacity of M-1-1 AF Relaying Systems over Rayleigh Fading Channels
Hyunkee Min, Sungeun Lee, Kyungchul Kwak, Hyungjong Kim, and Daesik Hong
A Distributed Approach to Wireless System Simulation
Giuseppe Iazeolla, Alessandra Pieroni, Andrea D'Ambrogio, and Daniele Gianni
AICT 13: Ad Hoc, Automatic and Sensor Networks I
Session chair: Dag Haugland
Differentiation between Different Traffic Categories Using Multi-level of Priority in DCF-WLAN
Mehaseb Ahmed, Gamal Abdel Fadeel, and Ibrahim Ismail Ibrahim
ALLEE-MAC: An Adaptive Low Latency and Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Zhenzhou Tang and Qian Hu
Using Matrix Convolutions and Clustering for Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm in Sensor Networks
Yaser Yousef, Marc Gilg, and Pascal Lorenz
A Service Discovery Protocol for Emergency Response Operations Using Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Mohamed Adel Serhani and Yasser Gadallah
AICT 14: Ad Hoc, Autonomic and Sensor Networks II
Session chair: Michel Marot
VD4: Vehicular Density-Dependent Data Delivery Model in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Avijit Gupta, Vineet Chaudhary, Vivek Kumar, Bharat Nishad, and Shashikala Tapaswi
Methods for Flow Graph Selection in Integral Network Coding
Mohammad Ravanbakhsh and Dag Haugland
HybridLQI: Hybrid MultihopLQI for Improving Asymmetric Links in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ashish Gupta, Mohit Sharma, Michel Marot, and Monique Becker
Link Quality and Local Load Balancing Routing Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks
Cherif Diallo, Michel Marot, and Monique Becker
AICT 15: Ad Hoc, Autonomic and Sensor Networks III
Session chair: Giannis Zaoudis
Improving Performance of on Demand Multicast Routing by Deleting Lost Join Query Packets
Kamran Abdollahi, Alireza shams Shafigh, and Andreas J. Kassler
Optimal Cluster Partitioning for Wireless Sensor Networks with Cooperative MISO Scheme
Zheng Huang, Takaya Yamazato, and Masaaki Katayama
A Queuing Mechanism to Alleviate Flooding Attacks in Probabilistic Delay Tolerant Networks
Feng Cheng Lee, Weihan Goh, and Chai Kiat Yeo
An Analytical Study of an All-Optical Packet Switch with QoS Support
John S. Vardakas, Ioannis D. Moscholios, and Michael D. Logothetis
AICT 16: Teletraffic Modeling and Management II
Session chair: Tulin Atmaca
Decision Support for the Usage of Multicast versus Unicast in Broadband TV Networks
Alireza Abdollahpouri and Bernd. E. Wolfinger
A Simplified Method for Optimising Sequentially Processed Access Control Lists
Vic Grout and John N. Davies
A ‘Plug-and-Play’ Framework to Enhance Heterogeneity and Versatility in Delay Tolerant Networks
Feng Cheng Lee, Yang Xia, Chai Kiat Yeo, and Yong Tai Tan
Modeling of Flocking Behaviour System in SystemC
Ibrahim Aref, Nuredin Ahmed, Fernando Rodríguez-Salazar, and Khaled Elgaid
AICT 17: Management Operation and Control Networks I
Session chair: Dino Miniutti
Issues of QoS Multipath Routing Protocol for SEN's Data Networks
Agustin Zaballos, Alex Vallejo, and Guillermo Ravera
Automatic Signature Generation for Network Services through Selective Extraction of Anomalous Contents
Pedro García-Teodoro, Pablo Muñoz-Feldstedt, and David Ruete-Zúñiga
MS-DFGA : Malleable Scheduling with Dynamic MaxFlow and Greedy Algorithms in Grid Networks
