The Sixth International Conference on Data Analytics
November 12 - 16, 2017 - Barcelona, Spain |
Conference Venue Location
Novotel Barcelona Sant Joan Despi
Carrer de la TV3, 2
08970 Sant Joan Despi. Spain
Tel (+34)93/4755800 - Fax (+34)93/3735213
Email H3289@accor.com
Note: Sessions marked with /s are from special tracks. The final program might slightly vary according to the number of successful special tracks and the final registrations.
Conference rooms
Time slots |
Room A |
Room B |
Room C |
Room D |
Sunday, November 12
12:00 |
Registration starts |
13:00 - 15:00 |
Tutorial I
Automatic Data Understanding: The Tool for Intelligent Man-Machine Communication
Prof. Dr. Wladyslaw Homenda, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Coffee |
15:15 - 17:15 |
Tutorial II
Underwater Wireless Optical Communications
Dr. Mark Leeson, Reader in Communication Systems, University of Warwick, United Kingdom |
17:15 - 17:30 |
Coffee |
17:30 - 19:30 |
Tutorial III
Automated Web-Based Healthcare Quality Management Systems: Design and Implementation Considerations
Prof. Dr. Hassan Khachfe, Lebanese International University, Lebanon
Prof. Hassan M. Khachfe, Lebanese International University, Lebanon
Denise Kerbaj, PhD Candiate, UPEC - Paris, France / QualiZone, s.a.r.l - Beirut, Lebanon |
19:30 - 20:30 |
Welcome Cocktail
You must have your badge to attend the cocktail |
Monday, November 13
09:00 - 09:15 |
Opening session |
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Adaptive OpenMP Task Scheduling Using Runtime APIs and Machine Learning
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Qawasmeh, The Hashemite University, Jordan |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30- 15:45 |
Coffee |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17: 45 |
Coffee-Break |
17:45 - 19:30 |
Topic: Semantic Approximation and Optimization in Advanced Computing
Dean Vucinic, Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Elena Cardillo, Institute of Informatics and Telematics - National Research Council, Italy
Wladyslaw Homenda, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Dean Vucinic, Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Jon Hjelmervik, SINTEF - Trondheim, Norway |
Tuesday, November 14
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Software through the Perspective of Human-Centric Computing Paradigm
Prof. Dr. Evgeny Pyshkin, University of Aizu, Japan |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
Topic: CYBER-Centered Major Challenges: Monitoring and Evaluating the Cyber-health of Industrial Systems
Steve Chan, MIT, USA
Rainer Falk, Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Deutschland
Maria Bada, Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Xing Liu, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada
Daniel Kästner, AbsInt GmbH, Germany |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17:45 |
Coffee-Break |
17:45 - 19:30 |
Topic: Quality of Health Care
Hassan Khachfe, Lebanese International University, Lebanon
Tyler Harvey, Watson Foundation, USA
Elimarys Perez-Colon, University of South Florida, USA
Kyota Aoki, Utsunomiya University, Japan
Holly O'Brien, University of South Florida, USA |
Wednesday, November 15
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Energy/Cyber Security Assessment: Data Analytics for Cyber Resilience of Strategic / Critical Electrical Grid Infrastructure
Dr. Steve Chan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee |
15:45 - 17:30 |
17:30 - 17:40 |
Coffee Break |
17:40 - 19:30 |
Topic: Deep Learning and Big Data in Cybersecurity
Sandjai Bhulai, Vrije Universiteit - Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Felix W. Baumann, TWT GmbH Science & Innovation, Germany
Serap Şahin, Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey
Jin Cui, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Dimitris Kardaras, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece |
20:00 : 23:00 |
Thursday, November 16
