The Third International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
October 11-16, 2009 - Sliema, Malta |
Preliminary Program
NexTech 2009
ADVCOMP 2009 - SEMAPRO 2009 - UBICOMM 2009 - AP2PS 2009
EMERGING 2009 - CENICS 2009 - ECUMN 2009
Sunday, October 11
Monday, October 12
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening Session
Prof. Dr. Simon G. Fabri, University of Malta, Malta
Prof. Dr. Edward Gatt, IEEE Malta Section, Malta
Prof. Dr. Petre Dini, IARIA |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
P2P Development: Do you need a lawyer?
Alessandro Liotta, Axiom, UK |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17:45 |
Coffee Break |
17:45 - 19:30 |
19:30 - 20:30 |
IARIA Working Group: Electronics and Microelectronics
IARIA Kickoff Meeting: Emerging Technologies
- Special Topics
- On-line Journals
Tuesday, October 13
08:30 - 10:15 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AP2PS1 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
AP2PS2 |
17:30 - 18:30 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting : Ubiquitous systems
IARIA Kickoff meeting: P2P Systems
- Special Topics
- On-line Journals
18:30 - 20:00 |
Special Demo
Brian Restall, Projects in Motion, Ltd., Malta
Nima Dokoohaki, KTH, Sweden
A bus is being organized right after the talk to the Museum of Fine Arts in Valletta to view the demo in a local museum. Booking at the Smartmuseum booth is required. |
Wednesday, October 14
08:30 - 10:15 |
AP2PS3 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AP2PS4 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
AP2PS5 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
AP2PS6 |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Keynote Speaker
Grids and Clouds for e-Science Applications
Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch, EU Project DEISA & Board of Directors of OGF |
18:30 - 20:00 |
IARIA Work Group Meeting : Advanced Computing
IARIA Kickoff Meeting : Semantic Processing
Keynote Speaker
Tools and Services for Data Intensive Research
Roger S. Barga, PhD, Microsoft Research
Note: Roger will provide the attendees with both software and supporting documentation of Microsoft Dryad on a USB drive that we will hand
- Special Topics
- On-line Journals
20:00 - 24:00 |
NexTech 2009
Thursday, October 15
08:30 - 10:15 |
AP2PS7 |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
AP2PS8 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17:45 |
Closing Session |
Friday, October 16
8:00 - 18:00 |
Only for those participants who registered via the registration form.
On site registration: subject to availability.
One day visit
(lunch included)
(see the registration form)
Malta Classic Tour
Valletta, The Capital
Mdina Medieval City
Marsalokk Fishing Village &
Hagar Qim or Tarxien Temple
The most popular tour covering three different periods of Malta's golden history in one day. Our first visit during this tour is Valletta, here we include the Barraka Gardens which offer stunning views of the Grand Harbour and magnificent fortifications, a walk down Triq Republikka where you can admire numerous historical buildings built by the Knights of St. John including the Aubereges, the Grand Masters Palace and the St. John's Co. Cathedral, the church of the order and also home to Caravaggio's masterpiece "Beheading of St. John" amongst other treasures.
After our tour of the capital we will then visit the south west of the island to a rural area where the ancient Hagar Qim Temple site stands circa. 3300BC. This temple is particularly interesting as it has the largest and heaviest megaliths, some weighing a staggering 20 tons.
We then continue to our next stop and an opportunity to experience a little local culture when we visit the pretty traditional fishing village of Marsaxlokk. Marsaxlokk fishing village is characterized by low lying buildings and the colorful traditional fishing boats known as the 'luzzu'. A small market lines the seafront and if you would like to sample local fresh fish there are plenty of good quality restaurants to choose from.
