The Fifth International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services
March 24 - 29, 2013 - Lisbon, Portugal |
ICNS 2013 / ICAS 2012 / ENERGY 2013 / INTENSIVE 2013 / LMPCNA 2013
Conference Hotel
Mercure Lisboa
Av. Jose Malhoa 23 1099-051 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel: (+351)21/7208000 || Fax : (+351)21/7208089 || @: h3346@accor.com
Conference rooms |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Sunday, March 24
12:00 |
Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Opened during the entire conference |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Tutorial I
New Networking Technologies Support for Media-oriented Applications
by Prof. Dr. Eugen Borcoci, University Politehnica Bucuresti, Romania |
15:00 - 14:15 |
Coffee |
15:15 - 17:15 |
Tutorial II
Service Components and Ensembles:
Building Blocks for Autonomous Systems
by Prof. Dr. Nikola Šerbedžija, Fraunhofer FIRST, Germany |
17:15 - 17:30 |
Coffee |
17:30 - 19:30 |
Tutorial III
Data Analysis and Integration Tools in Biomedical Informatics:
A Case Study in Aging Research
by Prof. Dr. Hesham H. Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA |
19:30 - 20:30 |
Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail |
Monday, March 25
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Transport and Networking: Future Internet Trends
by Prof. Dr. Eugen Borcoci, University Politechnica Bucharest, Romania |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
PANEL ICAS: How Much Autonomous can be the Autonomous Systems? From Dreams to Facts!
Nikola Serbedzija, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Eimutis Valakevicius, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Augsburg University, Germany
Klas Nilsson, Dept of Computer Science, Lund University, Sweden
Nikola Serbedzija, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany |
Tuesday, March 26
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Implications of Arctic Sea Ice Reduction on Bromine Explosion, Ozone Depletion, and Mercury Deposition
Prof. Dr. Son V. Nghiem, JET/NASA & CalTech, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
PANEL ENERGY: Energy Storing Challenges and Future Technologies
Steffen Fries, Siemens, Germany
Mark Apperley, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Steffen Fries, Siemens, Germany
Petre Dini, Concordia University, Canada / China Space Agency Center - Beijing, China |
Wednesday, March 27
09:15 -10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Electric Vehicles as Grid Storage: A Fine-grained Simulation for Feasibility Analysis of Vehicle to Grid
Prof. Dr. Mark Apperley, University of Waikato, New Zealand |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17:45 |
Coffee break |
17:45 - 19:30 |
PANEL BIO: Are the Current BIO-models Powerful Enough?
Son Nghiem, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
Hiroshi Toyoizumi, Waseda University, Japan
Eduardo dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Son Nghiem, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA
20:00 - 23:30 |
Thursday, March 28
09:15 -10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
SCADA/ICS Security in an Insecure Domain
Robert M. Lee, hackINT, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
PANEL ICNS: Content/Information-centric, User-centric, System-centric,..: Different Dimensions or Different Directions? Any Preference?
Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest (UPB), Romania
Yuichi Ohsita, Osaka University, Japan
Irina Fedotova, Siberian State University of Telecommunication and Information Sciences, Russia
Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest (UPB), Romania |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Closing session |
Friday, March 29
7:45am - 6:30pm
check the exact timing at the conference
