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The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Human-oriented and Personalized Mechanisms, Technologies, and Services


November 18-23, 2012 - Lisbon, Portugal


IBM Test Overview and Best Practices

Tara Astigarraga, IBM, Systems and Technology Group, USA

This tutorial will cover the basic structure and facets of IBM test labs world wide.  After a brief introduction to IBM products tested we will cover test strategy and configuration management best practices.  Focus will be put on complex systems test and desired characteristics of a systems tester. The attendees will learn the fundamentals of keeping pace with technology changes and practical applications related to test and debug methods.  IBM customer test labs, test technical communities and academic initiatives will also be covered.  This will be a high-level overview of test strategy in a large corporate environment with deep dive portions related to complex systems test, protocol testing and debug methodologies.


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