The Tenth International Conference on Networking
and Services
ICNS 2014
April 20 - 24, 2014 - Chamonix, France |
ICNS 2014 / ICAS 2014 / ENERGY 2014 / WEB 2014
DBKDA 2014 / GraphSM 2014
Conference Hotel
59 Route de Vers le Nant
Les Bossons
Tel. (+33)450532622
Conference rooms
Time slots |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Room D |
Sunday, April 20
15:00 |
Registration starts
The registration desk is located in front of the conference rooms
Opened during the entire conference |
16:15 - 18:45 |
Tutorial 1
High Performance Computing in Biomedical Informatics
Prof. Dr. Hesham H. Ali, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA |
19:00 - 20:00 |
Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail |
Monday, April 21
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening Session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Robust Adaptive Control for Infinite-Dimensional Systems with Application to Quantum Information Systems
Prof. Dr. Mark J. Balas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
WEB1 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 18:45 |
Tutorial 2
Automatic Generation of Web Interfaces from Discourse Models and Their Evaluation
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kaindl, Vienna University of Technology, ICT, Austria |
Tuesday, April 22
09:00 - 10:45 |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00 - 12:45 |
WEB2 |
GraphSM |
12:45 - 14:15 |
Lunch on your own |
14:15 - 16:00 |
Topic: Advances on Evolving Communications - Energy Awareness
Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica"of Bucharest (UPB), Romania
Elisabeth André, Human Centered Multimedia, University of Augsburg, Germany
Nirmala Shenoy, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Thomas Rist, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Germany
Jean-Charles Grégoire, INRS, UDQ, Canada |
16:00 - 16:15 |
Coffee break |
16:15 - 19:15 |
Tutorial 3
Control Plane Scalability in Software Defined Networking
Prof. Dr. Eugen Borcoci, University "Politehnica” Bucharest, Romania |
Wednesday, April 23
09:15 -10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Intron Retention, a Novel Type of Gene Regulation
Dr. William Ritchie, Centenary Institute, University of Sydney, Australia |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee break |
15:45 - 18:45 |
Special Hands-on Tutorial
Dr. Jim Webber, Chief Scientist, Neo Technology, USA |
8:00pm |
InfoSys Gala Dinner |
Thursday, April 24
9:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Hide and Seek: An Overview of Information Hiding
Dr. Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, University of Auckland, New Zealand |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 14:00 |
Topic: Advances on Converging WEB Data and Database Data: Big Data and Small Data via Linked Data
Fritz Laux, Reutlingen University, Germany
Andreas Schmidt, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences & Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Iztok Savnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Kiyoshi Nitta, Yahoo Japan Research, Japan
Hermann Kaindl, Vienna University of Technology, Austria |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Closing Session |
Friday, February 25
Visit on your own (strongly recommended)
Ride the tram to the top of Aiguille du Midi Panorama and see all the accessible terraces (~ 3842m high)
See: http://www.chamonix.com/aiguille-du-midi,80,en.html
Visit Mer de Glace and the Ice Cave using the Montenvers Train (from Montenvers cog train station)
Skiing/hiking/snowshoeing areas
Some pictures
Geneva Airport - Chamonix Hotel(s) (shuttles)
~ 20-30 euros, one way
- online reservation
http ://www.peaktransfer.com/en/home/
BIONATURE 2014, The Fifth International Conference on Bioenvironment, Biodiversity and Renewable Energies
BIONATURE 1: Biomass Energy
Session chair: Ferfidoon Sadri
Biomass Pyrolysis Kinetics Researching
Anatoliy Bessmernykh, Marina Korostina, George Sytchev, Victor Zaitchenko
Thermotechnical Characteristics of Granulated Fuel Made of Chicken Litter: Researching and Ways of its Upgrading
Vladimir Kosov, Julia Kuzmina, Vladimir Sinelschikov, George Sytchev
Development Of Technology For Biomass Processing Into Heat and Power
Victor Zaichenko, Valentin Kosov, Vladimir Kosov, Vladimir Sinelschikov
BIOTECHNO 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies
BIOTECHNO 1: Advanced Biocomputation Technologies
Session chair: Michal Gala
Impact of Population Size and Selection within a Customized NSGA-II for Biochemical Optimization Assessed on the Basis of the Average Cuboid Volume Indicator
Susanne Rosenthal, Markus Borschbach
Evaluation of Imputation Methods for Missing Data and Their Effect on the Reliability of Predictive Models
Xiao-Ou Ping, Feipei Lai, Yi-Ju Tseng, Ja-Der Liang, Guan-Tarn Huang, Pei-Ming Yang
The Glymphatic System and Alzheimer’s Disease: Possible Connection?