registration desk |
One day trip (by bus), including lunch
including guide (English), entry tickets, lunch, drinks
Lisbon + Sintra
8:00am START
Conference Hotel
The Medieval Borough of Alfama
Lisbon's Borough of Belém
Tower of Belém
National Coaches Museum
Monastery of the Jerónimos
(Hieronymite Monks, built in 1502)
Commerce Square, Down Town, Rossio Square, Avenue da Liberdade and Campo Grande
Lunch and drinks
Sintra - National Palace
Pena Palace - São Pedro de Penaferrim
Cascais, Passage by the Casino Estoril
6:00pm RETURN
Conference Hotel |
BIONATURE 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Bioenvironment, Biodiversity and Renewable Energies
BIONATURE 1: Climate
Session chair: Victor Zaichenko
South Russia Steppe Forests: Features and Problems
Maria Kryzhevich (Martynova)
Arctic Sea Ice Reduction and Tropospheric Chemical Processes
Son V. Nghiem, Paul B. Shepson, William Simpson, Donald K. Perovich, Matthew Sturm, Thomas Douglas, Iggnatius G. Rigor, Pablo Clemente-Colón, John P. Burrows, Andreas Richter, Alexandra Steffen, Ralf Staebler, Daniel Obrist, Christopher Moore, Jan Bottenheim, Ulrich Platt, Denis Pöhler, Stephan General, Johannes Zielcke, Jose D. Fuentes, Dorothy K. Hall, Lars Kaleschke, John Woods, Carl Hager, Joe Smith, Charles R. Sweet, Kerri Pratt, Kyle Custard, Peter Peterson, Steve Walsh, Erin Gleason, Eyal Saiet, Melinda Webster, Ross Lieb-Lappen, Christopher Linder, Gregory Neumann
Specific Fatty Acid Status in the White Sea Herring From Different Bays of the White Sea in Regard to Ecological Factors: Role of Fatty Acids in Ecological and Biochemical Adaptations of Fishes in Sub-Arctic
Svetlana Alexandrovna Murzina, Zinaida Anatol'evna Nefedova, Nina Nikolaevna Nemova, Pauli Onnievich Ripatti, Svetlana Nikolaevna Pekkoeva
Monitoring of Residential Air Quality by Formaldehyde Biochemical Gas Sensor for Indoor Public Health
Toshifumi Yamashita, Kumiko Miyajima, Tomoko Gessei, Takahiro Arakawa, Hiroyuki Kudo, Kohji Mitsubayashi
Session chair: Son V. Nghiem
Steam Gasification of Coffee Husk in Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier
Kore Sileshi, Mayerhofer Matthias, Assefa Abebayehu, Hartmut Spliethoff
Green Growth and Sustainable Development. Monitoring Progress towards the Environmental Millennium Development Goals
Ana Jesus Lopez-Menendez, Rigoberto Perez
Torrefied Pellets as Fuel for Two-Stage Technology of Biomass Conversion Into Synthesis Gas
Victor Zaichenko, Valentin Kosov, Julia Kuzmina, Vladimir Lavrenov
Influence of Torrefaction on the Fuel Characteristics of Different Biomass Materials
Vladimir F. Kosov, Vladimir A. Sinelshchikov, George A. Sytchev, Victor M. Zaichenko
The Theoretical Research of Torrefaction Process in a Flow Reactor
Valentin Kosov, Igor Maikov, Natalya Medvetskaya, Oleg Stonyk
Pre-Feasibility of Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System in a Remote, Off-Grid Community in Canada: A Case Study in Brochet, northern Manitoba [POSTER]
Prasid Ram Bhattarai, Shirley Thompson
BIOTECHNO 2013, The Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies
BIOTECHNO 1: Bioinformatics I
Session chair: Andrzej Swierniak
Assessment of Physiological States of Plants in situ - An Innovative Approach to the use of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy
Elisabeth Ferreira, Mariana Sequeira, André Cortez, Helena Pereira, Tânia Pereira, Vânia Almeida, João Cardoso, Carlos Correia, Teresa Vasconcelos, Isabel Duarte, Neusa Nazaré
A Semantic-Based Similarity Measure for Human Druggable Target Proteins
Eduardo Campos dos Santos, Bráulio Roberto Gonçalves Marinho Couto, Marcelo Matos Santoro, Marcos Augusto dos Santos, Julio Cesar Dias Lopes
Compression- based Algorithms for Comparing Fragmented Genomic Sequences
Ramez Mina, Dhundy Bastola, Hesham Ali
Automatic Detection of Filopodia from Fluorescence Microscopy Images [POSTER]