Amel Hamdi, Lynda Zitoune, and Véronique Vèque
Towards Distributed and Adaptive Detection and Localisation of Network Faults
Rebecca Steinert and Daniel Gillblad
AICT 18: Wireless Technologies III
Session chair: Fatma Abdelkefi
Hybrid Wireless Mesh Network for Universal Access: Opportunities and Challenges
Santhi Kumaran and Charles Semapondo
A Hierarchical Channel-Aware Uplink Scheduler for WiMAX Base Stations
Zeynep Yurdakul and Sema Oktug
Self-Optimization of Spectrum Assignment and Transmission Power in OFDMA Femtocells
Francisco Bernardo, Ramon Agustí, Jorge Cordero, and Carlos Crespo
Cooperative Agent Based Vertical Handover Scheme for Heterogeneous Networks
Atiq Ahmed, Leïla Merghem-Boulahia, and Dominique Gaïti
AICT 19: Wireless Technologies IV
Session chair: Santhi Kumaran
Impulsive Noise Correction in Systems Based on CGU Frames
Fatma Abdelkefi
WiMAX Handover Conditions Evaluation towards Enhancement through Cross-Layer Interaction
Mihai Constantinescu, Eugen Borcoci, and Tinku Rasheed
An Unequal Protection Method for Multiuser OFDM to Minimize Video Distortion
Daeyeon Kim, Takeo Fujii, and Kyesan Lee
A New Method in Coverage for Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohammad Hasannejad, Mohammad Mehrani, Jamshid Shanbehzadeh, Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh, and Ehsan Bidokh
AICT 20: Management, Operation and Control Networks II
Session chair: Josep M. Selga
Providing Security in 4G Systems: Unveiling the Challenges
Mahdi Aiash, Glenford Mapp, Aboubaker Lasebae, and Raphael Phan
Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Management Functionality for Emergency Healthcare Applications
George Dimitrakopoulos, Marios Logothetis, and Panagiotis Demestichas
A Security Framework Model with Communication Protocol Translator
Interface for Enhancing NFC Transactions
Lishoy Francis, Gerhard Hancke, Keith Mayes, and Konstantinos Markantonakis
Host Identity Protocol Proactive Mobility Management Experimentation
Arraez Leonardo and Hakima Chaouchi
AICT 21: Core Technologies and Access Technologies and Networks I
Session chair: Hakima Chaouchi
Collateral Damage in the Last Big Internet Storm
Pedro A. Aranda Gutierrez
Security in OPERA Specification based PLC Systems
Guiomar Corral, Josep M. Selga, Agustín Zaballos, David González-Tarragó,
Luis M. Torres, and Berthold Haberler
Optimizing the Usage of COPS Protocol in ITU-T NGN Architecture
Alex Vallejo, Agustín Zaballos, Alejandro Campos, and Jordi Dalmau
Proposal and Evaluation of Photonic Switching Architectures for High-Capacity Optical Access Networks
Indayara B. Martins, Felipe R. Rudge, Edson Moschim, and Luiz H. Bonani
AICT 22: Wireless Technologies V
Session chair: Andreas Papazois
The Effect of Multiplexing Users in QoS Provisioning Scheduling
Seongwoo Ahn, Hano Wangy, Kyungho Kim, and Daesik Hongy
A Context-Aware Communication Link for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Edson dos Santos Moreira, Renata M. Porto Vanni, Diego L. Função, and Cesar Augusto Cavalheiro Marcondes
Radio Optimization of High Speed Mobile Networks
Toni Janevski and Vladimir Nikolic
AICT 23: Wireless Technologies VI
Session chair: Carlos Colman Meixner
Efficient Power Management Adaptation for Video Transmission over TFRC
Christos Bouras, Vassilis Papapanagiotou, Kostas Stamos, and Giannis Zaoudis