Christina Kyrtsos, John Baras
A Framework for Inverse Virtual Screening
Romain Vasseur, Stéphanie Baud, Luiz Angelo Steffenel, Xavier Vigouroux, Laurent Martiny, Michael Krajecki, Manuel Dauchez
BIOTECHNO 2: Biomedical Technologies
Session chair: Markus Borschbach
The Anti-inflammatory Effects of Laser Acupuncture at ST36 (Zusanli) Acupoint in the Model of Acute Inflammation Induced by Carrageenan in the Paw of Mice
Vanessa Erthal, Maria Fernanda de P. Werner, Cristiane H. Baggio, Percy Nohama
Detection of AV Impulse Frequency and Verification of Pacemaker Battery Status
Ivana Galova, Michal Gala, Martin Augustynek, Martin Cerny, Marek Penhaker
SymRec - Web Tool for Planned Parenthood and Hormonal Therapy
Michal Gala, Ivana Galova, Zuzana Judakova, Branko Babusiak
BIOTECHNO 3: Biocomputing
Session chair: Ondrej Strnad
Patient-centric Data Warehouse Design---An Empirical Study Applied in Diabetes care
Lichin Chen, Chiou-Shiang Wang, I-Ching Wang, Hui-Chu Yu, Hui-Yu Peng, Hui-Chuen Chen, Chia-Hsiun Chang, Tien-Jyun Chang, Yi-Der Jiang, Lee-Ming Chuang, Feipei Lai
Parallel Implementations of Numerical Simulation of the Vascular Solid Tumour Growth Model under the Action of Therapeutic Agents (Chemo- and Antyangiotherapy)
Damian Borys, Krzysztof Psiuk-Maksymowicz, Sebastian Student, Andrzej Świerniak
Tracking Action Potentials of Nonlinear Excitable Cells Using Model Predictive Control
Md. Ariful Islam, Abhishek Murthy, Tushar Deshpande, Ezio Bartocci, Scott D. Stoller, Scott A. Smolka, Radu Grosu
Magnetic Resonance Angiogram Processing and Modelling of the Cerebral Vascular Network
Krzysztof Psiuk-Maksymowicz, Jaroslaw Smieja, Damian Borys
BIOTECHNO 4: Bioinformatics I
Session chair: Damian Borys
Experimental Verification of the Quality of Clusterings Produced by Hard Clustering Algorithms after the Removal of Unstable Data Elements
Wim De Mulder, Zahra Zavareh, Konika Chawla, Martin Kuiper
Smartphone Application for Post-operative Gastric Patients: Surgery Diary
Jin-Ming Wu, Te-Wei Ho, Xing-Yu Su, Ming-Tsan Lin, Feipei Lai
Identification of Short Motifs for Comparing Biological Sequences and Incomplete Genomes
Ramez Mina, Hesham Ali
Linked Microbial Data (POSTER)
Magali Jaillard, Stéphane Schicklin, Audrey Larue-Triolet, Jean-Baptiste Veyrieras
IRFinder: An Algorithm to Detect Retained Introns from mRNA-seq Data (POSTER)
William Ritchie, Rob Middleton, Justin J-L Wong, Jeff Holst, John EJ Rasko
BIOTECHNO 5: Bioinformatics II
Session chair: Magali Dancette
Codifying Primary Protein Structure as Peptides Frequencies Vector An Efficient Alternative Method to Investigate Relationships among Genes and Organisms
Bráulio Couto, Bruna Coimbra, Gabriel Tofani, Gustavo Irffi, Cinthia Rocha, Marcos dos Santos
Geometrical Detection of Pathways in Protein Structures Leading Among More Binding Sites
Ondřej Strnad, Vilém Šustr, Barbora Kozlíková, Jiří Sochor
Improving Protein Sub-cellular Localization Prediction Through Semi-supervised Learning
Jorge Alberto Jaramillo-Garzón, César Germán castellanos-Domínguez
Numerical Simulation and Treatment Optimization of Solid Tumour Progression and Angiogenesis (POSTER)
Sebastian Student, Krzysztof Psiuk-Maksymowicz, Damian Borys, Andrzej Swierniak
DBKDA 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications
DBKDA 1: Data Querry, Access, Mining, and Correlation
Session chair: Friedrich Laux
Feature Construction for Time Ordered Data Sequences
Michael Schaidnagel, Fritz Laux
Information Integration with Uncertainty: Performance
Inder Dumpa, Raja Kota, Fereidoon Sadri
Universal Evaluation System Data Quality
Maria del Pilar Angeles, Francisco Javier García-Ugalde, Carlos Ortiz, Ricardo Valencia, Jhovany Pelcastre, Eduardo Reyes, Arturo Nava
A Semi-automatic Method to Fuzzy-Ontology Design by using Clustering and Formal Concept Analysis