Sharmin Nilufar, Anne A. Morrow, Jonathan M. Lee, Theodore J. Perkins
BIOTECHNO 2: Biomedical technologies
Session chair: Hesham Ali
Controllability of a Model of Treatment Response to Combined Anticancer Therapy
Andrzej Swierniak, Jerzy Klamka
Design and Development of an Information System to Manage Clinical Data about Usher Syndrome Based on Conceptual Modeling
Verónica Burriel, M. Ángeles Pastor, Matilde Celma, J. Carlos Casamayor, Laura Mota
Antinociceptive Activity of ST36 Acupoint Stimulation by Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT) in mice
Vanessa Erthal, Cristine Hatsuko Baggio, Maria Fernanda de Paula Werner, Percy Nohama
Simultaneous Ultrasonic Measurement of Vascular Flow-mediated Dilation and Quantitative Wall Shear Stress for Endothelium Function Assessments
Naotaka Nitta
BIOTECHNO 3: Biocomputing
Session chair: Minoru Nakayama
Analyzing Meiotic DSB Interference by Combining Southern Blotting and Microarray Analysis
Hiroshi Toyoizumi, Hideo Tsubouchi
Modeling Patterns of microRNA:mRNA Regulation Through Utilization of Cryptographic Algorithms
Harry Shaw
Chronological Prediction of Certainty in Recall Tests using Markov Models of Eye Movements
Noaya Takahashi, Minoru Nakayama
Topological Analysis of Protein Interaction Networks Towards the Elicitation of the HCV Mechanisms [POSTER]
Thomas Simos, George Thyphronitis, Costas Papaloukas
BIOTECHNO 4: Bioinformatics II
Session chair: Hang Zettervall
Clustering MicroRNAs from Sequence and Time-Series Expression
Didem Olcer, Hasan Ogul
Real-time Visualization of Protein Empty Space with Varying Parameters
Ondrej Strnad, Vilem Sustr, Barbora Kozlikova, Jiri Sochor
Applied Multi-Expert Decision Making Issue Based on Linguistic Models for Prostate Cancer Patients
Hang Zettervall, Elisabeth Rakus-Andersson, Janusz Frey
Comparison of Multiple Structures in Torsion Angle Space [POSTER]
Tomasz Zok, Mariusz Popenda, Marta Szachniuk
ICAS 2013, The Ninth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
ICAS 1: Autonomic computing
Session chair: Lial Khaluf
Enabling Ubiquitous Workplace Through Virtualization Technology
Carlos Oliveira
Towards Autonomous Load Balancing for Mobile Data Stream Processing and Communication Middleware Based on Data Distribution Service
Rafael Vasconcelos, Markus Endler, Berto Gomes, Francisco Silva
QoS-Aware Component for Cloud Computing
Ines Ayadi, Noemie Simoni, Gladys Diaz
Autonomous Systems: from Requirements to Modeling and Implementation
Nikola Serbedzija
Comparison Between Self-Stabilizing Clustering Algorithms in Message-Passing Model
Mandicou Ba, Olivier Flauzac, Rafik Makhloufi, Florent Nolot, Ibrahima Niang
ICAS 2: Context-awareness networks, services and applications
Session chair: Jan-Philipp Steghöfer
Goal Processing and Semantic Matchmaking in Opportunistic Activity and Context Recognition Systems
Gerold Hoelzl, Marc Kurz, Alois Ferscha
Smart Bin for Incompatible Waste Items
Arnab Sinha, Paul Couderc
Middleware Supporting Net-Ready Applications for Enhancing Situational Awareness on Rotorcraft
Gustavo L. B. Baptista, Markus Endler, Jose Viterbo, Thomas A. DuBois, Randall L. Johnson
A Methodology for Evaluating Complex Interactions between Multiple Autonomic Managers
Thaddeus Eze, Richard Anthony, Chris Walshaw, Alan Soper
Organic Programming of Real-Time Operating Systems
Lial Khaluf, Franz Josef Rammig
ICAS 3: Theory for control and computation
Session chair: Klas Nilsson
Higher Order Sliding Mode Control of Robot Manipulator
Awatif Guendouzi, Ahcene Boubakir, Mustapha Hamerlain
Numerical Model of Generelized Multi-Priority Queuing System
Eimutis Valakevicius, Mindaugas Snipas
HiSPADA: Self-Organising Hierarchies for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems
Jan-Philipp Steghöfer, Pascal Behrmann, Gerrit Anders, Florian Siefert, Wolfgang Reif
