The Fifth International Conference on Access Networks
June 22 - 26, 2014 - Seville, Spain |
Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters |
printer friendly pdf version |
- Colocated with other events part of InfoWare 2014
- Posters will be presented during the conference
- A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
- A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
- A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research
Submission (full paper) |
January 28 February 28, 2014 |
Notification |
March 31, 2014 |
Registration |
April 15, 2014 |
Camera ready |
May 10, 2014 |
ISSN: 2308-4049
ISBN: 978-1-61208-350-6 |
All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
NEXTACCESS: Next generation access technologies
Interactivity, unlimited access and full-scale media support; Energy-aware and efficiency-oriented technologies; Sustainable access network business (standard DSL vs. fiber vs. wireless access); 3G/4G wireless technologies; Multiservice access (DSL, fiber, WiMAX, POTS); FTTH; Ethernet P2P vs. xPON; FTTx with VDSL2, or Ethernet, or DOCSIS 3.0; Radio extension, 802.xx (Wi-Fi, WiMax, etc.); LTE, LTE-advanced; IMT-advanced networks; Mesh and relay networks (IEEE 802.11s, IEEE802.16j, etc.); Quality of experience (QoE)
FEMTO: Femtocells-based access
Femtocells architectures;
Femtocells requirements ands specifications;
Femtocells protocols;
Femtocells services and applications;
Traffic and QoS in Femtocells;
Performance analysis in Femtocells;
Femtocells control and management;
Interoperability of Femtocells devices;
Femtocells operation optimization;
Femtocells specific solutions for mobility;
OFDMA Femtocells: interference avoidance;
Macrocell-Femto cell interference issues and mitigation;
Macrocell-Femto cell handover strategies; WiMAX Fentocells;
Standardization of Femtocells
BROADBAND: Broadband wireless Internet access
New architectures, technologies, protocols for broadband wireless access; QoS in mobile and broadband wireless access networks; Broadcast and multicast support; Physical and data link layer issues; Medium access control, SLA and QoS; Radio resource management and call admission control; Space-time coding for broadband wireless Internet; Modulation, coding and antennas (MIMO); Spectrum management; Scalability and reliability issues; Wireless mesh networks; Capacity planning and traffic engineering; Security and privacy issues; Interoperability aspects (fixed/mobile LANs/MANs, WANs); Experiences/lessons from recent deployments
OPTICAL: Optical access networks
Optical access network architecture design; Optical access network components and systems; New PON developments and testbeds; WDM and OFDM PON technologies; MAC and bandwidth allocation; RoF network architecture and MAC; RoF components and systems; Signal processing for new modulation formats; Optical spectral management; Multimode fiber technology and applications; Performance monitoring and diagnosis; Deployment and economic analysis
MOBILE WIRELESS: Mobile wireless access
Mobile Broadband Wireless Access; Wireless/Mobile Access Protocols; Wireless/Mobile Web Access; Ubiquitous and mobile access; Mobile/vehicular environment access; Multi-Homing and Vertical Handoff; Localization and tracking; Context-aware services and applications; Context-aware protocols and protocol architectures; Interactive applications; Mobile and Wireless Entertainment; Mobile Info-services; Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
DYNAMIC: Dynamic and cognitive access
Dynamic spectrum access;
Architectures and platforms for dynamic spectrum access networks;
Spectrum sensing, measurement and models; Efficient and broadband spectrum sensing;
Interference metrics and measurements;
New spectrum protocols and models;
Cognitive radio (cross-layer optimization);
Multiple access schemes for cognitive radio networks;
Radio resource management and dynamic spectrum access networks;
Dynamic spectrum auction and economics;
Business model, pricing, and regulations for dynamic spectrum
HOWAN: Hybrid optical and wireless access networks
Multi-hop wireless mesh networks; Passive optical networks; Node architecture and design of hybrid optical and wireless networks; Emerging wireless/optical applications QoS management for hybrid access networks; PON and WDM-PON network experiments; Radio over Fiber (RoF); FTTx network architecture and applications; Routing and multicast over hybrid optical and wireless networks; Service resilience and availability of hybrid optical and wireless networks; Applications and evolutions of hybrid access networks; Network design, control, and performance in HOWANs; Capacity analysis, flow and congestion control in HOWANs; Optimization of hybrid optical and wireless networks; Evolution of HOWAN access networks Broadband wireless access in HOWANs; Security and privacy in HOWANs; New services and applications; Test-bed and prototype implementation; Standardization issues
COPPER: Copper Access
Ubiquity via phone lines; Speed reaching 100 Mbps; DSL broadband access; Dynamic and joint optimization of resources (frequency, amplitude, space, and time); Attenuation and crosstalk bottlenecks; Management and control for the multi-user twisted pair networks
GIGATERA: Giga/Tera Access
Multi-antenna technologies (MIMO, Beamforming, Antenna Selection, etc); RF/Antenna propagation (RF beamforming, Tera-Hz signal generation, Propagation); Interoperability aspects (fixed/mobile LANs/MANs, WANs); Signal processing for millimeter and Tera-Hz wireless systems; NLOS avoidance techniques; Cooperative networks, repeaters and relaying; Error correction, equalization; Space division multiple access; Coexistence and interoperability; OFDM versus single-carrier systems; MIMO in mm-wave and Tera-Hz systems; OFDMA processing; Spread spectrum techniques; High-efficiency medium access control (MAC) protocol; Neighbor discovery in directional wireless networks
CONTROL: Access Control
Foundations for access control; Models for access control; Mechanisms for access control; Policy-driven and role-driven access control; Delegation and identity management; Privacy-drive control; Access control for advanced applications (cloud, autonomic, sensor, social networks, etc.); Standards for accesses control
NEUTRAL: Neutral Access Networks
Open access networks; Network neutrality; Operator-neutral residential access technologies; Operator-neutral nomadic access technologies; Operator-neutral mobile access technologies; Operator-neutral CPEs; Internet access regulation; NANs design and management; Multi-gateway traffic management; QoS management in shared infrastructures; Routing and multicast in NANs; Broadband business models for NANs; Broadband pricing models for NANs; Broadband market analysis for NANs; IP traffic models for NANs; Edge routers for NANs; Identity management in NANs; NANS and Digital divide; NANs and Digital inclusion; Inclusive services and applications; NAN testbeds and case studies
LEGAL: Legal aspects on network and service access
Network neutrality principle; Security and privacy rights; Institutional implications; Accessibility and social affordability; User responsibility