The Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services
ICIW 2009
May 24-28, 2009 - Venice/Mestre, Italy |
Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters |
Submission (full paper) |
Dec 10 December 22, 2008 |
Notification |
January 25 January 31, 2009 |
Registration |
February 15, 2009 |
Camera ready |
February 20, 2009 |
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal
Publisher: Conference Publishing Services
Posted: IEEE Digital Library
Indexing process
All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
IWAS : Internet and Web-based Applications and Services
Web technologies, frameworks, languages, mechanisms; Web applications design and development; Interaction with/from Web-based applications; Web-based applications’ features; Management of Web-based applications; Evaluation of Web applications; Specialized Web applications; Aggregating multimedia documents; E-business, appliances, and services; IP Grid Management and Grid Services; IP-based convergent solutions and next generation networks; Standards, case studies and special groups on web-based applications; E-business system design, development, and management for SMEs
WSSA : Web Services-based Systems and Applications
Web services foundation, architectures, frameworks, languages; Web services architecture and business continuity; Special Web services mechanisms;
Semantic Web, Ontology, and Web services; Web service applications ; Data Management aspects in Web Services; Autonomic e-Business integration and collaboration; Web service based Grid computing and P2P computing; Web services based applications for e-Commerce; Multimedia applications using Web Services; Automatic computing for Web services; Web services challenges on trust, security, performance, scalability; Enterprise Web services; Web services discovery, announcing, monitoring and management; Platforms, technologies, mechanisms and case studies; Grid architectures, middleware and toolkits
ENSYS: Entertainment Systems
Developing entertainment systems and applications; Platforms for entertainment systems; Speech technology & its usability for entertainment systems; Networking requirements for entertainment systems; Traffic generated by entertainment applications; QoS/SLA on entertainment systems; Reliability and high availability of entertainment systems; Identify aspects in entertainment systems; Real-time access to entertainment systems; Customized access entertainment systems; Navigation and entertainment systems; Integration and interoperability aspects in entertainment systems; Entertainment systems and applications; Networking and system support for entertainment systems; Wireless and mobile technologies for entertainment; Wireless multimedia for entertainment; Systems for music and movie distribution; Games on mobile and resource-constrained devices; Mobile video entertainment systems; Car/flight/train entertainment systems; Ubiquitous entertainment systems; Interactive television; Technologies for sport and entertainment; WiFi wireless home entertainment systems; Wearable technologies for entertainment
P2PSA: P2P Systems and Applications
P2P architectures, techniques, paradigms; P2P programming and data handling; P2P security features; Data and compute intensive applications; P2P networks and protocols; P2P management; P2P Trust and reputation management; Fault tolerance in P2P, quality of availability, accounting in P2P; Self-adaptiveness in P2P overlay networks; Self-configurable P2P systems; Case studies, benchmarking; Copyright and intellectual property; Electronic marketplace, Digital asset management and trading systems; Platforms, environments, testbeds
ONLINE: Online Communications, Collaborative Systems, and Social Networks
Theory, frameworks, mechanisms, and tools for online communication; Methodologies and languages for on-line communications; Web services and XML use for online communications; Tools for assessing online work, distributed workload; Shared business processes; Collaborative groups and systems; Theory and formalisms of group interactions; Group synergy in cooperative networks; Online gambling, gaming, children groups; Identity features, risks, jurisdiction for online communications; Specifics emergency and e-coaching on online communications; B2B and B2E cooperation; Privacy, identify, security on online communications; Individual anonymity, group trust, and confidentiality on online groups; Conflict, delegation, group selection; Community costs in collaborative groups; Building online social networks with popularity contexts, persuasion, etc.; Technology support for collaborative systems; Techniques, mechanisms, and platforms for remote cooperation
VEWAeL: Virtual Environments and Web Applications for eLearning
E-Learning; Web Technologies and Tools for Educational Purposes; Services for E-Learning Platforms; Virtual Learning Environments (VLE); Course Management Systems; Web applications for Teaching; Social Implications of E-Learning; Lifelong E-learning; Teaching-Learning Experiences using the Internet for Educational Purposes; E-learning in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and other HE contexts; Web protocols for VLE; Security for VLE; QoS for VLE; Storage management in VLE
SLAECE: Social and Legal Aspect of Internet Computing
Principles, theories, and challenges of legal and social aspects; Strategies, modeling, and requirements engineering of legal and social aspects;
Architectures, implementations, and deployment consideration of legal and social aspects;
Cyber threats, emerging risks, systemic concerns, and emergency preparedness;
Social computing and lifestyle computing;
Service marketing and customer relationship management;
Market structures and emerging business models;
Emerging legal issues due to new computing environment;
File / information sharing networks and user behavior;
Knowledge modeling, management, and application;
Negotiation and contracting as well as contract monitoring and enforcement;
E-democracy, e-policy, and governance;
Legal and social ontologies;
Privacy and copyright in collaborative environments and social networks;
Intellectual property rights;
Trust, security, and privacy;
Counterfeit forensic;
Identity management and access control;
Security and privacy in location-based services