Methodology of Training and Support for Urban Search and Rescue With Robots
Janusz Bedkowski, Karol Majek, Igor Ostrowski, Pawel Musialik, Andrzej Maslowski, Artur Adamek, Antonio Coelho, Geert De Cubber
ICAS 4: Theory and practice of autonomous systems
Session chair: Andrzej Malowski
Development of Ontology Based Framework for Information Security Standardss
Partha Saha, Ambuj Mahanti, Binay Bhushan Chakraborty, Avinash Navlani
Autonomic Diffusive Load Balancing on Many-core Architecture using Simulated Annealing
Hyunjik Song, Kiyoung Choi
Autonomic Ontologies for Governamental Knowledge Base
Stainam Nogueira Brandao, Sérgio Assis Rodrigues, Tiago Silva, Luis Araujo, Jano Moreira de Souza
Enabling Reuse of Robot Tasks and Capabilities by Business-Related Skills Grounded in Natural Language [PRESENTATION]
Klas Nilsson, Elin Anna Topp, Jacek Malec, Il-Hong Suh
INTENSIVE 2013, The Fifth International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services
INTENSIVE 1: Resource Intensive Applications and Services
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci
Interference Control by Best-Effort Process Duty-Cycling in Chip Multi-Processor Systems for Real-Time Medical Image Processing
Mark Westmijze, Marco J. G. Bekooij, Gerard J. M. Smit
E-Learning Portal Architecture – From Web Services Towards Cloud Services
Alina Andreica, Florina Covaci, Daniel Stuparu, Gabriel Pop, Călin Miu, Romulus Gadi, Flavius Chira, Grigorie Bogdan Mărcuş, Cosmin Tarţa, Cristina Câmpeanu
Design of Parallel Architectures of Classifiers Suitable for Intensive Data Processing
Boguslaw Cyganek, Kazimierz Wiatr
ENERGY 2013, The Third International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
ENERGY 1: Smart grids applications
Session chair: Luca Ardito
Simulation Tool For Energy Consumption and Production
Michael Nysteen, Henrik Mynderup, Bjarne Poulsen, Chresten Træholt
Analysis of Energy Saving Effects on Korean Style Residential Buildings using Energy Information Device for Smart Metering
Yoon-Sik Yoo, Il-Woo Lee
Communication Network Architectures based on EPON for Offshore Wind Power Farm
Mohamed A. Ahmed, Young-Chon Kim
Planning of Sustainable Urban Districts based on Smart Micro-Grids Concept: A Case Study in Brazil
Cesare Pica, Tânia Leites, Franco Tumelero, Ricardo Trentin
ENERGY 2: Green computation
Session chair: Anders Bro Pedersen
Introducing Energy Efficiency into SQALE
Luca Ardito, Giuseppe Procaccianti, Antonio Vetro', Maurizio Morisio
Definition, Implementation and Validation of Energy Code Smells: an Exploratory Study on an Embedded System
Antonio Vetro', Luca Ardito, Giuseppe Procaccianti, Maurizio Morisio
Resource-efficient Management Scheme of Sensor Data
Hyunjeong Lee, Jaedoo Huh, Il-Woo Lee, Sang Ho Lee
Next Generation Power Distribution System Architecture: The Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) System
Alex Huang, Xu She, Xunwei Yu, Fei Wang, Gangyao Wang
ENERGY 3: Smart grids management and control
Session chair: Michael Chai
An Iterative Price-Based Approach for Optimal Demand-Response
Michalis Kanakakis, Marilena Minou, Costas Courcoubetis, George Stamoulis, George Thanos
The Many Faces of Real-Time Scheduling Applied to Power Load Management
Tullio Facchinetti
Efficient Multicast Authentication in Energy Automation Environments
Steffen Fries, Rainer Falk
A Energy Balancing Control Strategy for Microgrid with Storage Systems
Tianjun Jing, Huanna Niu, Jiangbo Wang, Rengang Yang
ENERGY 4: Smart grids technologies
Session chair: Steffen Fries
Smart Grid Enabled and Enhanced by Broadband Powerline
Nadine Berezak-Lazarus
Sensors for Smart Grids
Francisc Zavoda, Chris Yakymyshyn
Grid Monitoring: Bounds on Performances of Sensor Placement Algorithms
Muhammad Uddin, Anthony Kuh, Aleksandar Kavcic, Toshihisa Tanaka, Danilo P. Mandic
Smart Energy Management for Home Area Networks