09:15 - 10:15 |
Keynote Speaker
Steganophony: Challenges and Detection of Exfiltration Attacks
Prof. Dr. Juan-Carlos Bennett, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, USA |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 - 12:15 |
12:15 - 13:45 |
Lunch on your own |
13:45 - 15:30 |
15:30 - 15:45 |
Coffee Break |
15:45 - 17:30 |
Topic: Wireless and Ubiquitous Computing: Challenges and Recent Advances
Timothy Arndt, Cleveland State University, USA
Sangkuk Kim, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea
André Constantino da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo (IFSP), Brazil
Petre Dini, IARIA, USA |
17:30 - 18:00 |
Coffee and Closing session |
Friday, November 17
Recommended to be seen on your own
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Contact: info@barcelonatourguides.com
Park Güell
Sagrada Familia
Picasso Museum
Gaudi Museum
Museum of Catalan Art
Montjuic Hill
La Rambla
La Marina
Salvador Dali Museum [one day trip from Barcelona]
Detailed Program
ADVCOMP 2017, The Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences
ADVCOMP 1: Computing applications in science
Session chair: Jens Olav Nygaard
A Second-Order Regularization Method of Object Reconstruction in Hydrodynamic Experiments
Linghai Kong, Haibo Xu
Search Opportunities of Swarming Particles Methods in Irregular Multi-Extreme Enviroments
Ivan Chernogorov, Rudolf Neydorf, Dean Vucinic
Numerical Study for Unsteady Aerodynamics of Multi-Dimensional Freely Falling Plates or Thin Coins
Changqiu Jin
ADVCOMP 2: Advances in computation methods
Session chair: Rudolf Neydorf
Learning to Play Mastermind Well Using the Anti-Mind with Feeback Algorithm
José Barahona da Fonseca
Improved Bi-optimal Hybrid Approximation Algorithm for Monochrome Multitone Image Processing
Rudolf Neydorf, Albert Aghajanyan, Dean Vucinic
Polynomial Optimization in Mathematical Models Defining Experimental Data Dependencies
Rudolf Neydorf, Victor Poliakh, Dean Vucinic
ADVCOMP 3: Interdisciplinary computing
Session chair: Jon Hjelmervik
Optimal Design of Diffuser and Matching Lens in Proton Radiography
Xu Haibo, Jia Qinggang
An Interactive Learning Tool for Teaching Sorting Algorithms
Ahmad Qawasmeh, Zohair Obead, Mashal Tariq, Motaz Shamaileh, Ahmad Shafee
The Calculation of the Potential Surface Based on the Watershed Algorithm [PRESENTATION]
Na Zheng
ADVCOMP 4: Computing technologies
Session chair: Johanna Kallio
Modbus-A: Automated Slave ID Allocation Enabling Architecture for Modbus Devices on RS485/232
Bharath Sudev, Iain Kinghorn, Dongbing Gu, Doug Gower
Cyber-physical System Control via Industrial Protocol OPC UA
Felix W. Baumann, Ulrich Odefey, Sebastian Hudert, Michael Falkenthal, Michael Zimmermann
Automated Translation of MATLAB Code to C++ with Performance and Traceability
Geir Yngve Paulsen, Stuart Clark, Bjørn Nordmoen, Sergey Nenakhov, Aron Andersson, Xing Cai, Hans Petter Dahle
Third-order Time Integration Scheme for Structural Dynamics
Eva Zupan, Dejan Zupan
AMBIENT 2017, The Seventh International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies
AMBIENT 1: Ambient services, technology and platforms
Session chair: Peter Hevesi
Use of Augmented Reality in Sport Performance Visualization: Media Tools for Prosumers
Satu-Marja Mäkelä, Marko Palviainen, Markus Ylikerälä, Johannes Peltola
NEMO Converter 3D: Reconstruction of 3D Objects from Photo and Video Footage for Ambient Learning Spaces
David Bouck-Standen, Alexander Ohlei, Viktor Daibert, Thomas Winkler, Michael Herczeg
Semantic EnOcean: A Tool for Mapping Syntactic Device Descriptions onto an Ontology for the Internet of Things
Janna Herrmann, Jochen Britz, Jan Alexandersson
AMBIENT 2: Ambient devices, applications and systems
Session chair: David Bouck-Standen
Ambient Health Monitoring System for Solitary Elderly
Toshifumi Tsukiyama
Involuntary “Deep Breathing” by Posture-Respiration Feedback Control System
Shusaku Nomura, Hayakawa Kazuki, Sakai Osamu, Sekiya Ryoma, Herath Samith S.