Amira Aloui, Alaa Ayadi, Amel Grissa-Touzi
DBKDA 2: Knowledge and Decision Bases
Session chair: Michael Schaidnagel
Modeling Ontology-based User Profiles from Company Knowledge
Silvia Calegari, Matteo Dominoni
A Concept for Plagiarism Detection Based on Compressed Bitmaps
Andreas Schmidt, Reinhold Becker, Daniel Kimmig, Robert Senger, Steffen Scholz
Enriching Dimension Hierarchies with Topological Relations to Improve the Development of Spatial Data Warehouse
Sana Ezzedine, Sami Yassine Turki, Sami Faiz
DBKDA 3: Databases Technologies
Session chair: Jan Potthoff
In-Memory Distance Threshold Queries on Moving Object Trajectories
Michael Gowanlock, Henri Casanova
Exploiting the Social Structure of Online Media to Face Transient Heavy Workload
Ibrahima Gueye, Idrissa Sarr, Hubert Naacke
Sample Trace: Deriving Fast Approximation for Repetitive Queries
Feng Yu, Wen-Chi Hou, Cheng Luo
Efficient Aggregate Cache Revalidation in an In-Memory Column Store
Stephan Müller, Lars Butzmann, Hasso Plattner
Enterprise Data Solution Leveraging Data Warehousing for Big Data Veracity at Saudi Aramco
Muhammad Khakwani
DBKDA 4: Database Management I
Session chair: Iztok Savnik
Parallel In-Memory Distance Threshold Queries on Trajectory Databases
Michael Gowanlock, Henri Casanova, David Schanzenbach
A Database Synchronization Approach for 3D Simulation Systems
Martin Hoppen, Juergen Rossmann
Achieving High Availability in D-Bobox
Miroslav Cermak, Filip Zavoral
Trustworthy Laboratory Automation
Jan Potthoff, Dominic Lütjohann, Nicole Jung
Toward a New Approach of Distributed Databases Design and Implementation
Fadoua Hassen, Amel Grissa Touzi
DBKDA 5: Database Management II
Session chair: Michael Gowanlock
An Object-oriented Approach for Extending MySQL into NoSQL with Enhanced Performance and Scalability
Hyunju Shim, YoungChul Sohn, YoulWoong Sung, Yonggoo Kang, Iljoo Kim, Ohoon Kwon
Efficient Data Integrity Checking for Untrusted Database Systems
Anderson Luiz Silvério, Ricardo Felipe Custódio, Marcelo Carlomagno Carlos, Ronaldo dos Santos Mello
Quantifying the Elasticity of a Database Management System
Christian Tinnefeld, Daniel Taschik, Hasso Plattner
Hierarchical Piecewise Linear Approximation
Vineetha Bettaiah, Heggere Ranganath
Cache Management for Aggregates in Columnar In-Memory Databases
Stephan Müller, Ralf Diestelkämper, Hasso Plattner
GraphSM 1: Graph Storage and Management
Session chair: Andreas Schmidt
Survey of RDF Storage Managers
Kiyoshi Nitta, Iztok Savnik
Design of Distributed Storage Manager for Large-Scale RDF Graphs
Iztok Savnik, Kiyoshi Nitta
Learning Links in MeSH Co-occurrence Network: Preliminary Results
Andrej Kastrin, Dimitar Hristovski
About Reachability in Graphs [invited presentation]
Andreas Schmidt
Graph Storage and Query: An Industrial Perspective [invited presentation]
Jim Webber
ENERGY 2014, The Fourth International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies
ENERGY 1: Software for Smart Grids
Session chair: Konstantinos Chasapis
Enabling Distributed Meter Data Management Using Mediation System
Nipun Sharma, Sandeep Akhouri
An Open Data-Based Discrete Simulation Environment for testing Smart Grid Messaging
Eric MSP Veith, Bernd Steinbach, Jürgen Otten
Multi-Protocol Transport Layer QoS: A Performance Analysis for The Smart Grid
James Wilcox, Dritan Kaleshi, Mahesh Sooriyabandara
ENERGY 2: Advanced IT Energy-aware Technologies
Session chair: James Wilcox
EnAware: A Comprehensive and Scalable Energy Management and Awareness Solution
António Santos, Carlos Resende, Rui Marques, André Lima
Fit for Solar Power - Computer-Assisted Planning of Regional Power Grids
Thomas Rist, Michael Wiest
Evaluating Power-Performace Benefits of Data Compression in HPC Storage Servers
Konstantinos Chasapis, Manuel F. Dolz, Michael Kuhn, Thomas Ludwig