Our final stop during this tour will be to Mdina. Mdina is a unique medieval city, built in the 9th century, the city was built on a plateau in the centre of the island and from the high bastion walls you can admire stunning views of the island. This medieval city is a maze of narrow alleys and magnificent architecture, the only way to appreciate this special city is to walk through it and admire its living history. Our tour at this point comes to an end and we head back to the hotel. |
AP2PS 2009
AP2PS 1: Performance Analysis of P2P Frameworks and Applications I
Session Chair: Nikos Antopoulous
Peer Selection for Multi-source Streaming Approach on P2P File Sharing Application
Ahmad Tajuddin Samsudin and Nanna Suryana
Performance Evaluation of a Chord-Based JXTA Implementation
Carlo Nocentini, Pilu Crescenzi, and Leonardo Lanzi
A Replica Relocation Method for Improving Search Efficiency in P2P Networks
Toshiki Watanabe, Yong Zhao, Akimitsu Kanzaki, Takahiro Hara, and Shojiro Nishio
Caching Strategy for Scalable Lookup of Personal Content
Niels Sluijs, Tim Wauters, Bart De Vleeschauwer, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, and Piet Demeester
AP2PS 2: Performance Analysis of P2P Frameworks and Applications II
Session Chair: Antonio Liotta
Comparative Study of Peer-to-Peer Architectures for Scalable Resource Discovery
Jeroen Famaey, Jef Donders, Tim Wauters, Frédéric Iterbeke, Niels Sluijs, Bart De Vleeschauwer, Filip De Turck, Piet Demeester, and Rudy Stoop
Modeling and Dynamics Analysis of P2P Networks Based on Evolutionary Games
Seungyun Cho and Thinh Nguyen
A Novel P2P Content Sharing Scheme Supporting Multiple Services
Jiang Wenjian, Le Lifeng, Song Yuning, and Chen Yanjun
A Review of Incentive Mechanism in Peer-to-Peer Systems
Kan Zhang, Nick Antonopoulos, and Zaigham Mahmood
On Estimating Semantic Loss in Peer Data Management Systems
Yannis Delveroudis, Paraskevas V. Lekeas, and Dora Souliou
AP2PS 3: Mobile P2P
Session Chair: Kota Abe
Peer-to-Peer Solutions for Cellular Networks
Andreas Berl, Hermann de Meer, and Tobias Hoßfeld
Scenario Analysis and System Dynamics in New Emerging Technology Research: Case Mobile Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution
Juuso Karikoski, Mikko Heikkinen, and Heikki Hämmäinen
A Technique for Construction of Overlay Networks for MANETs with Consideration of Physical Network Topologies
Yuuta Nishihara, Yusuke Yokota, and Eiji Okubo
Exploiting Traffic Sampling Techniques to Optimize Energy Efficiency in Mobile Peer Networks
Julian K. Buhagiar and Carl James Debono
AP2PS 4: Advances in Theoretical Foundations of P2P
Session Chair: Carl James Debono
Mutable Peer-to-Peer File Systems: Analysis and Evaluation
Charalampos Chelmis
A New Credit-Based Incentive Mechanism for P2P Scheduling with User Modeling
Josep Rius, Fernando Cores, and Francesc Solsona
Using Logical Identifiers of Nodes in Replica Maintenance
Quang Hieu Vu
A Generic and Overlay-Agnostic Publish-Subscribe Protocol
Paulina Adamska, Adam Wierzbicki, and Tomasz Kaszuba
AP2PS 5: Service-Oriented P2P
Session Chair: Yusuke Yokota
Toward Fault-Tolerant P2P Systems: Constructing a Stable Virtual Peer from Multiple Unstable Peers
Kota Abe, Tatsuya Ueda, Masanori Shikano, Hayato Ishibashi, and Toshio Matsuura
pService: Towards Similarity Search on Peer-to-Peer Web Services Discovery
Gang Zhou and Jianjun Yu
Dependable Dynamic Service Integration on Service-Oriented Peer-to-Peer Networks
Lu Liu, Jie Xu, Duncan Russell, KP Lam, Zongyang Luo, Kaigui Wu, and Dave Collins
ppBLAST: A Computational Service over Peer-to-Peer Network for BLAST
Xinuo Chen, Stephen A. Jarvis, and Jenny Shuangyan Liu
AP2PS 6: Security, Trust and Quality of Experience in P2P Systems
Session Chair: Xinuo Chen
Consumer Attitudes towards Different Aspects of Mobile Peer-to-Peer Services