Mobile Low Cost system for Environmental Monitoring in Emergency Situations
Virginia Perez-Garrancho, Laura Garcia, Sandra Sendra, Jaime Lloret
AMBIENT 3: Ambient computing environments, sensors and hardware
Session chair: David Bouck-Standen
Proposal and Evaluation of a Data Transmission Method for Using Sound in Accurate Indoor Positioning
Takeru Kadokura, Kohei Morishita, Shigenori Ioroi, Hiroshi Tanaka
Towards Technology Acceptance Assessment in Ambient Intelligence Environments
Stavroula Ntoa, Margherita Antona, Constantine Stephanidis
CYBER 2017, The Second International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems
CYBER 1: Cyber security I
Session chair: Felix W. Baumann
Secure and User-friendly De-Registration of a Vehicle as Off The Road Using Mobile Authentication with German eID Card and a NFC-enabled Smartphone
Michael Massoth
Torrent Forensics: Are your Files Being Shared in the BitTorrent Network?
Ali Alhazmi, Gabriel Maciá-Fernández, José Camacho, Saeed Salah
Citizen Sensing for Environmental Risk Communication
Yang Ishigaki, Kenji Tanaka, Yoshinori Matsumoto, Yasuko Yamada Maruo, Harrizki Arie Pradana
CYBER 2: Cyber crime
Session chair: Michael Massoth
Global information Privacy Infringement index (GPI)
Hyunmin Suh, Myungchul Kim
Cyberattacks and Countries: A Tool for Each Case [PREENTATION]
Pablo Casais Solano, Antonio José Reinoso Peinado
An Investigation on Forensic Opportunities to Recover Evidential Data from Mobile Phones and Personal Computers
Philip Naughton, M A Hannan Bin Azhar
CYBER 3: Cyber security II
Session chair: Hannan Azhar
Detecting Safety- and Security-Relevant Programming Defects by Sound Static Analysis
Daniel Kästner, Laurent Mauborgne, Christian Ferdinand
Evaluations of Maximum Distance Achieved Using the Three Stage Multiphoton Protocol at 1550 nm, 1310 nm, and 850 nm
Majed Khodr
Enhancing Integrity Protection for Industrial Cyber Physical Systems
Rainer Falk, Steffen Fries
CYBER 4: Cyber security III
Session chair: Steve Chan
Vaccine: A Block Cipher Method for Masking and Unmasking of Ciphertexts’ Features
Ray R. Hashemi, Amar Rasheed, Jeffrey Young, Azita A. Bahrami
A Study on Introducing Cyber Security Incident Reporting Regulations for Nuclear Facilities
ChaeChang Lee
Improving the Effectiveness of CSIRTs
Maria Bada, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith, Chris J. Mitchell
CYBER 5: Cyber infrastructure
Session chair: Rainer Falk
On the Alignment of Safety and Security for Autonomous Vehicles
Jin Cui, Giedre Sabaliauskaite
Trends in Building Hardware and Software for Smart Things in Internet of Things
Xing Liu
RF Fingerprinting for 802.15.4 Devices: Combining Convolutional Neural Networks and RF-DNA
Bernard Lebel, Louis N. Bélanger, Mohammad Amin Haji Bagheri Fard, Jean-Yves Chouinard
Integrating Autonomous Vehicle Safety and Security
Giedre Sabaliauskaite, Jin Cui
DATA ANALYTICS 2017, The Sixth International Conference on Data Analytics
DATA ANALYTICS 1: Fundamentals for data analytics
Session chair: Serap Şahin
Mining Long-term Topic from a Real-time Feed
Marijn ten Thij
A Use Case-oriented Framework for the Evaluation of In-Memory IT-Systems
Stephan Ulbricht, Marek Opuszko, Johannes Ruhland, Sven Gehrke
A Visual Data Profiling Tool for Data Preparation