Fostering Energy Awareness in Residential Homes using Mobile Devices
Florian Reinhart, Kevin Schlieper, Michael Kugler, Elisabeth Andre, Masood Masoodian, Bill Rogers
ENERGY 3: Energy Efficiency Planning
Session chair: Antonio Calo
Smart Houses for Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction
Jean-Nicolas Louis, Antonio Caló, Eva Pongrácz
Energy-Efficient Heterogeneous Cluster and Migration
Jukka Kommeri, Tapio Niemi
On the Use of Remote GPUs and Low-Power Processors for the Acceleration of Scientific Applications
Adrián Castelló, José Duato, Rafael Mayo, Antonio J. Peña, Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí, Vicente Roca, Federico Silla
Analysis of Novel Random Neural Network Controller for Residential Building Temperature Control
Abbas Javed, Hadi Larijani, Ali Ahmadinia, Rohinton Emmanuel
Flow-based Routing Schemes for Minimizing Network Energy Consumption using OpenFlow
Shota Oda, Daiki Nobayashi, Yutaka Fukuda, Takeshi Ikenaga
ENERGY 4: Smart Grids
Session chair: Jukka Kommeri
Keeping High Availability of Connected End-point Devices in Smart Grid
Hiroshi Isozaki, Jun Kanai, Shunsuke Sasaki, Shintarou Sano
Concerning the Sustainability of Smart Grids
Antonio Caló, Jean-Nicolas Louis, Eva Pongrácz
Energy Management in a Smart Grid-integrated Hydrogen-based Storage
Diego Arnone, Alessandro Rossi, Massimo Bertoncini, Rosario Proietto, Diana Moneta, Giuseppe Tondi, Carlos García-Santiago
Smart Grid Architectures and the Multi-Agent System Paradigm
Cagri Yilmaz, Sahin Albayrak, Marco Lützenberger
ICAS 2014, The Tenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems
ICAS 1: Modeling and Management
Session chair: Daniela Loreti
MetaMAc, or What Do I Do Now? A Strategic Perspective on Autonomy Beyond Anomalies and Goals
Don Perlis, Michael Cox
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & Service-Oriented Architecture: LARISSA and Knowledge Based Framework’s First Study
Emerson Marconato, Douglas Rodrigues, Arthur Chaves, Rajiv Ramdhany, Kalinka Branco, Geoff Coulson
A Fault Tolerance Approach Based on Reinforcement Learning in the Context of Autonomic Opportunistic Grids
Alcilene Dalília de Sousa, Luciano Reis Coutinho
Using Performance Modelling for Autonomic Resource Allocation Strategies Analysis
Mehdi Sliem, Nabila Salmi, Malika Ioualalen
ICAS 2: Autonomic Computing: Design and Management
Session chair: Michael Cox
Operation of Accumulator-Bank Serving Agent System Using Machine Learning
Ágnes Werner-Stark, Tibor Dulai, Katalin M. Hangos
Resource Aware Workload Management for Autonomic Database Management Systems
Wendy Powley, Patrick Martin, Natalie Gruska, Paul Bird, David Kalmuk
Policy for Distributed Self-Organizing Infrastructure Management in Cloud Datacenters
Daniela Loreti, Anna Ciampolini
Experiments with NetLogo for Distributed Channel Assignment in Dense WLAN Networks
Vangelis Gazis, Konstantinos Sasloglou, Andreas Merentitis, Kostas Mathioudakis
ICNS 2014, The Tenth International Conference on Networking and Services
ICNS 1: Grid Networks and Services I
Session chair: Samuel Benhamou
Building a House of Cards: On the Intrinsic Challenges of Evolving Communication Standards
Jean-Charles Grégoire
Secure User Tasks Distribution in Grid Systems
Maxim Kalinin, Artem Konoplev, Dmitry Moskvin, Alexander Pechenkin, Dmitry Zegzhda
Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms with Migration Strategies in Distributed Systems
Francisca Aparecida P. Pinto, Chesley B. Chaves, Lucas G. Leite, Francisco Herbert L. Vasconcelos, Giovanni C. Barroso
ICNS 2: Grid Networks and Services II
Session chair: Florent Fourcot
A Cloud-based Multimedia Function
Jean-Charles Grégoire, Mohamed Amziab
Secure Heterogeneous Cloud Platform for Scientific Computing
Alexey Lukashin, Vladimir Zaborovsky
An Architecture for Risk Analysis in Cloud
