ALLSENSORS 2021 - The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing
July 18, 2021 - July 22, 2021
Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).
ISSN: 2519-836X
ISBN: 978-1-61208-875-4
ALLSENSORS 2021 is colocated with the following events as part of DigitalWorld 2021 Congress:
- ICDS 2021, The Fifteenth International Conference on Digital Society
- ACHI 2021, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions
- GEOProcessing 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services
- eTELEMED 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine
- eLmL 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning
- eKNOW 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management
- ALLSENSORS 2021, The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing
- SMART ACCESSIBILITY 2021, The Sixth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments
ALLSENSORS 2021 Steering Committee
Michael Niedermayer
Beuth University of Applied Sciences - Berlin
Paulo E. Cruvinel
Embrapa Instrumentation
Matteo Tonezzer
CNR-IMEM, Trento
Sandrine Bernardini
Aix Marseille University
Almudena Rivadeneyra
Universidad de Granada
ALLSENSORS 2021 conference tracks:
Trends on sensing and sensors types
Secure and energy-efficient sensors; Opportunistic sensing; Secure embedded visual sensing; Sensor calibration; Interference resilience in sensors-based systems; Delay-tolerant sensors; Time-sensitive sensing; Virtual sensing; Energy-delay conservation; Ubiquitous sensors; Sensors for organic/non-organic materials/environments; Short/long/adaptive transmission range sensors; Sensors and meta-data; Cryogenic sensors; Film-based sensors; Lifetime- and latency-aware sensors; Low/high pressure sensors; High-speed signal sensors; Chemical sensors; Cross-sensitive sensors; Tracking sensors; Ultra-wide band sensors; Underground sensors; Underwater sensors; Mobility sensing; Sensing stream data; Dense/coarse powder sensors; Low/high temperature sensors; Bio-acoustic monitoring sensors; Hazardous gases sensors; Proximity sensors
Trends on sensing systems
Sensors and smart homes; Distributed visual tracking systems; Sensors- and IoT-based systems; Smart micro-grid sensing; Sensing smart cities; Body-sensor networks; Sensors and IoD (Internet-of-Drones); Industrial sensing; Flooding sensing; IoT (Internet of Things) sensors; Smartphones as sensors; Real-time video surveillance systems; Mobile urban sensing applications; Wearable sensors; Sensing forest environments; Mobile crowdsensing systems; Air pollution sensing systems; Atmospheric sensing systems; Sensor-based user authentication systems
Sensors types
Mechanical sensors; Digital sensors; Optical sensors; Optical fiber sensors; Temperature sensors; Pressure sensors and transducers; Acoustic and ultrasonic sensors; Reflectometry sensors; Humidity sensors; Gas sensors; Frequency output sensors; Rotational speed sensors; Chemical sensors; Film-based sensors; Quartz crystal microbalance sensors; Biosensors; Inertial sensors; Gyroscopic sensors; Capillary sensors; Silicon-based sensors; Textile-based sensors
Quantum sensors and measurements
Sensors based on quatum phenomena (spectroscopy, imaging, etc.); Superconduction-based sensors; Transition edge sensors (TES); Superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID); Gamma-ray and alpha particle detectors; TES bolometers; Polarization sensitive bolometers; Arrays of low temperature microbolometers; Superconducting x-ray spectrometers; Multi-chroic detector array; Kinetic inductance detectors; Industrial and scientific materials analysis; Precision measurements for wavelengths; Accurate measurements; Cosmic microwave background measurements; Measuring small energy; Superconducting readout electronics to measure and amplify the signals from the detectors
Cryogenic sensors and systems
Cryogenic temperature sensors; Cryogenic particle detectors; Calorimetric particle detection; Phonon particle detection; Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors; Roton detectors; Multifunctional cryogenic sensors; Cryogenic Hall sensors; Cryogenic non-contact displacement sensors; Cryogenic instrumentation; Cryogenic temperature monitoring systems
Biosensors and bio-oriented electronics