Bjørn Marius Von Zernichow, Dumitru Roman
Session chair: Bjørn Marius Von Zernichow
Contents Popularity Prediction by Vector Representation Learned from User Action History
Naoki Nonaka, Kotaro Nakayama, Yutaka Matsuo
A Novel Approach to Information Spreading Models for Social Networks
Burcu Sayin, Serap Şahin
A Graph Theoretical Approach for Identifying Fraudulent Transactions in Circular Trading
Priya Mehta, Jithin Mathews, S.V. Kasi Visweswara Rao, K. Sandeep Kumar, Ch. Sobhan Babu
DATA ANALYTICS 3: Target analytics
Session chair: Hardik Dalal
When Teachers and Machines Achieve the Best Combination: A National Comparative Study of Face-to-face and Blended Teaching and Learning
Cecilia Marconi, Juan José Goyeneche, Cristóbal Cobo
Integrating the Balanced Scorecard and Web Analytics for Strategic Digital Marketing: A Multi-criteria Approach using DEMATEL
Dimitris Kardaras, Bill Karakostas, Stavroula Barbounaki, Anastasios Papadopoulos, Stavros Kaperonis
DATA ANALITYCS 4 / PDA: Predictive data analytics
Session chair: Sandjai Bhulai
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Sandjai Bhulai
Optimization of the Revenue of the New York City Taxi Service using Markov Decision Processes
Jacky Li, Sandjai Bhulai, Theresia van Essen
Japanese Kanji Characters are Small-World Connected Through Shared Components
Mark Jeronimus, Sil Westerveld, Cees van Leeuwen, Sandjai Bhulai, Daan van den Berg
Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Residential Burglary
Maria Mahfoud, Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Sandjai Bhulai
DATA ANALYTICS 5: Sentiment/opinion analysis
Session chair: Dimitris Kardaras
Detecting Fake Reviews through Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques
Elshrif Elmurngi, Abdelouahed Gherbi
Aspect Term Extraction from Customer Reviews using Conditional Random Fields
Hardik Dalal, Qigang Gao
EMERGING 2017, The Ninth International Conference on Emerging Networks and Systems Intelligence
EMERGING 1: Technology and networking trends
Session chair: Elshrif Elmurngi
A Tracking Assisted Relaying Scheme for Decentralized Wireless Networks
Baohua Shao, Mark Leeson
Developing Pedagogical Effectiveness By Assessing the Impact of Simulation Gaming On Education Operation Management: Experimental Study On Cycles One and Two at Two Private Schools in Lebanon
Nour Issa, Anwar Kawtharani, Hassan Khachfe
Optimization of Power Consumption in SDN Networks
Adrián Flores de la Cruz, Juan Pedro Muñoz-Gea, Pilar Manzanares-Lopez, Josemaria Malgosa-Sanahuja
EMERGING 2: Applications and services
Session chair: Haitham Felemban
Segment Duration Based HTTP Adaptive Streaming Scheme for UHD Content
Heekwang Kim, Kwangsue Chung
A Study on the Customer Satisfaction Strategies of information Service Using VOC [POSTER]
Sangkuk Kim, Yong-ho Lee, Yeahwon Lee, Yoon Yim
Two-step Facial Images Deblurring With Kernel Refinement Via Smooth Priors
Jun-Hong Chen, Long-Wen Chang
GLOBAL HEALTH 2017, The Sixth International Conference on Global Health Challenges
GLOBAL HEALTH 1: Mechanisms and features
Session chair: Adhurim Hajzeraj
Smart Grip Prosthetic Hand
Vicken Tchangoulian, Vicken Daghlian, Ali Hage-Diab, Bassam Hussein, Hassan Khachfe
Impaired Hand Training Device with Wireless Data Communication