Paulo Silva, Carlos Westphall, Carla Westphall, Mauro Mattos, Daniel Santos
ICNS 3: Multi-technology Service Deployment and Assurance
Session chair: Jean-Charles Gregoire
MEDIACTIF - A Dynamic, Centralized and Real-time Digital Signage System for Smooth Pedestrian Flow Control with Arbitrary Topologies
Samuel Ben Hamou, Thierry Simonnet, Jacques Angelé
System Design Artifacts for Resilient Identification and Authentication Infrastructures
Diego Kreutz, Oleksandr Malichevskyy, Eduardo Feitosa, Kaio Barbosa, Hugo Cunha
Design and Implementation of an Interaopreable and Extednable Smart Home Semantic Architecture using Smart-M3 and SOA
Haitham Hamza, Enas Ashraf, Azza Nabih, Mahmoud Abdallah, Ahmed Gamaleldin, Alfredo D'Elia, Hadeal Ismail, Shourok Alaa, Kamilia Hosny, Aya Khattab, Ahmed Attallah
Models for Content Adaptation of Blended Learning using a Context Aware m-Learning System (PRESENTATION)
David Newell, Philip Davies, Ron Austin, Philip Moore, Mak Sharma
ICNS 4: Network Control and Management
Session chair: Nirmala Shenoy
Theoretical Suggestion of Policy-based Wide Area Network Management System
Kazuya Odagiri, Shogo Shimizu, Naohiro Ishii
Multi-controller Scalability in Multi-domain Content Aware Networks Management
Eugen Borcoci, Mihai Constantinescu, Marius Vochin
Analytical Evaluation of Call Admission Control for SFR-Based LTE Systems
Seung-Yeon Kim, Hyong-Woo Lee, Choong-Ho Cho
New IPv6 Identification Paradigm: Spreading of Addresses Over Time
Florent Fourcot, Stefan Köpsell, Frédéric Cuppens, Laurent Toutain, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia
ICNS 5: Next Generation Networks and Ubiquitous Services
Session chair: Nabila Salmi
An Improved Hybrid Scheduler for WiMAX and its Performance Evaluation
Anju Lata Yadav, Prakash D. Vyavahare, Prashant P. Bansod
Meshed Tree Protocol for Faster Convergence in Switched Networks
Kuhu Sharma, Bruce Hartpence, Bill Stackpole, Daryl Johnson, Nirmala Shenoy
Measuring Quality and Penetration of IPv6 Services
Matěj Grégr, Tomáš Podermański, Miroslav Švéda
On Service-Oriented Architectures for Mobile and Internet Applications
Sathiamoorthy Manoharan
ICNS 6: Emerging Network Communications and Technologies
Session chair: Eugen Borcoci
Collaborative Wireless Access to Mitigate Roaming Costs
Carlos Ballester Lafuente, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Thibaud Lyon
Traffic Offloading Improvements in Mobile Networks
Tao Zheng, Daqing Gu
Security Issues in Cooperative MAC Protocols
Ki Hong Kim
UBI-CA : A Clustering Algorithm for Ubiquitous Environments
Rim Helali, Nadia Ben Azzouna, Khaled Ghedira
Protocol Independent Multicast in OMNeT++
Vladimír Veselý, Ondřej Ryšavý, Miroslav Švéda
WEB 2014, The Second International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
WEB 1: Services and Applications
Session chair: Michel Meynard
GIS Application for Solar Potential Estimation on Buildings Roofs
Matej Brumen, Niko Lukač, Borut Žalik
A Pitfall with BPMN Execution
Christian Gutschier, Ralph Hoch, Hermann Kaindl, Roman Popp
Web-native Video Live Streaming
Luigi Lo Iacono, Silvia Santano Guillén
Creation of an Interactive and Accessible Online Learning Environment
Jere Kuusinen, Jukka Vuorinen
WEB 2: Semantics and Accessibility
Session chair: Matej Brumen
Impact of Message’s Length over Likes, Comments and Shares. The Mexican Universities Case
Gabriel Valerio, Natalia Herrera-Murillo, Dagoberto Herrera-Murillo, María del Carmen Rodríguez-Martínez
The Elements from the Learning Process: a Study About Online Education in the State of Mato Grosso/Brazil
Danilo Garcia da Silva, Kátia Morosov Alonso
Modelling (Historical) Administrative Information on the Semantic Web
Jesper Zedlitz, Norbert Luttenberger
Web Page Personalization to Improve e-accessibility for Visually Impaired People
Yoann Bonavero, Marianne Huchard, Michel Meynard