Tan Yi, Yiming Wang, Siying Wang, Hongqian Rong, Yuan Chang, Jianlun Zhong, Dai Xun, Yue Chen, Kok Keong Chai, Tiankui Zhang, Chaowei Wang
ENERGY 5: Advanced IT energy-aware technologies
Session chair: Toshiaki Suzuki
Profiling Power Consumption on Mobile Devices
Luca Ardito, Giuseppe Procaccianti, Marco Torchiano, Giuseppe Migliore
Dynamic Classification of Repetitive Jobs In Linux For Energy-Aware Scheduling: A Feasibility Study
Shane Case, Kanad Ghose
An Integrated Framework for Power-Performance Analysis of Parallel Scientific Workloads
Sergio Barrachina, Maria Barreda, Sandra Catalán, Manuel F. Dolz, Germán Fabregat, Rafael Mayo, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
Energy Feedback for Smart Grid Consumers: Lessons Learned from the Kukui Cup
Robert S. Brewer, Yongwen Xu, George E. Lee, Michelle Katchuck, Carleton A. Moore, Philip M. Johnson
ENERGY 6: Green communications
Session chair: Robert Brewer
A Large-scale Power-saving Cloud System Composed of Multiple Data Centers
Toshiaki Suzuki, Tomoyuki Iijima, Isao Shimokawa, Toshiaki Tarui, Shinichi Kuwahara, Hidenori Takagi, Tomohiro Baba
Electric Vehicle Route Assistance Using Forecast on Charging Station
Marie Nestor Mariyasagayam, Yuichi Kobayashi
Green Service Discovery Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Janine Kniess, Orlando Loques, Célio V. N. Albuquerque
Power Line Communication using STC/SFC/STFC over Statistical Indoor Power Line Channels
Jeonghwa Yoo, Sangho Choe
ENERGY 7: Challenges in smart grids
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci
Opportunities and Challenges of DSM in Smart Grid Environment
Maria das Neves Macedo, Joaquim Galo, Luiz Almeida, Antonio Lima
Real-Time Scheduling for Peak Load Reduction in a Large Set of HVAC Loads
Marco L. Della Vedova, Tullio Facchinetti
Smart Meters Security Assessment in the Brazilian Scenario
Rafael Cividanes, Nelson Uto, Bruno Botelho, Sergio Ribeiro, Christiane Cuculo, Danilo Suiama, Heron Fontana
Security Hub Architecture Support for IEC 61850 Information Exchange Protocols [PRESENTATION]
Suhas Aggarwal
ICNS 2013, The Ninth International Conference on Networking and Services
LMPCNA: Learning Methodologies and Platforms Used in the Cisco Networking Academy
Session chair: Mak Sharma
How to Add Value and Increase Income with Vendors Resources [TALK]
Mak Sharma
Automated Dynamic Topology Configuration: An Innovative Approach to Online Rack Renting
Vimukthi S. M. W. T. Mudiyanselage, Rashmi Dravid
Cisco Academy Support Center and Distance Education Course
Khondkar Islam, Louis D'Alessandro
ICNS 1: Network control and management
Session chair: Luis Anido Rifon
Technical Points in the Implementation of the Support System for Operation and Management of DACS System
Kazuya Odagiri, Shogo Shimizu, Naohiro Ishii
Infrastructure Optimization in a Transmission Network
Mary Luz Mouronte López
Virtual Network Topologies Adaptive to Large Traffic Changes by Reconfiguring a Small Number of Paths
Masahiro Yoshinari, Yuichi Ohsita, Masayuki Murata
Comparison of Contemporary Solutions for High Speed Data Transport on WAN 10 Gbit/s Connections
Dmitry Kachan, Eduard Siemens, Vyacheslav Shuvalov
Performance of Cloud-based P2P Game Architecture
Victor Clincy, Brandon Wilgor
ICNS 2: Multi-technology service deployment and assurance
Session chair: Dmitry Kachan
Improving the Quality of Life of Dependent and Disabled People Through Home Automation and Tele-assistance
Carlos Rivas Costa, Miguel Gómez Carballa, Luis Eulogio Anido Rifón, Sonia Valladares Rodríguez, Manuel José Fernández Iglesias
Customized and Geolocated TV Channels about The Way of Saint James
Sonia Valladares Rodríguez, Manuel José Fernández Iglesias, Roberto Soto Barreiros, Luis Eulogio Anido Rifón, Carlos Rivas Costa
User and Device Adaptable Service Managing Mechanism in Ubiquitous Computing Environment