Majd Ghareeb, Rabah Yehya, Ali Hage-Diab, Ali Bazzi, Hassan Khashfe
Measuring Methods for Brain Sub-Functions’ Performances [PRESENTATION]
Kyota Aoki, Bumsuk Lee, Tsutomu Yoshioka
Cervical Cancer Prevention in Rural Nicaragua - An Ambassador Model
Nicole Wood, Anaisy Pargas, Stephanie Romero
Session chair: Fernando Seoane Martinez and Cesar Mediavilla
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Fernando Seoane Martinez, Cesar Mediavilla Martinez
PAPHOS, underpinning Analytics solutions in Clinical Environment [PRESENTATION]
César Mediavilla
Big Data and High Performance Computing [PRESENTATION]
Nadine Vandois
Interoperability and Standard-Based Management of Healthcare Information [PRESENTATION]
Santiago Aso
Connected Health Patient Engagement for Predictive Chronic Care [PRESENTATION]
Navin Govind
Predicting the evolution of apnea patients treated with Cpap [PRESENTATION]
Juan Manuel Tuñas
Semantic Analysis of HistoPatology Reports [PRESENTATION]
Mario Vega-Barbas
Implementing PAPHOS for Connected Respiratory Medicine: Challenges, Solutions and Future Steps [PRESENTATION]
Pierre Hainaut
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Fernando Seoane Martinez, Cesar Mediavilla Martinez
GLOBAL HEALTH 3: Application-oriented analytics I
Session chair: Kyota Aoki
Effects of Aerobic Training Combined with Inspiratory Muscle Training on Cardiopulmonary and Skeletal Muscle Function, Dyspnea and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Zahra Sadek, Wissam Jomaa, Fadia Shebbo, Mahmoud Youness, Said Ahmaidi, Wiam Ramadan
Evaluation Phase of a Novel Blood Pressure Monitor Device
Adhurim Hajzeraj, Marco Belcastro, Davide Alfieri, Brendan O'Flynn
Assessing the Microbial Quality of Tahini (Sesame Paste) in Lebanon
Zeinab Alaouie, Nancy Hallal, Ali AlKhatib, Hassan Khachfe
GLOBAL HEALTH 4: Application-oriented analytics II
Session chair: Hannan Azhar
A Cost-Efficient, Camera-Based Electronic Nose
Noor Alrabeeah, Omar Osman, Ali Hage-Diab, Houssein Hajj-Hassan, Hassan Khachfe
Smart Military Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System on Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Ali Bazzi, Moslem Ghamloush, Mostafa Ibrahim, Majd Ghareeb, Samih Abdul-Nabi, Hassan Khachfe
Standardization of Blood Pressure Management in Cedro Galán, a Semi-Rural Community in Nicaragua
Holly O'Brien, Aly Strauss, E. Nicole Teal, Taylor Martin, Wendy Sanchez, Elimarys Perez-Colon
GLOBAL HEALTH 5: Fundamentals for data analytics
Session chair: Holly O'Brien
Distribution of Brain Performance of Healthy People [PRESENTATION]
Kyota Aoki, Kenji Niijima, Tsutomu Yoshioka
Bibliometric Analysis of Breastfeeding Research in The Arab Countries
Nancy Hallal, Mohamad-Mustafa Hariri, Ali Al-Khatib, Hassan Khachfe
GLOBAL HEALTH 6 / HIMS: Healthcare information and management systems
Session chair: Özgü Can
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Özgü Can
Big Data & Wearable Sensors Ensuring Safety and Health @Work
Farhad Abtahi, Jose A. Diaz-Olivare, Mikael Forsman, Ke Lu, Heikki Teriö, Liyun Yang, Santiago Aso, Jörgen Eklund, Christian Tiemann, Kaj Lindecrantz, Fernando Seoane, Cesar Mediavilla Martine
Implementing Thyroid Ontology for Diagnosis and Care
Özgü Can, Emine Sezer, Murat Osman Ünalır, Okan Bursa, Mine Öz, Tuğçe Dülge
