ICWMC 2020 - The Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications
October 18, 2020 - October 22, 2020
ICWMC 2020: Program
InfoWare 2020 - Conference Schedule
Conference Venue Location

Conference Hotel Information
Hotel Novotel Porto Gaia
Rua Martir Sao Sebastiao, Afurada,
4400-499 Vila Nova de Gaia
Phone: +351 22 772 8700
More details to follow.
E-mail h1050@accor.com
Opening Welcome
You can find here more details on how the program is arranged.
Determination and Analysis of Wireless Multi-Hop Relay System Performance in the Presence of Fading
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dragana Krstic, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia
- short bio
- short description
- presentation slides
Advances in Vehicle Dynamics, Simulators, Safety and Controls
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hocine Imine, COSYS-PICSL, University Gustave Eiffel, IFSTTAR, Marne-la-Vallée, France
- short bio
- short description
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LPWAN Technologies for Developing Advanced System in the Current Society
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sandra Sendra Compte, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
- short bio
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Recent Developments in Optical Wireless Communication Systems
Prof. Dr. Mohamed-Slim Alouini, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
Dr. Ki-Hong Park, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia
- short bio of Dr. Mohamed-Slim Alouini
- short bio of Dr. Ki-Hong Park
- short description
- presentation slides
Keynote Speeches
Deviant Mobs of the Internet – Bots, Trolls, and Misinformation
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Nitin Agarwal, University of Arkansas - Little Rock, USA
- abstract
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- video presentation
- short bio
New IP and its Application in Vehicular Network
Speaker: Dr. Lin Han, Future Networks, Futurewei, USA
- abstract
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- video presenation
- short bio
Intra-Vehicle Wireless Communications: Challenges and Potential Solutions
Speaker: Sen. Lect. Dr. Xiaohong Peng, Aston University, UK
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A Blended Approach to Introduce Students to Cyber-physical Production Systems
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gil Gonçalves, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
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Producing Recommendations by Analyzing User Generated Content with the Use of Fuzzy Logic and Multi-criteria Analysis
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dimitris Kardaras, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
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Active Safety Designs for Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Yuping He, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
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Vehicular at Work: Are we Ready?
(acceptance, electric, wireless communication, high speed processing, self-driving, …)
Chair: Parimala Thulasiraman, University of Manitoba, Canada
Yuping He, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Akimasa Suzuki, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Dragana Krstic, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis, Serbia
Xiaohong Peng, Aston University, UK
Parimala Thulasiraman, University of Manitoba, Canada
Cooperation and Trust
(humans, robots, applications, empathy, liability, …)
Chair: Gil Gonçalves, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Mário Antunes, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
Mary Luz Mouronte-López, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Spain
Zahid Iqbal, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Bourret Christian, University Gustave Eiffel /Paris East Marne la Vallée, France
Yasuhiko Watanabe, Ryukoku University, Japan
Gil Gonçalves, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Challenges on Mobility-based Technologies
(Mobility, Speed, Privacy and Precision)
Chair: Eugen Borcoci, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
Yingxuan Zhu, Futurewei, USA
Dirceu Cavendish, Kyushu Institute of Technology, USA/Japan
Mohamed-Slim Alouini, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Eugen Borcoci, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania
Hocine Imine, COSYS-PICSL, University Gustave Eiffel, IFSTTAR, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Takeshi Ikenaga, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Special Tracks
VEHICULAR 2020 NVNN: Non-visual Navigation and Notification
Chair and Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Akimasa Suzuki, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
Akimasa Suzuki
- presentation slides / editorial
Proposal of Guidance Method in Car Navigation System
Akimasa Suzuki, Yoshitoshi Murata, Nobuyoshi Sato, Ikuya Soma
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Vibro-tactile Notification in Different Environments for Motorcyclists
Yuta Yamauchi, Akimasa Suzuki
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Measurement Accuracy on Indoor Positioning System Using SS Ultrasonic Waves for Drone Applications
