The Sixth International Conference on Bioenvironment, Biodiversity and Renewable Energies
May 24 - 29, 2015 - Rome, Italy |
Technical Co-Sponsors and Logistics Supporters |
printer friendly pdf version |
- Colocated with other events part of BioSciencesWorld 2015
- Featuring the symposium:
- ENVIROSENS 2015: The International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Climate and Earth Monitoring
- Posters will be presented during the conference
- A Work in Progress track is available for preliminary work
- A Research Ideas track is available for ideas in early stages
- A Doctoral Forum track is available for discussing and publishing early PhD thesis research
Submission (full paper) |
Dec 24, '14 January 26, 2015
Notification |
Feb 25 February 28, 2015
Registration |
March 12, 2015 |
Camera ready |
April 10, 2015 |
ISSN: 2308-4154
ISBN: 978-1-61208-410-7 |
All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
A. Bioenvironment (climate, global warming, hydrology, wind science, pollution, economics)
- Climate (Climate change; Global warming; Greenhouse gases; Deforestation; Bio-safety and occupational health, sea level rise, climate adaptation);Global temperature assessment; Ocean acidification; Climate indicators
- Hydrology (Stream flow and river discharge; precipitations; snow; flood; drought; hydropower; waterways; glacier melting, soil moisture; Extreme hydrology; Groundwater; Water resources)
- Wind science (wind streams; wind-driven seed invasion; wind forecasts; tornados; in-land and off-shore winds, soil moisture, hurricanes)
- Cryosphere (Results from International Polar Year, Arctic sea ice reduction and environmental impacts, Sea ice forecast and prediction, ice sheet mass balance, permafrost, snow cover, lake and river ice, atmospheric chemistry)
- Public health (Pollution; Acid rains; Pollution impact (light, air, drinking water, earth, respiratory health, planetary oceans); Pollution factors (toxins, chemical, nuclear, garbage, noise); Carbon dioxide pollution; Biological pollution (invasion); Pollution prevention, control and engineering); Natural and man-made disasters
- Economics (Ecological economics; Bio-agriculture; Environmental impacts of aquaculture; Bio-industry, Urban change, Mega urban, Population dynamics, Rural-urban transformation)
- Responsibility (Social responsibility; Corporate responsibilities; Government responsibilities, Carbon footprint, Oil spill, Global mercury treaty)
B. Biodiversity and invasion control (marine, oceanic, Arctic(Antarctic, forests, bioinvasion)
- Marine & oceanic bio-technologies (Marine science; Microbiology am marine eco-systems; Measuring impact of organic pollutants; Marine-derived drugs; Drug discovery sand marine -derived compounds; Cosmetics; Nutritional Supplements; Artificial bones; Glues for mussels; Heat resistant enzymes)
- Oceanic bio-diversity (Coastal health; Measurement and predictions; Environmental change predictions; Reef and marine ecosystems; Microscopic plankton; Diagnostic and therapeutic agents; Bio-mineralization and nano-technologies; Aquaculture; Algology, Ocean acidification)
- Arctic and Antarctic bio-pulse (Resource exploitation and large-scale eco- perturbations; Under-ice ecosystems; Adaptation and survival strategies; Food-chain dependence survival; Aeronomy; Monitoring ozone holes; Polar stratospheric clouds; Glaceology; Loss of ice modeling; Ice shelves’ move prediction; Wildlife and endurance in cold eco-systems, Bromine explosion, Mercury deposition)
- Forest landscape (Monitoring landscape changes; Methods and tools to assess and manage changes; Conservation criteria; Restoration planning; Patterns and processes in changing landscapes; Scaling in landscape analysis; Disruptions in landscape changes; Biodiversity conservation during landscape planning and changing; Management and sustainability of changing landscapes, Wildland-urban interface, Wetland change, Land cover/land use, Wildfire)
- Bioinvasion (Detection and warning systems; Control and sustainable management; Risk assessment; Invasive species; Ecological adaptation; Fragmentation and scale effect; Biological invasions and climate change; International conventions on biological invasions; Public awareness and education)
C. Renewable and Sustainable Energies
- Energy sustainability (Big consumers; Small consumers; Active consumers; Passive consumers; Energy-intensive technologies; Energy-intensive devices; Energy-intensive services and applications; Energy-intensive mission-critical applications; Energy-intensive safety applications; Home appliance consumption; Smart grid solutions; Telecommunications energy efficient solutions; Energy control and optimization in data centers; Interfaces for energy interchange; Alternative energy sources)
- Energy bioscience (Bioenergy, biopower, biofuels; Bioprocessing solutions; Physical biosciences; Photosynthetic systems; Energy transduction systems; Ultrasonic technologies; Geothermal energy; Ocean thermal energy; Ocean waves energy; Ocean tides energy; Vibration based, piezoelectric, and nanogenerators; Body pulse; Hybrid energy)
- Eolian Energy (Wind energy turbines; Wind farms; Eolian production systems; Storage for eolian energy; Integration between eolian systems and classical energy systems; Independent and corporate producers; Feed-in tariffs)
- Photovoltaic solar energy (Solar energy; Solar collector; Collector systems; Solar energy utilization; Solar Photochemistry; Energetic potential; Storage for eolian energy)
- Biomass energy (Plant and non-medical microbial systems; Thermo-chemical conversion of biomass fuels; Feedstock development (switchgrass, miscanthus, etc.); Biomass depolymerization; Biofuels production; Fossil fuel bioprocessing; Cleaner energy from renewable plant materials; Ethanol plants and bio-refineries)
- Green energy technologies and economic models (Chemistry and nanotechnology to improve biodiesel production; Potential of mitigation of atmospheric change through the development of herbaceous energy crop; Development of accessible mechanistic mathematical models; Environmental effects on photosynthesis to plant productivity; Social acceptability of energy crops; Legislation and standards; Economic, environmental, and social challenges for renewable energy)