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Özgü Can
SEMAPRO 2017, The Eleventh International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
SEMAPRO 1: Basics on semantics
Session chair: Marco Ronchetti
A Cognitive Map-Based Representation for Consumer Behaviour Modelling
Wladyslaw Homenda, Agnieszka Jastrzebska
Deduction System for Decision Logic based on Partial Semantics
Yotaro Nakayama, Seiki Akama, Tetsuya Murai
Towards the Development of a CTS2-based Terminology Service in the Italian Federated Electronic Health Record
Elena Cardillo, Maria Teresa Chiaravalloti
SEMAPRO 2: Semantic applications, platforms, tools
Session chair: Wladyslaw Homenda
semantify.it, a Platform for Creation, Publication and Distribution of Semantic Annotations
Elias Kärle, Umutcan Simsek, Dieter Fensel
Hunting for Direct Translations across Wikipedia Articles
Duc Manh Hoang, Marco Ronchetti
Use of Negation Markers in German Customer Reviews
Amelie I. Metzmacher, Verena Heinrichs, Björn Falk, Robert H. Schmitt
UBICOMM 2017, The Eleventh International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
UBICOMM 1: Mobility
Session chair: Hiroaki Higaki
Performance Assessment of Time-Threshold Based Scheme over Soft Frequency Reuse (SFR) Scheme
Idil Candan
Analysis of the Usefulness of Mobile Eyetracker for the Recognition of Physical Activities
Peter Hevesi, Jamie Ward, Orkhan Amiraslanov, Gerald Pirkl, Paul Lukowicz
Beware: Mobile and Web Application to Prevent Crimes against the Patrimony, Life, Body and Health
Alexa Tataje, Marco Florián, David Mauricio
UBICOMM 2: Information Ubiquity
Session chair: Idil Candan
Using Hidden Markov Models and Rule-based Sensor Mediation on Wearable eHealth Devices
Gilles Irénée Fernand Neyens, Denis Zampunieris
Using Image Recognition for Testing Hand-drawn Graphic User Interfaces
Maxim Mozgovoy, Evgeny Pyshkin
On Providing Healthy Routes: A Case for Fine-Grained Pollution Measurements Using Mobile Sensing
Srinivas Devarakonda, Ruilin Liu, Badri Nath
Hybrid Client/Server Rendering with Automatic Proxy Model Generation
Jens Olav Nygaard, Jon Mikkelsen Hjelmervik
UBICOMM 3: Collaborative ubiquitous systems
Session chair: Jaime Lloret Mauri
'SER Analysis of Adaptive Threshold Based Relay Selection with 2-Bits Feedback for Type-2 Relays
Sung Sik Nam, Byungju Lim, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Young-Chai Ko
A Reward System for Collaborative Care of Elderly based on Distributed Ledger Technologies
Emilien Bai, Kåre Synnes
Planning for Ubiquitous Learning in PLAN
Timothy Arndt
UBICOMM 4: Users, applications, and business models
Session chair: Emilien Bai
A Tool Rental Service Scenario - IoT technologies enabling a circular economy business model
Johanna Kallio, Maria Antikainen, Outi Kettunen
Residents Post-Type Barrier-Free Map that Utilizes Big Data Such As Probe Information [POSTER]
Yuriko Oda, Yoichi Oda, Setsuko Ouchi, Toshihiro Kimura, Hirotomo Ohuchi
Towards an Architecture to Multimodal Tools for e-Learning Environments
Andre da Silva, Fernanda Freire, Flavia Arantes
UBICOMM 5: Ubiquitous mobile services and protocols
Session chair: Antonios Karatzoglou
Implementation Example with Ultra-Small PCs for Human Tracking System based on Mobile Agent Technologies