Enzyme biosensors; Immunosensors; Natural and synthetic receptors; Electronic noses; DNA chips and nucleic acid sensors; Organism- and whole cell-based biosensors; Printed biosensors and organic electronics; Single-cell detection/analysis; Nanomaterials and nanoanalytical systems; Electrochemical biosensors; Biodetection; Materials and biosensors; Applications for biosensors; Commercial biosensors, manufacturing and markets; Bio-MEMS; Wearable skin sensors
Sensor technologies and materials
Biological, chemical sensors and arrays; Electromagnetic sensors; Multi-sensor fusion technology; Smart and intelligent sensors; Sensor interfacing and signal conditioning; Nanomaterials and electronics technology for sensors; Semiconductor materials for sensors; Polymer materials for Sensors; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Embedded sensors; Wearable sensors; RFID sensors; Underwater sensors; Wireless and wired sensors; Sensing materials – inorganic, organic, polymeric, composite, formulated, nanomaterials; Sensing materials stability; Sensor manufacturability
Aerospace sensors and sensor systems
Meteorological sensors and sensor systems for flight support; Aerospace photonics sensors and systems; Radar Systems; Non-destructive testing for aerospace
Sensor-related techniques and methods
Modern error theory and compensation techniques; Sensor Calibration; Self-calibration; Reliability of measurement systems; Precision and ultra-precision instruments; Modeling and simulation technologies for sensor-based systems; Universal frequency-to-digital conversion interface; Universal transducers and sensors interface; Performance analysis of sensors; Methods for multivariate analysis of sensor responses
Transducers, actuators
Electrical to mechanical energy conversion; Linear actuators; Manual actuators; Hydraulic actuators; Pneumatic actuators; Vacuum actuators; Computer vision instruments; Fluid power transmission and control; Mechatronics; Microelectronics; Wireless communication technology; Air and underwater communication
Measurement theory; Automation instruments; Instruments and measuring technology; Instrument design and measurement theory; Mechanical measurements; Measurement in nanotechnology; Measurement in biomedicine; Measurement in environment (pollution, Arctic, humidity, etc.); Microwave measurements; Measurement of the noise and vibration; Measurement of force and strain; Measurement of displacement and proximity; Nondestructive testing; Light/Radiation monitoring; Computer online measurements; Sensor-based visualization and detecting systems; Single- and multi-parameter measurements.
Sensing systems
MEMS and NEMS; Online measurements; Remote sensing and telemetry; Virtual instruments; Thermometry and nanothermometry; Digital sensors and sensor systems; Industrial robots and automation; Inertial sensor systems; Remote Sensing for Climatology Models; Remote Sensing for Environmental Modeling; Remote sensing on atmosphere, clouds, temperature, ozone; Remote sensing on glaciers, polar fields, sea ice; Remote sensing on ocean waters, surface and subsurface water currents; Wind-driven currents, coastal waters, lakes; Remote sensing on earthquakes, hurricanes, late freezing, air currents; Remote sensing on large disasters, volcanoes, wildfires, marine oil spills, landslide hazards, tornadoes; Remote sensing on earth resources, aerosols, dams surveillance, geology, reservoirs; Remote sensing on agriculture; Tropical forests, deserts, vegetation dynamics, crop estimation; Remote sensing on hydro, flooding, drought, rainfalls, snowstorms; Remote sensing on urban traffic, public and commercial transportation, airports, naval ports
Sensor-system algorithms, protocols, communication and computation
Architectures, protocols and algorithms of sensor networks; Smart sensor systems; Data acquisition sensor-based systems; Energy-aware sensor systems; Resource allocation, services, QoS and fault tolerance in sensor networks; Smart Sensors for building surveillance; Social sensing systems; Deployments and implementations of sensor networks; Internet on Things sensor-based systems; Domain-oriented sensor systems; Web-base monitoring and control
Submission | May 11, 2021 |
Notification | Jun 02, 2021 |
Registration | Jun 13, 2021 |
Camera ready | Jun 16, 2021 |
Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).