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Propose a Mini Symposium

The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications

July 23 - 27, 2017 - Nice, France

Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters
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  • Colocated with other events part of InfoWare 2017
  • Posters will be presented during the conference
  • A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
  • A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
  • A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research
Submission (full paper)

March 5 April 7, 2017


May 6, 2017


May 20, 2017

Camera ready

June 10, 2017

ISSN: 2327-2058
ISBN: 978-1-61208-573-9

Published by IARIA XPS Press

Archived in the free access ThinkMindTM Digital Library
Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal
Articles will be submitted to appropriate indexes.

conference contact:

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.

Special tracks:

CITS: Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems
Chair and Coordinator: Project Assist. Prof. Dr. Manabu Tsukada, University of Tokyo, Japan

ACV: Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Chair and Coordinator: Dr. Abdelhamid Mammeri, Senior Research Scientist, University of Ottawa, Canada



Hot topics in vehicular systems
Advanced vehicle safety systems; Driver assistance systems; Sensing, vision and perception; Human factors in urban traffic; Driver reactions and predictions; Driver tracking systems; Predict red-light running violations; Rear-view pedestrian detection; Urban truck energy-efficient driving systems; A priori map data; Multi-lane vehicular traffic models; Traffic signs-based fog density models; Social interaction and signaling; Collision avoidance systems; Driving in crowded scenes; Delay estimation; Advances in motorway traffic control; Traffic signal adaptive routing; Long-term trajectory predictions; Visual warnings and accident prevention; Head-up display; Speed harmonization; Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications; Unmanned ground vehicle paths; Free space detection; Autonomous vehicle in urban environments; Road side sensors; Automated vehicle operation; Motion planning; Navigation tracking; Urban traffic hotspots detection; Pedestrian walking activity recognition and prediction; Pedestrian and bicyclists safety; Evacuation dynamics; Sparse and noisy smartphone location data; Energy management for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles; Heavy-duty vehicles; Freeway traffic management; Adaptive video-streaming dissemination; Streaming content from a vehicular cloud; Wireless degrading communication sensing; Secure information transfer in V2V communication; Coordination of terrestrial vehicles and drones; Carsharing and charging stations; Real-time learning for incident prediction; Carpooling; Bottlenecks in massive crowd flow networks; Pollution models; Driving and urban planning

Fundamentals on communication and networking
Intelligent vehicular networking; Vehicular communications; Vehicular mobile ad hoc networks; Vehicle-to-infrastructure communications; Roadside-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle communication; Vehicle-to-vehicle communication; Cellular and satellite communications for vehicular systems; Cross-layer design and optimization for vehicular networks; Future vehicular systems; Vehicular applications

Protocols and mechanisms
Routing protocols for vehicle-to-vehicle communications; MAC layer technologies; Physical layer and RF level technologies; Algorithms, protocols and systems for data dissemination; Channel modeling; Modulation and coding; Multi-channel organization and operation; Antenna technologies; In-vehicle sensor networks

Vehicular data
Mining vehicular data; Vehicular data acquisition; Vehicular data analysis; Vehicular data dissemination; Vehicular datasets; Floating car data (FCD); Business models for vehicular data; Ownership of vehicular data; Vehicular data services; Vehicular data centers

Unmanned vehicles
Terrestrial unmanned vehicles; Unmanned aerial vehicles; Underwater unmanned vehicles; Unmanned sea surface vehicles; Collision control; Traffic surveillance challenges; Path planning and estimation; Communication between unmanned vehicles;  Integration of unmanned aerial vehicles in civil airspace; Unmanned vehicular clusters; Designing unmanned vehicular-based systems; Safety of unmanned vehicles; Legal aspects of unmanned vehicular systems; Testbeds and pilot experiments.

Embedded security; Automotive security; Secure automotive communication (on-board and off-board like V2X); Safety and security co-engineering; Tuning protection; Component protection; Vehicular integrity protection; Secure (over-the-air) update; Separation techniques for vehicular networks; Protection of the vehicular safety functionality; Immobilizers; Data privacy (of connected vehicles)

System evaluation methodologies; Performance characterization and analysis; Mobility analysis and vehicle traffic analysis; Safety and non-safety applications; Security issues and countermeasures; Privacy issues; Reliable and fast handover; Green vehicular communications and networking; Power control and scalability issues

Vehicle powering
Renewable energy and vehicles; Green cars; Biofuels; Electrical vehicles; Solar powering cars; Hybrid electric vehicles; Long-term car batteries; Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles; Residential charging stations; Dual-source energy storage

Management and tracking
Networks and systems management; High-speed mobility management; Radio resource, QoS support, and interference management; Channel management; Incident detection; Vehicle tracking

Subliminal characteristics
Driver-centric interfaces; Modalities for subliminal interfaces (visual, auditory, tactile/haptic, olfactory); Perception of subliminal information; Characteristics of subliminally delivered information; Unobtrusive techniques for driver’s state detection; Mitigation or regulation interfaces

Experiments and challenges
Simulation frameworks and real-world testbeds; Standardization in safe autonomous systems; Implementation of mobile IP and migration of IPv6; Testbed experiments and measurements; Business models and policies


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