Joint Multiuser LDPC Coding Scheme for Error Control in DS-CDMA Systems
Hamid Saber, Ehsan Olfat, and Hamidreza Amindavar
WiMetroNet—A Scalable Wireless Network for Metropolitan Transports
Manuel Ricardo, Gustavo Carneiro, Pedro Fortuna, Filipe Abrantes, and Jaime Dias
A Review of UWB MAC Protocols
Mohd Shahril Izuan Mohd Zin and Martin Hope
AICT 24: Core Technologies and Access Technologies and Networks II
Session chair: Toni Janevski
Performance Evolution of Optical Code Conversion Architectures in Hybrid WDM/OCDM OBS Network
Lídia Galdino, José Maranhão Neto, Joelma Costa, Fabio Renan Durand, Edson Moschim, and Luiz Henrique Bonani
A New p-Cycle Selection Approach Based on Efficient Restoration Measure for WDM Optical Networks
Carlos Colman Meixner, Liz Campuzano, Diego Pinto Roa, and Enrique Davalos
A Simple Method to Measure the Image Complexity on a Fault Tolerant Cluster Computing
Demóstenes Zegarra Rodríguez, Renata Lopes Rosa, and Eduardo Costa Alfaia
ICIW 2010
Session chair: Adriana Georgieva
Assigning Web News to Clusters
Christos Bouras and Vassilis Tsogkas
WSOTF: An Automatic Testing Tool for Web Services Composition
Tien-Dung Cao, Patrick Felix, and Richard Castanet
A Solution Model and Tool for Supporting the Negotiation of Security Decisions in E-Business Collaborations
Jason R. C. Nurse and Jane E. Sinclair
The Research on Formal Specification and Review of Workflows
Quanmin Fu, Jian Liang, Haopeng Chen, and Fenglin Bu
Session chair: Dung Cao
Detecting Unauthorized Modification of HTTP Communication with Steganography
Tomas Koutny
A Highly Decoupled Front-End Framework for High Trafficked Web Applications
Andrzej Tucholka and Prem Gurbani
Multi-modal CBIR Algorithm Based on Latent Semantic Indexing
Matei Dobrescu, Manuela Stoian, and Cosmin Leoveanu
*An Interactive 3D Image Service System for 3D Internet
Chang-Wei Yeh, Chao-Chun Chuan, Chang-Huain Hsieh and Jian-Ming Wann
Session chair: Prem Gurbani
TRIC: An Infrastructure for Trust and Reputation Across Virtual Communities
Nurit Gal-Oz, Tal Grinshpoun, Ehud Gudes, and Ingo Friese
Adaptive Scheduling for Staged Applications: The Case of Multiple Processing Units
Mohammad Shadi Al-Hakeem and Hans-Ulrich Heiß
Context-Aware Campaigns in Social Networks
Martin Treiber, Florian Skopik, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar, and Stephan Haslinger
Nontraditional Approach to XML Web Services Interactions
Adriana Georgieva and Bozhidar Georgiev
Session chair: Marc Gilg
Casual Multi-user Web Collaboration by Lowering Communication Barriers
Junko Ichino, Yasuhiro Kojima, Shun'ichi Tano, and Tomonori Hashiyama
BlogMiner: Web Blog Mining Application for Classification of Movie Reviews
Arzu Baloglu and Mehmet S. Aktas
Context-Aware Interaction Models in Cross-Organizational Processes
Florian Skopik, Daniel Schall, Schahram Dustdar, and Michele Sesana
Personalized Recommendation System for the Social Network Services Based on Psychographics
Hoon-Ki Lee, Jung-Tae Kim, Jong-Hoon Lee, and Eui-Hyun Paik
Session chair: Florian Skopik
Reputation-Based Systems within Computer Networks
Malohat Ibrohimovna and Sonia Heemstra de Groot
The Significance of Instant Messaging at Work
Carol X. J. Ou, Robert N. Davison, Yi Liang, and Xuepan Zhong
Multi-tier-based Global Awareness - A Model for Collaboration in Distributed Organizations and Disaster Scenarios
