International Conference on Prediction Solutions for Technical and Societal Systems


November 03, 2024 to November 07, 2024 - Nice, France



Aug 16, 2024


Sep 18, 2024


Sep 26, 2024

Camera ready

Oct 04, 2024

Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).


Published by IARIA Press (operated by Xpert Publishing Services)

Archived in the Open Access IARIA ThinkMind Digital Library

Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal

Indexing Procedure

Affiliated Journals

PREDICTION SOLUTIONS 2024 - International Conference on Prediction Solutions for Technical and Societal Systems

November 03, 2024 - November 07, 2024

Onsite and Online Options: In order to accommodate a large number of situations, we are offering the option for either physical presence or virtual participation (pdf slides or pre-recorded videos).

ISBN: 978-1-68558-212-8

PREDICTION SOLUTIONS 2024 is colocated with the following events as part of SocSys 2024 Congress:

PREDICTION SOLUTIONS 2024 Steering Committee Chair

Sandjai Bhulai
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The Netherlands




PREDICTION SOLUTIONS 2024 Steering Committee

Corné de Ruijt
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
The Netherlands

Robin van Ruitenbeek
the Netherlands

Ieva Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University & General Jonas
Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania



PREDICTION SOLUTIONS 2024 conference themes:

Prediction fundamentals

Prediction process (observing, inferring, and classifying); Brain/Psycho predictions in social systems; Prediction techniques (rule-based predication, heuristic, fuzzy logic, etc.); Prediction statistical techniques (regression, bootstrapping, etc.); Agile prediction; Causality vs. Correlation relation; Negative predictive value, Sensitivity, Specificity; Formalizing brain psychological capabilities for prediction

New prediction modeling approaches

Modeling methodologies for repetitive predictions; Criteria for selecting a correlation type; Criteria for selecting a predictor variable for regression analyses; Predictor-based model discrimination and calibration; Experiments for building strong correlation functions; New combinations of correlation measurements; New correction matrix; Optimized correlations for a higher predictive power score; Detecting symmetric and asymmetric correlations; Identifying linear and non-linear correlations; Methods for detecting hidden patterns

Approaches for correlation functions and data

Solutions for correlating variables; Correlation functions with continuous and discrete variables; Guidelines for selection of correlation indicator; Modeling the data with parametric and non-parametric predictive models; Datasets and Machine Learning; Correlation functions for multimodal Big Data; Correlation through AI-based recursive forecasting; Incorporate external intelligence and/or extraneous variables; Private prediction (private ML-based scenarios, public output); Scale-up and scale-down prediction accuracy

Methods/tools for prediction testing and validation

Simulation via Digital Twins technology; Predictive testing tools; Parametric tests (means) and non-parametric tests (medians); Testing recursive predictions; Hypothesis tests: parametric tests (means) and non-parametric tests (medians); Guidelines for test selection vs data distribution

Solutions for prevention via prediction

Preventing systems failures (fault-tolerant systems, resilience, etc.); Preventing thefts (humankind, cyber-protection, etc.); Preventing social crimes (hot spot predictions, etc.); Prevent technical disruptions (predictions on supply chains, intermittent medical assistance, etc.); Prevent massive service disruptions (predictive Internet, power failure, etc.); Solutions for preventive safety (transportations, food industry, hazards, thefts, etc.); General outcome for outturns of any predictions

Solutions and challenges for trending technologies

Solutions for predictive maintenance; Solutions on predictive Internet; Predictive success on restorative medicine; Predictive solutions on mobile health technology in brain-related illnesses; Predictions on massive Cloud-based technology adoptions; Predictions on service availability of hybrid Cloud and Edge/For computing; Case of predicting penetration rate of intelligent automation (Industry 4/0/5.0); Prediction on privacy invasion in human-centered devices/services; Predictions on Return on Investment (RoI) for Blockchain and 5G; Prediction of adoption of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality; Predictive trust in system resiliency; AI-based prediction of cyber-attacks

Applications in selected domains

Financial markets predictions (inflation, crash, boom, etc.); Predictions in real estate market (home prices, sale volumes, etc.); Prediction model in media consumption (audience, specific media, etc.); Spatial/localization prediction (any domain; see volcano vs fault lines); Natural disasters/catastrophes (forecast based on atmospheric observations); Earthquake predictions models; Predict/Forecast for climate changes (drought, rain, temperature, pollution, etc.); Predict/Forecast local/nationwide of emergency events occurrence (wildfire, flooding, travel conditions); Epidemic/Pandemic prediction models (spreading areas, contagiousness, virulence, etc.); Social predictions (political races, education, etc.)

Models, solutions, applications, and lessons learned

Archaeology; Astronomy; Biology; Economics; Education; Marketing; Medicine and Health Care; Musicology; Psychology; Risk Management; Social Sciences



Aug 16, 2024


Sep 18, 2024


Sep 26, 2024

Camera ready

Oct 04, 2024

Deadlines differ for special tracks. Please consult the conference home page for special tracks Call for Papers (if any).

Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistic Supporters