Mikko V. J. Heikkinen and Jukka K. Nurminen
Environmental Security in P2P Networks
J. Díaz-Verdejo, P. García-Teodoro, and M. Soriano-Ibáñez
Algorithm-Based Fault Tolerance Applied to P2P Computing Networks
Thomas Roche, Mathieu Cunche, and Jean-Louis Roch
Multiple Streaming at the Network Edge
Majed Alhaisoni, Mohammed Ghanbari, and Antonio Liotta
Anomaly Detection in P2P Networks Using Markov Modelling
J. Díaz-Verdejo, G. Maciá-Fernández, P. García-Teodoro, and J. Nuño-García
AP2PS 7: Managing P2P
Session Chair: Mikko Heikkinen
Replica Placement Algorithm for Highly Available Peer-to-Peer Storage Systems
Gyuwon Song, Suhyun Kim, and Daeil Seo
A Dynamic Cluster Construction Method Based on Query Characteristics in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Yukie Kobayashi, Toshiki Watanabe, Akimitsu Kanzaki, Tomoki Yoshihisa, Takahiro Hara, and Shojiro Nishio
Detection of Encrypted Traffic in eDonkey Network through Application Signatures
Mário M. Freire, David A. Carvalho, and Manuela Pereira
A Highly Robust P2P-CDN under Large-Scale and Dynamic Participation
Manal El Dick, Esther Pacitti, and Bettina Kemme
AP2PS 8: Time-Constrained P2P Systems
Session Chair: Mario Freire
FLaCoSt: A Novel Peer to Peer Architecture for Video Streaming in a Next Generation Network
Jaime Garcia-Reinoso, Alex Bikfalvi, Ivan Vidal, and Francisco Valera
Evaluation of a Server-Free VoD Application in an In-building Scenario
Juan Pedro Muñoz-Gea, Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja, Pedro Jose Piñero-Escuer, and Antonio M. Martinez-Rojo
The Distance-Availability Weighted Piece Selection Method for BitTorrent: A BitTorrent Piece Selection Method for On-demand Streaming
Petter Sandvik and Mats Neovius
Calling Procedures in Hybrid SIP Network
A. Campi and F. Callegati
UBICOMM 1: User and Applications I
Session Chair: Ichiro Satoh
Investigating Radiation Hazard and Safety Aspects of Handheld Mobile
Muzaffar Ahmed
Measuring Mobile Service Innovation
Mari Tiainen, Heli Wigelius, and Antti Lönnqvist
Methods for Conserving Privacy in Workflow Controlled Smart Environments
Matthias Wieland, Carsten Längerer, Frank Leymann, Oliver Siemoneit, and Christoph Hubig
Experiences from NFC Supported School Attendance Supervision for Children
Mari Ervasti, Minna Isomursu, and Marianne Kinnula
UBICOMM 2: User and Applications II
Session Chair: Mari Ervasti
A Context Sharing Message Broker Architecture to Enhance Interoperability in Changeable Environments
Junichi Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Ken Nakayama, Yasuyuki Tahara, and Akihiko Ohsuga
Context-Aware Service Infrastructure
Ichiro Satoh
Orthogonal Classification of Middleware Technologies
Noha Ibrahim
PosPush: A Highly Accurate Location-Based Information Delivery System
Zhao Junhui and Wang Yongcai
Personalised Live Sports Event Viewing on Mobile Devices
Zhenchen Wang, Stefan Poslad, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, and Alan Pearmain
UBICOMM 3: User and Applications III
Session Chair: Christian Sax
Mobile-Aware Web Services
Guadalupe Ortiz and Alfonso García de Prado
Distributed Adaptive Networked System for Strain Mapping
Jian Liang, Maryna Lishchynska, and Kieran Delaney
Dynamic Context-Aware Service Adaptation in a Pervasive Computing System
Moeiz Miraoui, Chakib Tadj, and Chokri Ben Amar
WSN Infrastructure in the UHF Band Applied to Ubiquitous Sensing
Perfecto Mariño, Fernando Pérez Fontán, Miguel Ángel Domínguez, and Santiago Otero
UBICOMM 4: Ubiquitous Multimedia Systems and Processing
Session Chair: Mari Tiainen
Point-of-Treatment: Touchable E-nursing User Interface for Medical Emergencies
Christian Sax and Elaine Lawrence
Browsing Audio Life-log Data Using Acoustic and Location Information
Kiichiro Yamano and Katunobu Itou
A Reflexive Infrastructure for Context-Aware Applications
Carlos Eduardo Tosin and Luiz Lima Jr.