Masaru Shiozuka, Tappei Yotsumoto, Kenichi Takahashi, Takao Kawamura, Kazunori Sugahara
Indoor Source Localization Using 2D Multi-Sensor Based Spatial Spectrum Fusion Algorithm
Taha Bouras, Di He, Wenxian Yu, Yi Zhang
Probabilistic CCRN: Reliability Analysis of Ubiquitous Computing Scenarios Using Probabilistic Model Checking
Reona Minoda, Masakazu Ishihata, Shin-ichi Minato
UBICOMM 6: Ubiquity trends and challenges
Session chair: Masaru Shiozuka
Using Brain-Computer Interface and Internet of Things to Improve Healthcare for Wheelchair Users
Ariel Teles, Maurício Cagy, Francisco Silva, Markus Endler, Victor Bastos, Silmar Teixeira
Enhancing the Affective Sensitivity of Location Based Services Using Situation-Person-Dependent Semantic Similarity
Antonios Karatzoglou, Michael Beigl
TPM Framework: a Comprehensive Kit for Exploring Applications with Textile Pressure Mapping Matrix
Bo Zhou, Jingyuan Cheng, Ankur Mawandia, Yujiang He, Zhixin Huang, Mathias Sundholm, Muhammet Yildrim, Heber Cruz, Paul Lukowicz
UBICOMM 7: Ubiquitous networks
Session chair: Bo Zhou
Estimation of Relative Offset and Drift for Synchronization of Local Clocks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Ayako Arao, Hiroaki Higaki
A Quantitative Study on Live Virtual Machines Migration in Virtualized Computing Environment
Marcela Tassyany Galdino Santos, Edlane de Oliveira Gusmão Alves, Anderson Fabiano Batista Ferreira da Costa
Management of Forest Fires Using IoT Devices
Josué Toledo-Castro, Iván Santos-González, Candelaria Hernández-Goya, Pino Caballero-Gil
ASUT : Advanced Software Update for Things
Juhyun Choi, Changue Jung, Ikjun Yeom, Younghoon Kim
UBICOMM 8: Ubiquitous devices and operative systems
Session chair: Anderson Costa
Towards Remote Control of Mobile Robots to Help Dependent People
Yvon Autret, Jean Vareille, David Espes, Valérie Marc, Philippe Le Parc
MQTT-based Translation System for IoT Interoperability in oneM2M Architecture
Jiwoo Park, Geonwoo Kim, Kwangsue Chung
High-performance Wireless Sensor Node Design for Water Pipeline Monitoring
Fatma Karray, Mohamed Wassim Jmal, Mohamed Abid
UBICOMM 9 / ECFoF: Edge computing in factories of the future
Session chair: Jumyung Um
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Martin Ruskowski
An Extensible Edge Computing Architecture: Definition, Requirements and Enablers
Volkan Gezer, Jumyung Um, Martin Ruskowski
GeSCo: Introducing an Edge Layer Between Cloud MES and Shop-Floor in Decentralized Manufacturing
Badarinath Katti, Michael Schweitzer, Christiane Plociennik
Combining Edge Computing and Blockchains for Flexibility and Performance in Industrial Automation
Mauro Isaja, John Soldatos, Volkan Gezer
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Martin Ruskowski
UBICOMM 10 / AEU3DA: Advances in education with ubiquitous 3D applications
Session chair: Aliane Loureiro Krassmann
Introduction / Editorial [PRESENTATION]
Aliane Loureiro Krassmann
Implementation of Interactive E-learning System Based on Virtual Reality
SeungJoon Kwon, HyungKeun Jee
Heads Up Displays (HUD) as a Tool to Contextualize the User in 3D Virtual Worlds
Aliane Loureiro Krassmann, Felipe Becker Nunes, Tito Armando Rossi Filho, Liane Margarida Rockenbach Tarouco, Magda Bercht
Open Discussion and Closing Remarks [DISCUSSION]
Aliane Loureiro Krassmann