The First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Virtual Reality

AIVR 2024

April 14, 2024 to April 18, 2024 - Venice, Italy



Feb 05, 2024


Feb 23, 2024


Mar 09, 2024

Camera ready

Mar 14, 2024

Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).


Published by IARIA Press (operated by Xpert Publishing Services)

Archived in the Open Access IARIA ThinkMind Digital Library

Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal

Indexing Procedure

Affiliated Journals

AIVR 2024 - The First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Immersive Virtual Reality

April 14, 2024 - April 18, 2024

AIVR 2024: Awards
Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).

The papers listed below have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference. For the awarded papers, a digital award will be issued in the name of the authors. The authors of these papers are also receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.


Awarded Papers (also Invited for IARIA Journals)

AI for Enhancing and Preserving Dance Cultural Heritage: a Case Study on Rudolf Nureyev's Costumes
Silvia Garzarella, Pasquale Cascarano, Lorenzo Stacchio

Using Virtual Reality to Assess Communicational Skills During a Collaborative Task with Time Pressure
Yasmina Kebir, Gaelle Nicolas, Samuel Ferreira Da Silva, Pierre Chevrier, Jérôme Dinet, Valérie Saint-Dizier de Almeida

Describing and Predicting the Acceptability of AI and Robotics towards Professional Identity with the Revised 4-A Model
Jerome Dinet, Armand Manukyan, Marie Rychalski, Hirokazu Kumazaki, Naomi Matsuura, Yuichiro Yoshikawa


The following papers have been selected on the basis of their contents, specificaly for lending themselves to an interesting extended work. The authors of these papers are receiving invitations to submit an extended article version to one of the IARIA Journals.

Papers Invited for IARIA Journals

Work-In-Progress-The Impact of Virtual Reality on Pain Management During Orthodontic Debonding
Ines Bouhlal, Aurelie Mailloux, Jerome Dinet

Model-Based Analysis of the Differences in Sensory Perception between Real and Virtual Space : Toward “Adaptive Virtual Reality”
Taichi Nakagawa, Muneo Kitajima, Katsuko T. Nakahira


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