Eldar Sultanow and Edzard Weber
Design and Implementation of the Location-Based Personalized Social Media Service
Jung-Tae Kim, Jong-Hoon Lee, Hoon-Ki Lee, and Eui-Hyun Paik
Session chair: Anna Hristoskova
*The Battle for World Wide Web Dominance - In Search for Network Externalities
Veera Bhatiasevi
The SHIP Validator: An Annotation-Based Content-Validation Framework for Java Applications
Federico Mancini, Dag Hovland, and Khalid A. Mughal
On-demand Dynamic Location-Based Services Using Web Services
Farag Sallabi, George Ditsa, Hazem El-Khatib, and Shayma Al Kobaisi
Enhancing IEC 62351 to Improve Security for Energy Automation in Smart Grid Environments
Steffen Fries, Hans Joachim Hof, and Maik Seewald
Session chair: Steffen Fries
Executing Pipes-and-Filters with Workflows
Thorsten Scheibler, Frank Leymann, and Dieter Roller
Design of a Framework for Automated Service Mashup Creation and Execution Based on Semantic Reasoning
Anna Hristoskova, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck, and Bart Dhoedt
Platform-as-a-Service Architecture for Real-Time Quality of Service Management in Clouds
Michael Boniface, Bassem Nasser, Juri Papay, Stephen C. Phillips, Arturo Servin, Xiaoyu Yang, Zlatko Zlatev, Spyridon V. Gogouvitis, Gregory Katsaros, Kleopatra Konstanteli, George Kousiouris, Andreas Menychtas, and Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Enhancing Availability with Self-Organization Extensions in a SOA Platform
Apostolos Papageorgiou, Tronje Krop, Sebastian Ahlfeld, Stefan Schulte, Julian Eckert, and Ralf Steinmetz
Session chair: Ahmad Kayed
Stateful Web Service Robustness
Sébastien Salva and Issam Rabhi
Providing SOAP Web Services and RESTful Web Services from Mobile Hosts
Feda AlShahwan and Klaus Moessner
Semantic Web Services Composition Optimized by Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms
Brahim Batouche, Yannick Naudet, and Frédéric Guinand
The Design of E-learning Services on the Blackboard
Ayub Al-Badowi
Session chair: Brahim Batouche
A Secure and Legal Network-Aware P2P VoD System
Bertrand Mathieu, Pierre Paris, Gaëtan Le Guelvouit, and Soufiane Rouibia
Identification and Analysis of Skype Peer-to-Peer Traffic
Dongyan Zhang, Chao Zheng, Hongli Zhang, and Hongliang Yu
A Promotion Mechanism for Scalable Stealth DHT
Idris A. Rai
Evenly Distributing Combinatorial Tasks in a Peer-to-Peer System
Pan Juasiripukdee, Suhyun Kim, and Laehyun Kim
Session chair: Idris Rai
Application Layer Traffic Optimization in the eMule System
Lijie Sheng, Jianfeng Song, Xuewen Dong, and Kun Xie
Improving Performance of Declarative Query Execution in DHT-Based Systems
Mile Arnedo, María del Pilar Villamil, and Ricardo Villanueva
A Global Knowledge for Information Retrieval in P2P Networks
Anis Ismail, Mohamed Quafafou, Gilles Nachouki, and Mohammad Hajjar
LearningPeerSelection: A Query Routing Approach for Information Retrieval in P2P Systems
Taoufik Yeferny and Khedija Arour
Session chair: Timo Ojala
Extending the Bayesian Classifier to a Context-Aware Recommender System for Mobile Devices
Toon De Pessemier, Tom Deryckere, and Luc Martens
Towards an XML Adaptation/Alteration Control Framework
Gilbert Tekli, Jacques Fayolle, and Richard Chbeir
Global SOA: RSS-Based Web Services Repository and Ranking
Deven Shah, Mayank Agarwal, Mahendra Mehra, and Ashish Mangal