Tatsuki Okada, Akimasa Suzuki
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
VEHICULAR 2020 SiRoS: Simulation and Simulators to Study Road Safety
Chairs and Coordinators:
Dr. Hocine Imine, COSYS-PICSL, University Gustave Eiffel, IFSTTAR, Marne-la-Vallée, France
Senior Assistant Professor, Dr. Claudio Lantier, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering, Bologna, Italy
Hocine Imine, Claudio Lantier
- presentation slides / editorial
Subjective Validity of Bicycle Simulators
Murad Shoman, Hocine Imine
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Driver Response to Gear Shifting System in Motion Cueing Driving Simulator
Navid Ghasemi, Hocine Imine, Claudio Lantieri, Andrea Simone, Roland Brémond, Valeria Vignali
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Regular tracks
ICCGI 2020, The Fifteenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
Implementation of Cloud Computing in Albania and Related Security Concerns
Ergest Alite, Olimpjon Shurdi
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Comparison of Embedding Objectives for Next Generation Networks
Stelios Prekas, Panagiotis Karkazis, Panagiotis Trakadas
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Quasi-physical Model of Knowledge
Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin, Nikolai Bormatenko
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Advances of Generative Adversarial Networks: A Survey
Dirk Hölscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Frank Gut, Nathan Clarke
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Poster: Studying The Social Networks in Educational Forums
Mary Luz Mouronte-López
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
ICWMC 2020, The Sixteenth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications
On Mass-Spring System Implementation in Cluster-Based MANETs for Natural Disaster Applications
Francisco Eduardo Balart-Sanchez, Luis Fernando Gutierrez-Preciado, Jose Francisco Cervantes-Alvarez
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Cohort-Based Construct for Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems
Imen Zidi, Abir Ben Ali, Farouk Kamoun
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Some Performance of Three-hop Wireless Relay Channels in the Presence of Rician Fading
Dragana Krstic, Petar Nikolic, Sinisa Minic, Zoran Popovic
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards a Methodology for the Development of Routing Algorithms in Opportunistic Networks
Diego Mauricio Freire Bastidas, Sergi Robles Martínez, Carlos Borrego Iglesias
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Considerations for Designing Private and Inexpensive Smart Cities
Jasmine DeHart, Corey Baker, Christan Grant
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
VEHICULAR 2020, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications
Study on Multi-Users Interference in Vehicle to Vehicle Visible Light Communications
Emmanuel Plascencia, Oyunchimeg Shagdar, Luc Chassagne, Hongyu Guan
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Simulation Evaluation of Cooperative Intersection Traversing Method for Connected Vehicles
Koki Higashiyama, Kenta Kimura, Habibullah Babakarkhail, Kenya Sato
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Towards an Integrated In-vehicle Isolation and Resilience Framework for Connected Autonomous Vehicle
Khaled Mahbub, Mohammad Patwary, Antonio Nehme, Marc Lacoste, Sylvain Allio, Yvan Rafflé
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Loss Performance of Intra-Vehicle Channels for Narrowband Signal Transmission
Mohd Nur Irfan Mohd Yusoff, Xiaohong Peng, Jack Hydns
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
A Multi-Agent Approach to Simulate Autonomous Traffic with Games: How to Transform GTA-SA/SA-MP in Your Simulation Platform
Sandro R. Dias, Rodrigo R. Novaes Jr., Pedro C. M. Ferreira, Jônata N. Cirqueira
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Implementation and Evaluation of Priority Processing by Controlling Transmission Interval Considering Traffic Environment in a Dynamic Map
Kohei Hosono, Akihiko Maki, Yosuke Watanabe, Hiroaki Takada, Kenya Sato
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Secure Routine: A Routine-Based Algorithm for Drivers Identification
Davide Micale, Gianpiero Costantino, Ilaria Matteucci, Giuseppe Patanè, Giampaolo Bella
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Revisiting Message Generation Strategies for Collective Perception in Connected and Automated Driving
Quentin Delooz, Andreas Festag, Alexey Vinel
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
INTERNET 2020, The Twelfth International Conference on Evolving Internet
IoTSEAR: A System for Enforcing Access Control Rules with the IoT
Andreas Put, Bart De Decker
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Enabling Defensive Deception by Leveraging Software Defined Networks
Ilias Belalis, Georgios Kavallieratos, Vasileios Gkioulos, Georgios Spathoulas
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Handoff Characterization of Multipath Video Streaming
Dirceu Cavendish, Kazuya Fujiwara, Shinichi Nagayama, Daiki Nobayashi, Takeshi Ikenaga
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Loop Users in: The Key to Cross-platform Data Interoperability.