UBICOMM 5: Ubiquitous Mobile Services and Protocols I
Session Chair: Gennaro Boggia
Multipath Data Transmission for Wireless Thin Clients
Cao Lethanhman, Hiromi Isokawa, and Takatoshi Kato
Mobile Phone-Based Displacement Estimation for Opportunistic Localisation Systems
Inge Bylemans, Maarten Weyn, and Martin Klepal
Elements Affecting Remote Execution Decision on PeerHood Environment
Anaël Racine and Jari Porras
People Mobility Behaviour Study in a University Campus Using WLANs
Sandra Sendra, Miguel Garcia, Carlos Turro, and Jaime Lloret
UBICOMM 6: Ubiquitous Mobile Services and Protocols II
Session Chair: Jani Lakkakorpi
Wireless Identification of Traffic Signs Using a Mobile Device
Arto Katajasalo and Jouni Ikonen
Situation-Aware Data Mining Service for Ubiquitous Environments
Aysegul Cayci, João Bartolo Gomes, Andrea Zanda, Ernestina Menasalvas, and Santiago Eibe
Network Prediction for Adaptive Mobile Applications
Ramya Sri Kalyanaraman, Yu Xiao, and Antti Ylä-Jääski
A QoE Management System for Ubiquitous IPTV Devices
Miguel Garcia, Alejandro Canovas, Miguel Edo, and Jaime Lloret
Electronic Sketch Map Services for Mobile Applications
Joo Seong Jeon and Ki Jeong Lee
UBICOMM 7: Wireless Technologies I
Session Chair: Jaime Lloret
Uplink VoIP Delays in IEEE 802.16e Using Different ertPS Resumption Mechanisms
Jani Lakkakorpi and Alexander Sayenko
Improving Coverage Area Quality Using Physical Topology Information in IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks
Shoichi Takemori, Go Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, and Hirotaka Nakano
Robust and Accurate Packet Detection and Frequency Offset Compensation for CSS System
Seong-Hyun Jang, Seung-Han Baik, Yeong-Sam Kim, and Jong-Wha Chong
A Fast Bandwidth Request Scheme in IEEE 802.16e OFDMA/TDD systems
Namsuk Lee, Sookjin Lee, and Nam Kim
UBICOMM 8: Wireless Technologies II
Session Chair: Maarten Weyn
RAKE Receiving Methods for IEEE 802.15.4a CSS System
Jindoo Jeong, Seonghyun Jang, and Jongwha Chong
A Reconfiguration Approach Using Ontologies to Save Energy on WSNs
Kalil Araujo Bispo, Luiz Henrique Albuquerque de Freitas, Nelson Souto Rosa, Paulo Roberto Freire Cunha, and Cláudia Maria Fernandes de Araújo Ribeiro
Congestion Control for Multimedia Flows in Multihop Wireless Networks: Case of Chain Topology
Abir Ben Ali, Ilhem Lengliz, and Farouk Kamoun
UBICOMM 9: Ubiquitous Networks I
Session Chair: Jun Soo Kim
Secure Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks: A Survey
Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia, Sabrina Sicari, and Pietro Colombo
A Stable Backup Routing Protocol Based on Link Lifetime in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Wenjing Yang, Xinyu Yang, and Shunsen Yang
Tiny Function-Linking for Energy-Efficient Reprogramming in Wireless Sensor Networks
Seung-Ku Kim, Jae-Ho Lee, Kyeong Hur, and Doo-Seop Eom
A Composition Algorithm of Appliances for Flexible Integrated Service on Home Network Systems
Junsoo Kim, Junya Nakata, Takashi Okada, and Yasuo Tan
Two-Layered Wireless Sensor Networks for Warehouses and Supermarkets
Zhi Zhang, Zhibo Pang, Jun Chen, Qiang Chen, Hannu Tenhunen, Li-Rong Zheng, and Xiaolang Yan
UBICOMM 10: Ubiquitous Networks II
Session Chair: Sergey Balandin
End-to-End Delay Guarantee for TDMA-Based Ad Hoc Networks with RT-DSR Protocol
Jihen Bokri, Sofiane Ouni, and Farouk Kamoun
A New Commissioning and Deployment Method for Wireless Sensor Networks
Bong Wan Kim and Seong-Soon Joo
Effect of Transmission Rates on the Performance of Ant-Based Routing Algorithms for MANETs
Myungjun Oh, Ngo Huu Dung, and Miae Woo
GPS-Free Localization Schemes for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Bo Dong and Ahmed M. Mahdy
Management of Overlay Networks: A Survey
Jianguo Ding, Ilangko Balasingham, and Pascal Bouvry
UBICOMM 11: Ubiquitous Software and Security
Session Chair: Malohat Kamilova
A Security Conscious Service Discovery Framework in Pervasive Computing Environments
Mahdi Sharifi, Sayed Gholam Hassan Tabatabaei, Homa Movahednejad, Azizah Abdul Manaf, and Suhaimi Ibrahim
Modelling Location-Aware Access Control Constraints for Mobile Workflows with UML Activity Diagrams
Michael Decker
GamePod: Persistent Gaming Sessions on Pocketable Storage Devices