Secure Ubiquitous House and Facility Control Solution
Robin Acker and Michael Massoth
Session chair: Toon De Pessemier
AIMO Translator: Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition
Sayed Gholam Hassan Tabatabaei, Wan M. N. Wan Kadir, Suhaimi Ibrahim, and Amir Vahid Dastjerdi
eDemocs: Electronic Distributed Election Monitoring over Cellular Systems
Duncan Osborn, Karthik Rangarajan, Emily Ivey, Sumanth M. Narendra, and Michael T. Hunter
An Investigation of the Use of Overlay Networks in Developing Scalable and Reliable Information Sharing Web/Services
K. P. Lam, D. Collins, A. R. Soobhany, and L. Liu
UBI-Hotspot 1.0: Large-Scale Long-Term Deployment of Interactive Public Displays in a City Center
Timo Ojala, Hannu Kukka, Tomas Lindén, Tommi Heikkinen, Marko Jurmu, Simo Hosio, and Fabio Kruger
Session chair: Hideyasu Sasaki
UbiRoad: Semantic Middleware for Context-Aware Smart Road Environments
Vagan Terziyan, Olena Kaykova, and Dmytro Zhovtobryukh
SAMI: The SLA Management Instance
Constantinos Kotsokalis, Ramin Yahyapour, and Miguel Angel Rojas Gonzalez
Towards a Generic Context-Aware Framework for Self-Adaptation of Service-Oriented Architectures
Françoise André, Erwan Daubert, and Guillaume Gauvrit
Scalable Mobile Web Services Mediation Framework
Satish Srirama, Eero Vainikko, Vladimir Šor, and Matthias Jarke
Session chair: Vagan Terziyan
A Cloud Oriented Approach for People-Provided Services
Cláudio Teixeira, Ricardo Azevedo, Joaquim Sousa Pinto, and Tiago Batista
QoS-Aware Service Composition for Complex Workflows
Dieter Schuller, Julian Eckert, André Miede, Stefan Schulte, and Ralf Steinmetz
Distributed Aspect-Oriented Service Composition for Business Compliance
Governance with Public Service Processes
MingXue Wang, Kosala Yapa Bandara, and Claus Pahl
Session chair: Stefan Pietschmann
XML-Based Language for Specific Scientific Data Description
Bogdan Shishedjiev, Mariana Goranova, and Juliana Georgieva
A Collaborative Decision Support Platform for Product Release Definition
Elena Tsiporkova, Tom Tourwé, and Veselka Boeva
Effort-Oriented Classification Matrix of Web Service Composition
Zheng Li, Liam O'Brien, Jacky Keung, and Xiwei Xu
Using Concept Lattices to Support Web Service Compositions with Backup Services
Zeina Azmeh, Marianne Huchard, Chouki Tibermacine, Christelle Urtado, and Sylvain Vauttier
Session chair: Bogdan Shishedjiev
Simple ID-Based Key Distribution Scheme
Haeryong Park, Wan S. Yi, and Gang Shin Lee
S-PORT: "A Secure, Collaborative Environment for the Security Management of Port Information Systems"
Theodoros Ntouskas and Nineta Polemi
Photo Exhibition or Online Community? The Role of Social Interaction in Flickr
Sanna Malinen
Towards a Services-Based Approach for Supporting Idea Development Process
Anastasiya Yurchyshyna, Michel Léonard, and Paula Brough-Heinzman
Session chair: Sanna Malinen
Design of Web-Based Remote Monitoring System of Migratory Birds at Qinghai Lake
Jiewei Song, Jinyi Wang, Kai Nan, and Baoping Yan
A Thin-Server Runtime Platform for Composite Web Applications
Stefan Pietschmann, Johannes Waltsgott, and Klaus Meißner
Ontology Concepts for Requirements Engineering Process in E-Government Applications
Ahmad Kayed, Mohammad Nizar, and Mohammed Alfayoumi
An Iterative Approach for the Reverse Engineering of Rich Internet Application User Interfaces