Jung-Sik Sung, Jong-Uk Lee, Jaedoo Huh
Automated Audio-visual Dialogs over Internet to Assist Dependant People
Thierry Simonnet, Samuel Ben Hamou
ICNS 3: Next generation networks and ubiquitous services
Session chair: Ulrich Klehmet
Tiered Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
Yoshhiro Nozaki, Parth Bakshi, Normala Shenoy
A Reconfiguration Trial on the Platform of Allied Information for Wireless Converged Networks
Jie Zeng, Xin Su, Yuan You, Lili Liu, Xibin Xu
Optimization of Overlay QoS Constrained Routing and Mapping Algorithm for Virtual Content Aware networks
Radu Dinel Miruta, Eugen Borcoci
Coordinated Call Admission Control in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks [POSTER]
Ying Yan
ICNS 4: Emergency services and disaster recovery
Session chair: Khondkar Islam
Electric-Vehicle-based Ad Hoc Networking and Surveillance for Disaster Recovery-Proposal of Three-Dimensional Mobile Surveillance Using Electric Helicopters
Kenichi Mase, Takuya Saito
Resilience of a Network Service System: Its Definition and Measurement
Junwei Wang, Kazuo Furuta, Wenjun Zhang
Survey on Survivable Virtual Network Embedding Problem and Solutions
Sandra Herker, Ashiq Khan, Xueli An
The Impact Of Extra Traffic On The Control Channel Over The Performance Of CCA Applications
Iallen Gábio de Sousa Santos, Felipe Eduardo N. Mazullo, André Castelo Branco Soares
ICNS 5: Emerging network communications and technologies I
Session chair: Yuichi Ohsita
Different Scenarios of Concatenation at Aggregate Scheduling of Multiple Nodes
Ulrich Klehmet, Kai-Steffen Hielscher
Full Dedicated Optical Path Protection in the WDM Mesh Networks without Wavelength Conversion
Stefanos Mylonakis
Security Attack based on Control Packet Vulnerability in Cooperative Wireless Networks
Ki Hong Kim
Codebook Subsampling and Rearrangement Method for Large Scale MIMO Systems
Tianxiao Zhang, Xin Su, Jie Zeng, Limin Xiao, Xibin Xu, Jingyu Li
ICNS 6: Emerging network communications and technologies II
Session chair: Kai-Steffen Hielscher
A Power-Aware Real-Time Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohamed Aissani, Sofiane Bouznad, Badis Djamaa, Ibrahim Tsabet
Mobility-based Greedy Forwarding Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks
Riad Kouah, Mohamed Aissani, Samira Moussaoui
Evaluation of Data Center Network Structures Considering Routing Methods
Yuta Shimotsuma, Yuya Tarutani, Yuichi Ohsita, Masayuki Murata
Economically Efficient Interdomain Overlay Network Based on ISP Alliance
Xun Shao, Go Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Hirotaka Nakano
ICNS 7: Emerging network communications and technologies III
Session chair: Pericle Perazzo
Evaluation of Reliable Multicast Implementations with Proposed Adaptation for Delivery of Big Data in Wide Area Networks
Aleksandr Bakharev, Eduard Siemens
Optimizing Multicast Content Delivery over Novel Mobile Networks
Tien-Thinh Nguyen, Christian Bonnet
Wireless Sensor Actor Networks For Industry Control
Yoshihiro Nozaki, Nirmala Shenoy, Qian Li
An Analysis of Impact of IPv6 on QoS in LTE Networks
Tao Zheng, Daqing Gu
ICNS 8: Emerging network communications and technologies IV
Session chair: Tao Zheng
Smart Network Selection and Packet Loss Improvement During Handover in Heterogeneous Environment
Ahmad Rahil, Nader Mbarek, Olivier Togni
A High-precision Time Handling Library
Irina Fedotova, Eduard Siemens, Hao Hu
Optimization of Server Locations in Server Migration Service
Yukinobu Fukushima, Tutomu Murase, Tokumi Yokohira, Tatsuya Suda
SecDEv: Secure Distance Evaluation in Wireless Networks
Gianluca Dini, Francesco Giurlanda, Pericle Perazzo
A Hybrid Model for Network Traffic Identification Based on Association Rules and Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)
Zuleika Nascimento, Djamel Sadok, Stenio Fernandes