Han Su, Liyang Zhu, Boyan Xu, Jialing Wu, Lifeng Liu, Yingxuan Zhu, Jian Li
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Efficient Intrusion Detection Using Evidence Theory
Islam Debicha, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees, Jean-Michel Dricot
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Identification of Fake Profiles in Twitter Social Network
Mário Antunes, Hugo Baptista, Baltazar Rodrigues
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
An Intelligent Energy-driven System Of Mobile Health Management For Pets And Animals
Jialing Wu, Yingxuan Zhu, Lifeng Liu, Han Su, Yinzhuo Chen, Jian Li
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Comparison of a Supervised Trained Neural Network Classifier and a Supervised Trained Aggregation Function Classifier
Alexandre Croix, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Why Multipath TCP Degrades Throughput under Insufficient Send Socket Buffer and Differently Delayed Paths
Toshihiko Kato, Adhikari Diwakar, Ryo Yamamoto, Satoshi Ohzahata
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Location Privacy Preservation of Vehicle Data in Internet of Vehicles
Ying Ying Liu, Austin Cooke, Parimala Thulasiraman
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Evaluation of a Multi-agent Anomaly-based Advanced Persistent Threat Detection Framework
Georgi Nikolov, Thibault Debatty, Wim Mees
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
COLLA 2020, The Tenth International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications
Collaboration Through Virtual Teams: Towards an Operational Model for Virtual Project Leadership in the Automotive Industry
Anatoli Quade, Martin Wynn, David Dawson
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Social Context Contribution to Group Recommender Systems
Safey Halim, Georg Groh
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
INTELLI 2020, The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications
Roadmap-based Planning in Human-Robot Collaboration Environments
Zahid Iqbal, João Reis, Gil Gonçalves
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Preliminary Evaluation of Speech-to-Text Query Application for Parts Database
Yuichiro Aoki, Tadashi Takeuchi
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Clustering Techniques for On-Demand Transport Data: A Case Study
Carlos Afonso, Ana Alves
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Surface Sensing of 3D Objects Using Vibrissa-like Intelligent Tactile Sensors
Lukas Merker, Moritz Scharff, Klaus Zimmermann, Carsten Behn
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Generating Simulation Models From CAD-Based Facility Layouts
Rui Pinto, Susana Aguiar, Gil Gonçalves
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
VISUAL 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms
Visual Analytics for Big Data with the Focus on Mixed Reality – an Exploration
Marina Tropmann-Frick
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
HUSO 2020, The Sixth International Conference on Human and Social Analytics
Rebuilding Trust to Encourage the Resilience of Weakened Territories in France
Christian Bourret
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Smart Territories: Advocating for Smart Basic Entity (SBE) and the Digital Clone Approach
Pierre Fournié, Christian Bourret, Jean Pierre Caliste
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
YouTube Video Categorization Using Moviebarcode
Recep Erol, Rick Rejeleene, Richard Young, Thomas Marcoux, Muhammad Nihal Hussain, Nitin Agarwal
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
An Investigation of Twitter Users Who Disclosed Their Personal Profile Items in Their Tweets Honestly
Yasuhiko Watanabe, Hiromu Nishimura, Yuuya Chikuki, Kunihiro Nakajima, Yoshihiro Okada
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Emoji as Sentiment Indicators: An Investigative Case Study in Arabic Text
Shatha Ali A. Hakami, Robert Hendley, Phillip Smith
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
Modelling the Role of Social Media in Hotel Selection Using Bayesian Networks
Alexandros Bousdekis, Dimitris Kardaras, Stavroula Barbounaki
- presentation slides / video / full article in Thinkmind Digital Library
BRAININFO 2020, The Fifth International Conference on Neuroscience and Cognitive Brain Information
Usability Study of Different Platforms to Develop Communication Systems Based on P300-Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
Ricardo Ron-Angevin
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Farewell Message
- presentation slides