Domenico Amalfitano, Anna Rita Fasolino, and Porfirio Tramontana
Session chair: Matthias Ehmann
eLearning 2.0 and Social, Practice-Oriented Communities to Improve Knowledge in Companies
Ileana Hamburg
BlueLearn: Low-Cost Interactive Learning System
Vesa A. Korhonen
Reusability in e-Assessment: Towards a Multifaceted Approach for Managing Metadata of e-Assessment Resources
Sandrine Sarre and Muriel Foulonneau
Session chair: Guadalupe Ortiz
Top-Down Approach for Web Services Development
Alexandre Bellini, Antonio Francisco do Prado, and Luciana Aparecida Martinez Zaina
Interoperability Testing Software for Sharing Medical Documents and Images
Renaud Bérubé, Jean-François Pambrun, and Rita Noumeir
AGORA Framework for Service Discovery and Resource Allocation
A. Basit Khan and Mihhail Matskin
A Web Service Architecture for VoIP Services
Martin Zimmermann
Session chair: Sebastian Rieger
A Representation of B2B Interacting Actions
Sébastien Picant, Fabrice Bourge, and Abdel-Illah Mouaddib
Multimodal Interaction in Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing
Marc Pous and Luigi Ceccaroni
Modeling Conference Contribution Management Using Web Services
José A. Mateo, Gregorio Díaz, Enrique Martínez, and M. Emilia Cambronero
Megaphone: Fault Tolerant, Scalable, and Trustworthy P2P Microblogging
Timothy Perfitt and Burkhard Englert
Session chair: Sebastien Picant
Using Federated Identities to Access IP-Protected Web Resources in Multi-customer Environments
Sebastian Rieger
A Model-Driven Approach to SKOS Implementation
Olivier Gerbé and Brigitte Kerhervé
An Improved Structured and Progressive Electronic Dictionary for the Arabic Language: iSPEDAL
Mohammad Hajjar, Abd El Salam Al Hajjar, Khaldoun Zreik, and Patrick Gallinari
BPEL2DENEB: Translation of BPEL Processes to Executable High-Level Petri Nets
Javier Fabra and Pedro Álvarez
Session chair: Rita Noumeir
A System for Evaluation of Arabic Root Extraction Methods
Abd El Salam Al Hajjar, Mohammad Hajjar, and Khaldoun Zreik
Towards an Algebraic Modeling of Emotional States
Imen Tayari Meftah, Nhan Le Thanh, and Chokri Ben Amar
Web 2.0 and Collaborative Tagging
Daniel Mican and Nicolae Tomai
Session chair: Hideyasu Sasaki
*A Stakeholder Perspective on E-Government and E-Business
Shirish Srivastava
A Foundation of Enterprise Knowledge Development
Eckhard Ammann
ODYSSEUS: An Advanced, Collaborative and Trusted Framework for the Provision of Migration Service
George Pentafronimos, Athanasios Karantjias, and Nineta Polemi
Session chair: Guadalupe Ortiz
An Ontology for Musical Performances Analysis: Application to a Collaborative Platform Dedicated to Instrumental Practice
Véronique Sebastien, Didier Sebastien, and Noël Conruyt
Online Communication and Collaboration - A General Approach
Manuel Goetz, Michael Igler, Stephanie Meerkamm, Tobias Reithmeier, Stefan Jablonski, and Matthias Ehmann
Learning Outcomes in a Model-Based Approach to Curriculum Design
Olivier Gerbé, Jacques Raynauld, and Ricardo Camarero
Session chair: Imen Tayari Meftah
Context-Aware Service Discovery and Adaptation Based on Semantic Matchmaking
Javier Cubo, Carlos Canal, and Ernesto Pimentel
Analysis and Evaluation of Two Security Services in SOA
Marzieh Asgarnezhad, Ramin Nasiri, and Saeedreza Sahebhonar