Shaya Potter, Ricardo Baratto, Oren Laadan, and Jason Nieh
Evaluating Trust-Based Access Control for Social Interaction
Lang Jia, Michael Collins, and Paddy Nixon
A Recommendation Agent for Mobile Phone Users Using Bayesian Behavior Prediction
Yongjun Kim and Sung-Bae Cho
UBICOMM 12: Collaborative Ubiquitous Systems I
Session Chair: Natalia Kryvinska
A Framework in Ubiquitous Computing Environment for Providing Intelligent Responses
Teddy Mantoro, Chris W. Johnson, and Media A. Ayu
Smart Spaces for Ubiquitously Smart Buildings
Kary Främling, Ian Oliver, Jukka Honkola, and Jan Nyman
Architecture of Collaboration Platform for Ubiquitous Home Devices
Hojin Park, Eui-Hyun Paik, and Nam Kim
UBICOMM 13: Collaborative Ubiquitous Systems II
Session Chair: Leo Ilkko
The Place and Value of SOA in Building 2.0-Generation Enterprise Unified vs. Ubiquitous Communication and Collaboration Platform
Natalia Kryvinska, Lukas Auer, and Christine Strauss
Policy-Based Hybrid Approach to Service Provisioning in Federations of Personal Networks
Malohat Ibrohimovna and Sonia Heemstra de Groot
Distributed Architecture of a Professional Social Network on Top of M3 Smart Space Solution Made in PCs and Mobile Devices Friendly Manner
Sergey Balandin, Ian Oliver, and Sergey Boldyrev
Session Chair: Michael Decker
A Model-Driven Approach for Building Ubiquitous Applications
Philippe Le Parc, Amara Touil, and Jean Vareille
UbiPILL—A Medicine Dose Controller of Ubiquitous Home Environment
Leo Ilkko and Jori Karppinen
BlueS: Indexing Support for Data Exchange in Ubiquitous Environments
Andre Peters and Andreas Heuer
Location Privacy Through Users’ Collaboration: A Distributed Pseudonymizer
Pablo A. Pérez-Martínez, Agusti Solanas, and Antoni Martínez-Ballesté
CENICS 1: Microelectronics
Session Chair: Sergey Yurish
Optimization of Enzymatic Logic Gates and Networks for Noise Reduction and Stability
Mary A. Arugula, Jan Halámek, Evgeny Katz, Dmitriy Melnikov, Marcos Pita, Vladimir Privman, and Guinevere Strack
Single Electron Fault in QCA Binary Wire
Mojdeh Mahdavi, Mohammad Amin Amiri, and Sattar Mirzakuchaki
A Simple 250 Degrees Celsius Frequency Modulation Transmitter for use in Wireless Sensor Networks
Jonathan Gagnon, Francois Gagnon, and Olivier Munger
CENICS 2: Electronics and Special Circuits
Session Chair: Robert Forster
QCA Implementation of Serpent Block Cipher
Mohammad Amin Amiri, Mojdeh Mahdavi, Reza Ebrahimi Atani, and Sattar Mirzakuchaki
Design Methodology for Clocked Storage Elements Robust to Process Variations
Joosik Moon, Mustafa Aktan, and Vojin G. Oklobdzija
Amplitude Analysis in Partial Discharge Measurement
Tomas Havlicek, Jiri Haze, and Jaroslav Bousek
Universal Resistance-to-Digital Converter
Sergey Y. Yurish
Using Pareto-Optimal Fronts in the Design of Reconfigurable Data Converters
Rafael Castro López, Elisenda Roca Moreno, and Francisco V. Fernández
CENICS 3: Application-Oriented Electronics I
Session Chair: Rafael Castro
A 2-D KLM Model for Disk-Shape Piezoelectric Transducers
Jean-Marc Galliere, Laurent Latorre, and Philippe Papet
An Efficient Algorithm for the Control of Reconfigurable Pixel Microstrip Antennas
Adrian Muscat and Joseph A. Zammit
QCA Implementation of A5/1 Stream Cipher
Mohammad Amin Amiri, Mojdeh Mahdavi, and Sattar Mirzakuchaki
Temperature Compensation of Cone Penetration Probe Sensors
Vidas Cepulis, Vytautas Markevicius, and Dangirutis Navikas
CENICS 4: Application-Oriented Electronics II
Session Chair: Danielus Eidukas
Parking Traffic Jam Forecast System
Arunas Marma, Mindaugas Zilys, and Algimantas Valinevicius
Traffic Image Processing Systems
Tadas Surgailis, Algimantas Valinevicius, and Mindaugas Zilys
A Test Suite for System Tests of Distributed Automotive Electronics
Oliver Praprotnik, Mario Gartner, Martin Zauner, and Martin Horauer
CENICS 5: Design and Models I
Session Chair: Adrian Muscat
Modelling of Building Lightning Protection Parameters
Nerijus Bagdanavicius, Sarunas Kilius, Anatolijus Drabatiukas, and Mantas Nakvosas
A Transaction Level Assertion Verification Framework in SystemC: An Application Study
K. Tomasena, J.F. Sevillano, J. Pérez, A. Cortés, and I. Vélez
Capacitive Pressure Sensor Modelling
