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The Eighth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions

ACHI 2015
February 22 - 27, 2015 - Lisbon, Portugal


T1. Patient Privacy and Security in eHEALTH
by Dr. Güney Gürsel, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

T2. Cutting-Edge Technology for Patent Analysis
by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigram Schindler, TELES Patent Rights International GmbH, Germany



T1. Patient Privacy and Security in eHEALTH
by Dr. Güney Gürsel, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

Electronic health, eHEALTH is a popular research area, in the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business. eHEALTH can be defined as the use of information and communication technologies to improve health care. In the digital era, undoubtedly, eHEALTH is a major contributor for decision support, education and research activities in healthcare. It provides tremendous benefits by easy store and access to data. Every healthcare organization uses an information system and records every piece of patient data electronically. It helps improve not only the quality of services given in healthcare, but also healthcare education, research etc. This kind of information systems and digital data facilitates easy access to huge amounts of healthcare data. This facility brings some problems and dangers together with the benefits. The violation of Patient Privacy and Security is one the first candidates of the biggest dangers. That is why it is becoming a popular issue,as the eHEALTH continues to improve.

Users have easy access to vast amounts of sensitive health data about patients. With the ease of electronic storage and access of patient health data, some people has the opportunity to access huge amounts of data that they would never have when they are in paper forms. The electronic patient data also lures many organizations, who are big actors in healthcare business such as drug companies, medical device companies, insurance companies etc. Many people are in a competition to use this huge amount of patient data for legal or illegal purposes with legal and illegal access.

Patient Privacy and Security is a challenge for every eHEALTH application and healthcare organization using eHEALTH technologies. EHEALTH has many advantages and benefits to both patients and caregivers, no need to list them, but the possibility of misuse and abuse of patient health data emerge. The danger of misuse and abuse makes the concepts of privacy and security very popular and point of major concern.

This tutorial examines the concepts and issues related to Patient Privacy and Security and techniques used to protect it. The purpose is to invoke attention and awareness to the importance of the Patient Privacy and Security and invoke awareness of the students, academics, researches having studies and works related to healthcare and patient data.

The tutorial will be organized as follows: Definition and description of patient Privacy and Security will be given at the outset. The seriousness of the situation, Patients’ Rights and Healthcare Providers’ Responsibilities, Privacy and security trends that affect healthcare, Laws and Regulations on Patient Privacy and Security, Security and Privacy Auditing in eHEALTH will follow.

T2. Cutting-Edge Technology for Patent Analysis
by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigram Schindler, TELES Patent Rights International GmbH, Germany

The first part of this tutorial starts with outlining a survey about the basic semiotics of any advanced practical eKNOW management system of innovative knowledge e.g. about a patent or alike - as needed by an "Innovation Expert System (IES)" focused on "Emerging Technology (ET)" - i.e. its bionic kinds of objects (i.e. all subject matter and/or context and/or evaluation and/or argumentation and/or presentation items of information), semantic kinds of objects kinds (i.e. all elements and their properties items of information), and all relational kinds of objects (between these items), evaluational kinds of objects (sets of related such items) all information in their representation  as eKnowledge (eKNOW) items, their internal logical kinds of objects, and the relation kinds of objects between. After the introduction of this total eKNOW structure of an IES its use scenarios will be briefly presented.

The second part of this tutorial goes into how to generate semi and/or fully automatically the just outlined eKNOW structure up to the automatic generation of the "Arguable Sub-Tests, ASTs" evaluation items and "Legal Argument Chains, LACs" argumentation items - capable of answering all rational questions concerning this patent's invention, e.g. as to its satisfying Substantive Patent Law - i.e. still leaving aside the presentation items. This part is supported by showing, of the prototype IES being implemented, the "screenshots" the user of the IES would use to this end.

The whole tutorial is organized as a discussion round, anytime open for questions and answering them, and discussing both.


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