Web Service Adaptation: A Unified Approach versus Multiple Methodologies for Different Scenarios
Guadalupe Ortiz and Alfonso García de Prado
*Development of Remote Image Control System by Using Web-camera for Construction Project
Leen-Seok Kan, Hyoun-Seok Moon, Hyoun-Seong Kim, Seo-Young Park and Chang-Hak Kim
ICIMP 2010
Session chair: Walid Saad
IDSAI: A Distributed System for Intrusion Detection Based on Intelligent Agents
Miguel A. Sanz-Bobi, Mario Castro, and Javier Santos
Comparing Anomaly Detection Methods in Computer Networks
Andreas Löf and Richard Nelson
IDS Adaptation for an Efficient Detection in High-Speed Networks
Abdelhalim Zaidi, Tayeb Kenaza, and Nazim Agoulmine
BotDigger: A Fuzzy Inference System for Botnet Detection
Basheer Al-Duwairi and Lina Al-Ebbini
Session chair: Basheer Al-Duwairi
Risk Management for Web and Distributed Software Development Projects
Ayad Ali Keshlaf and Steve Riddle
Risk-Aware Usage Decision Making in Highly Dynamic Systems
Leanid Krautsevich, Aliaksandr Lazouski, Fabio Martinelli, and Artsiom Yautsiukhin
Coalitional Game Theory for Security Risk Management
Walid Saad, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Basar, and Are Hjørungnes
Session chair: Francis Li
Economic Risk Assessment Using the Fractal Market Hypothesis
Jonathan Blackledge and Marek Rebow
FEMRA: Fuzzy Expert Model for Risk Assessment
Alireza Shameli Sendi, Masoume Jabbarifar, Mehdi Shajari, and Michel Dagenais
A-MAKE: An Efficient, Anonymous and Accountable Authentication Framework for WMNs
Ahmet Onur Durahim and Erkay Savas
Is Apple’s iMac Leopard Operating System Secure under ARP-Based Flooding Attacks?
Sirisha Surisetty and Sanjeev Kumar
Session chair: Ahmet Onur Durahim
Provable Security for the Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault
Johannes Merkle, Matthias Niesing, Michael Schwaiger, Heinrich Ihmor, and Ulrike Korte
Authentication of Biometric Features Using Texture Coding for ID Cards
J. M. Blackledge and E. Coyle
Sound-Based Multimodal Person Identification from Signature and Voice
Francis F. Li
A Novel Method for Supporting Fairness in Digital License Reselling
Tarek Gaber and Ning Zhang
Session chair: Florian Kammueller
Observations of UDP to TCP Ratio and Port Numbers
DongJin Lee, Brian E. Carpenter, and Nevil Brownlee
Constructing Communication Profiles by Clustering Selected Network Traffic Attributes
Olli Knuuti, Timo Seppälä, Teemu Alapaholuoma, Jorma Ylinen, Pekka Loula, Pekka Kumpulainen, and Kimmo Hätönen
A Proposal of a Communication-Broadcasting Integrated System to Support Communication and Navigation during Disasters
Yasuhiko Hiehata, Hideyuki Koto, and Hajime Nakamura
Decision Tree Based on Shannon, Rényi and Tsallis Entropies for Intrusion Tolerant Systems
Christiane Ferreira Lemos Lima, Francisco Marcos de Assis, and Cleonilson Protásio de Souza
Session chair: Christiane F. Lemos Lima
GoldPhish: Using Images for Content-Based Phishing Analysis
Matthew Dunlop, Stephen Groat, and David Shelly
Evaluation of P4P Based on Real Traffic Measurement
Y. Carlinet, L. Mé, Y. Gourhant, and H. Debar
Implicit Malpractice and Suspicious Traffic Detection in Large Scale IP Networks
Timo Seppälä, Teemu Alapaholuoma, Olli Knuuti, Jorma Ylinen, Pekka Loula, and Kimmo Hätönen
Implementing Privacy with Erlang Active Objects
Andreas Fleck and Florian Kammüller