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Propose a Workshop

Propose a Mini Symposium

The Ninth International Conference on Advances in
Circuits, Electronics and Micro-electronics


July 24 - 28, 2016 - Nice, France


The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference. For the awarded papers, a digital award will be issued in the name of the authors. The authors of these papers are also receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

Awarded Papers

Color Invariant Study for Background Subtraction
Lorena Guachi, Giuseppe Cocorullo, Pasquale Corsonello, Fabio Frustaci, Stefania Perri

Novel Nanoparticle Enhanced Digital Materials for 3D Printing and their Application Shown for the Robotic and Electronic Industry
Steffen Scholz, Adrien Brunet, Tobias Muller, Anita Fuchsbauer


The following papers have been selected on the basis of their contents, specificaly for lending themselves to an interesting extended work. The authors of these papers are receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

Papers Invited for IARIA Journals

Improving the Performance of a SOM-Based FPGA-Placement-Algorithm Using SIMD-Hardware
Timm Bostelmann, Sergei Sawitzki

Novel Conductive Inks for 3D Printing
Ayala Kabla, Leo Schranzhofer, Abd El Razek, Fernando de la Vega

ADDMANU – An Austrian Lighthouse Project for Additive Manfacturing
Christian Woegerer, Michael Muehlbereger, Markus IKeda

Novel FGMOS based Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier and its Filter Applications
Akanksha Ninawe, Himani Kanwar, Richa Srivastava, Devesh Singh

A Dynamically Reconfigurable NoC for Double-Precision Floating-Point FFT on FPGAs
Thanh Bui, Braden Phillips, Michael Liebelt

A Cost Model for SMARTLAM
Max Dobler, James Gourlay, Steffen Scholz, Andreas Schmidt


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