Martin Magát, Radimír Vrba, Jan Pekárek, and Richard Ficek
High Speed RSA Implementation Based on Modified Booth’s Technique and Montgomery’s Multiplication for FPGA Platform
M.A. Pourmina, H. Bozorgi, and M. Dousti
CENICS 6: Design and Models II
Session Chair: Algimanatas Valinevicius
Recursion in Hardware: Applicability and Implementation Strategies
Bruno Figueiredo Pimentel
A MATLAB Model of the Second Generation Switched Current Memory Cell
Michal Pavlik, Jiri Haze, and Radimir Vrba
Multiparameter Electronics Systems Control Probabilistic Evaluation
Danielius Eidukas and Rimantas Kalnius
Trajectory and Inclination Calculation of Cone Penetration Probe
Vidas Cepulis, Vytautas Markevicius, and Dangirutis Navikas
ADVCOMP 1: Advances on Computing Mechanisms
Session Chair: Simon G. Fabri
Multi-objective Optimization of Graph Partitioning Using Genetic Algorithms
Mehdi Farshbaf and Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi
Workflow Resiliency for Large-Scale Distributed Applications
Toàn Nguyên, Jean-Antoine Désidéri, and Vittorio Selmin
Applying Inductive Logic Programming to Self-Healing Problem in Grid Computing: Is it a Feasible Task?
Mariza Ferro, Antonio Roberto Mury, and Bruno Schulze
An Application of Data Mining to Identify Data Quality Problems
Eshref Januzaj and Visar Januzaj
ADVCOMP 2: Computing Applications in Science
Session Chair: Toan Nguyen
A Shape-Function Grammar Approach for the Synthesis and Modelling of Pixel-Microstrip-Antennas
Adrian Muscat
A General Enumeration Method for Models of Crystal Structures
Hans-Joachim Klein
Reliable Banknote Classification Using Neural Networks
Sigeru Omatu, Michifumi Yoshioka, and Yoshihisa Kosaka
Building the Trident Scientific Workflow Workbench for Data Management in the Cloud
Yogesh Simmhan, Roger Barga, Catharine van Ingen, Ed Lazowska, and Alex Szalay
ADVCOMP 3: Grid Networks, Services and Applications
Session Chair: Roger Barga
A Fault Tolerant Adaptive Method for the Scheduling of Tasks in Dynamic Grids
Javier Díaz, Camelia Muñoz-Caro, and Alfonso Niño
Embedding Existing Heterogeneous Monitoring Techniques into a Lightweight, Distributed Integration Platform
Doreen Seider, Joachim Wend, Andreas Schreiber, and Jan Niemann
Design and Implementation of a Distributed Metascheduler
Janko Heilgeist, Thomas Soddemann, and Harald Richter
Scientific Applications Running at IFIC Using the GRID Technologies within the e-Science Framework
G. Amorós, J. Ors, A. Fernández, S. González de la Hoz, M. Kaci, A. Lamas, L. March, E. Oliver, J. Salt, J. Sánchez, M. Villaplana, R. Vives, and F. J. Albiol
ADVCOMP 4: Computational Geometry
Session Chair: Adrian Muscat
Metaheuristic Approaches for the Minimum Vertex Guard Problem
A. L. Bajuelos, A. M. Martins, S. Canales, and G. Hernández
Scribble Vectorization Using Concentric Sampling Circles
Alexandra Bonnici and Kenneth P. Camilleri
Object Detection in Flatland
Nataša Jovanovic, Jan Korst, and Verus Pronk
ADVCOMP 5: Complex Computing in Application Domains I
Session Chair: Sigeru Omatu
Automation of Aircraft Pre-design Using a Versatile Data Transfer and Storage Format in a Distributed Computing Environment
Arne Bachmann, Markus Kunde, Markus Litz, Andreas Schreiber, and Lothar Bertsch
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems for High Frequency Financial Trading and Forecasting
Abdalla Kablan
Scientific Data and Knowledge Management in Aerospace Engineering
Andreas Schreiber, Jens Rühmkorf, and Doreen Seider
Modeling Biological Pathways: An Object-Oriented like Methodology Based on Mean Field Analysis
Cordero Francesca, Manini Daniele, and Gribaudo Marco
ADVCOMP 6: Complex Computing in Application Domains II
Session Chair: Merwyn Taylor
An Adaptive Framework for Diagnosis Validation
Manuela Popescu, Pascal Lorenz, and Jean Marc Nicod
An Architecture for a Knowledge Augmented Integral View across Multiple Information Resources
Sascha Opletal, Dieter Roller, and Leila Zehtaban
Dual-Adaptive Computer Control of a Mobile Robot Based on the Unscented Transform
Marvin K. Bugeja and Simon G. Fabri
An Algorithm for Brain Computer Interfacing Based on Phase Synchronization Spatial Patterns
Owen Falzon and Kenneth P. Camilleri
Parallel Computer Technology - A Solution for Automobiles?
