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The Ninth International Conference on Systems

ICONS 2014

February 23 - 27, 2014 - Nice, France


Telecommunication Network Lifecycle and System Engineering Techniques

Prof. Dr. Andy Snow
School of Information & Telecommunication Systems, Ohio University, USA
Prof. Dr. Gary Weckman
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Ohio University, USA


The goal of this tutorial is to provide attendees a keen appreciation of the relationship between the network lifecycle, project management, and systems engineering techniques necessary to successfully design, develop, acquire, and field complex telecommunication networks. What the telecommunication networking discipline has in common with the Information Technology field as a whole is that a significant number of projects fail because of poor definition at the beginning of the lifecycle of a system. As a consequence, this tutorial places heavy emphasis on network definition activities including network user requirements, system requirements, concept definition, component specification, and planning. Emphasis will be placed on how to determine customer needs, translate those needs into network system attributes, develop an architecture capable of having the required network attributes, and specify and select components that will interact successfully to meet the necessary functional and performance attributes capable of satisfying user needs. A systems engineering perspective will also be included that provides for the decomposition of complex network systems into subsystems and major components. A taxonomy of network system attributes (system requirements) will be presented and the systems engineering techniques described to help ensure the chosen architecture and components exhibit these attributes.



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