Submit a Paper

Propose a Workshop

The Second International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies

INNOV 2013
November 17 - 22, 2013 - Lisbon, Portugal

Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters
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  • Colocated with other events part of DataSys 2013
  • Posters will be presented during the conference
  • A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
  • A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
Submission (full paper) June 26 July 18, 2013
Notification August 22, 2013
Registration September 6, 2013
Camera ready September 20, 2013

ISSN: 2326-9286
ISBN: 978-1-61208-315-5

Published by IARIA XPS Press

Archived in the free access ThinkMindTM Digital Library
Prints available at Curran Associates, Inc.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a IARIA Journal
Articles will be submitted to appropriate indexes.

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.


Network architectures and protocols; Cross-layer designs and architectures; Mobility management and topology control; Spectrum, network, context, environment, location awareness; Heterogeneous networking; Wireless networking; Ad hoc, sensor and mesh networks; Devices for ubiquity networking (smart-phones, tablets, and netbooks)

Performance modeling and analysis; Internet modeling; Parameter estimation for adaptation of wireless communication systems; Trust, security and privacy issues; Encryption algorithm in sensor networks; Web Services Security; Adaptive wireless communication systems; Quality of Service, scalability and reliability; Power aware and energy efficient design; Emission modeling and environmental impact assessment of vehicular networks

Medium access control and routing protocols; Spectrum sensing techniques, spectrum efficiency and soft spectrum usage; Femto-cells and cognitive radios networks; Ultra-wideband for spectrum sharing; New applications in TV-band white space; Interference mitigation and awareness; Spectrum-management regulation and policy making; Mobility or handover technology; Application of software defined radio advanced communication systems; Information content security; Storage performance and scalability; File systems, object-based storage, and block storage; Energy-aware storage

Green Computing; Grid Computing; Cloud Computing; Collaborative Computing; Mobile computing; Internet of Things

Content distribution networks; Multimedia Communications; Audio, Image and Video Processing; Information aggregation and dissemination; Data-collection, organization and dissemination methods; Data management in mobile Peer-to-Peer networks; Data stream processing in mobile/sensor networks; Ultrawideband systems; Optical communications and networks; Vehicular communications; Smart grid communications; Green communications and networks; Cognitive Communications

New Architectures for Web-based social networks; Collaborative social systems (e/m-learning, e-healthcare, gaming); Information propagation on social networks; Resource and knowledge discovery using social networks; Peer-to-Peer social networks; Sensor networks and social sensing; Social networking solutions for pervasive and mobile environments; Social search; Measurement studies of current social networks; Simulation models for social networks; User interfaces and usability issues from mobile applications mobile social networks

New ITS and Telematics applications; ITS and Telematics services; Design with multiple wireless data links; Mobility or handover technology; Multiple antenna systems; Physical layer and antenna technologies; RF propagation models for vehicular networks


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