Stefan Aust and Harald Richter
ADVCOMP 7: Computing Techniques
Session Chair: Toan Nguyen
Camera Calibration from Images
Michifumi Yoshioka and Sigeru Omatu
PID Control of Speed and Torque of Electric Vehicle
Sigeru Omatu, Michifumi Yoshioka, and Toshihisa Kosaka
Using Architectural Simulation Models to Aid the Design of Data Intensive Application
Javier Fernández, Liangxiu Han, Alberto Nuñez, Jesus Carretero, and Jano van Hemert
Order Estimation of Computational Models for Dynamic Systems
with Application to Biomedical Signals
Tracey A. Cassar, Kenneth P. Camilleri, and Simon G. Fabri
ADVCOMP 8: Cloud Computing
Session Chair: Sascha Opletal
Distributed Intrusion Detection in Clouds Using Mobile Agents
Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, Kamalrulnizam Abu Bakar, and Sayed Gholam Hassan Tabatabaei
Meta-scheduling and Task Reallocation in a Grid Environment
Yves Caniou, Eddy Caron, Ghislain Charrier, and Frédéric Desprez
Performance Evaluation of Cloud Computing Offerings
Vladimir Stantchev
EMERGING 1: Emerging Networking
Session Chair: J. William Atwood
Building Knowledge Lifecycle and Situation Awareness in Self-Managed Cognitive Future Internet Networks
Andrej Mihailovic, Gerard Nguengang, Julien Borgel, and Nancy Alonistioti
Approximate Frequency Counts Algorithm for Network Monitoring and Analysis: Improvement of “Lossy Counting”
Satoshi Ikada and Yoshitaka Hamaguchi
Network Coding for Eficient Error Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Applications
Stevan Marinkovic and Emanuel Popovici
Resource Discovery Approach to Support a QoS-aware DHT-Based Caching Architecture
David Castro, Víctor M. Gulías, Henrique Ferreiro, and Carlos Abalde
EMERGING 2: Emerging Technologies and Applications
Session Chair: Maartin Wijnants
Model-Based Approach to Measuring Quality of Experience
Yan Gong, Fangchun Yang, Lin Huang, and Sen Su
Autonomic Re-configuration of Pervasive Supervision Services
Peter H. Deussen, Matthias Baumgarten, Maurice Mulvenna, Antonio Manzalini, and Corrado Moiso
Emerging Urban Applications of Broadband Optical Wireless Networking
Robert J. Honer and Ahmed M. Mahdy
Physical Layer Security with Yarg Code
Byung-Jae Kwak, Nah-Oak Song, Bumsoo Park, Demijan Klinc, and Steven W. McLaughlin
EMERGING 3: Advanced Communications
Session Chair: Henrique Ferreiro-Garcia
FEC-Integrated Network Traffic Shaping Using the NIProxy
Maarten Wijnants and Wim Lamotte
Self-Organization Based Network Architecture for New Generation Networks
Naoki Wakamiya, Shin’ichi Arakawa, and Masayuki Murata
Multi-wavelength Optical Switch Fabric for Next-Generation Optical Switches
Islam Ashry, Ishac Kandas, and Mohamed Eltoweissy
Automated Key Management for Router Updates
John William Atwood
ECUMN 2009
ECUMN 1: Networking and Service Differentiation
Session Chair: Sergey Balandin
Models for Pheromone Evaluation in Ant Systems for Mobile Ad-hoc
Fernando Correia, Teresa Vazão, and Victor J. Lobo
Policy Based Flow Management with the Host Identity Protocol for Multihomed Hosts
Gábor Fekete
Network Quality Degradation Detection Method by Using Network Specification
Nobuyuki Nakamura and Satoshi Ikada
Packet Delay Analysis for Priority-Based Passive Optical Networks
John S. Vardakas and Michael D. Logothetis
ECUMN 2: Security and Applications
Session Chair: Michael D. Logothetis
Leveraging Risk Based Testing in Enterprise Systems Security Validation
K. Krishna Murthy, Kalpesh R. Thakkar, and Shirsh Laxminarayan
An Energy-Efficient Distributed Office Environment
Andreas Berl and Hermann de Meer
Web Tools and Standards in the Web 2.0 Era for Activities Dissemination
Serena Pastore
Authorization Subsystem for WiMAX Access in a Multidomain End to End QoS Enabled Architecture
Radu Lupu, Serban Obreja, Eugen Borcoci, Giuseppe Martufi, and Massimiliano Taglieri
An Enhanced QoS-enabled Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Mechanism for Ethernet PON
Tuan Dung Nguyen, Thaere Eido, and Tülin Atmaca
SEMAPRO 1: Ontology Fundamentals for Semantic Processing
Session Chair: Pekka Malo
Context-Aware Automatic Query Refinement Using Indian-Logic Based Ontology
S.M. BaalaMithra and S.M. SominMithraa
Anticipatory Approach to Maintain Consistency in Ontology Versions
Najla Sassi, Wassim Jaziri, and Faiez Gargouri
A Methodology for Ontology Evolution and Versioning
Wassim Jaziri
Generating OWL Ontology for Database Integration
Nasser Alalwan, Hussein Zedan, and François Siewe
SEMAPRO 2: Semantic Applications/Platforms/Tools I
Session Chair: Jiri Dolulil
Ontologies in Checking for Inconsistency of Requirements Specification
Petr Kroha, Robert Janetzko, and José Emilio Labra
Resourceome: A Multilevel Model and a Semantic Web Tool for Managing Domain and Operational Knowledge
Diletta Cacciagrano, Flavio Corradini, Emanuela Merelli, Leonardo Vito, and Gino Romiti
Using Methods of Parallel Semi-structured Data Processing for Semantic Web
David Bednárek, Jirí Dokulil, Jakub Yaghob, and Filip Zavoral
Personalized Context-Aware Recommendations in SMARTMUSEUM: Combining Semantics with Statistics
Innar Liiv, Tanel Tammet, Tuukka Ruotsalo, and Alar Kuusik
SEMAPRO 3: Semantic Applications/Platforms/Tools II
Session Chair: Nima Dokoohaki
Using Wikipedia as a Reference for Extracting Semantic Information from a Text
Andrea Prato and Marco Ronchetti
Using Clusters in RDF Visualization
Jirí Dokulil and Jana Katreniaková
WISE - Workbench for Semantic Web Services
Keith Lia, Charlie Abela, and James Scicluna
Age Effects on Semantic Coherence: Latent Semantic Analysis Applied to Letter Fluency Data
Petter Marklund, Sverker Sikström, Rasmus Bååth, and Lars-Göran Nilsson
WiSyMon: Managing Systems Monitoring Information in Semantic Wikis
Frank Kleiner, Andreas Abecker, and Sven F. Brinkmann
SEMAPRO 4: Semantic Technologies
Session Chair: Ounas Asfari
Inducing Shades of Meaning by Matrix Methods : A First Step Towards Thematic Analysis of Opinion
David Novakovitch, Peter Bruza, and Laurianne Sitbon
Searching Semantic Resources for Complex Selectional Restictions to Support Lexical Acquisition
Merwyn Taylor, Lynn Carlson, Sun Fontaine, and Stephanie Poisson
The Valid Ontology: A Simple OWL Temporal Versioning Framework
Fabio Grandi and Maria Rita Scalas
Semi-automatic Acquisition of Semantic Descriptions of Web Sites
Sudhir Agarwal
Session Chair: Fabio Grandi
Filling the Gap between Web 2.0 Technologies and Natural Language Processing Pipelines with Semantic Web
Priscille Durville and Fabien Gandon
Personalized Access to Information by Query Reformulation Based on the State of the Current Task and User Profile
Ounas Asfari, Bich-liên Doan, Yolaine Bourda, and Jean-Paul Sansonnet
Semantics as meeting of minds
Peter Gärdenfors
Hierarchical Classification of Web Sites into Web Directory
Minoru Sasaki